Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 459 It’s broken, it’s really broken

Toru Amuro glanced at Jiang Xia, who was sitting in the audience and hanging up silently.

According to his close observation these days, Jiang Xia has not found a new psychiatrist until now. I don’t know if he hates psychiatrists in the first place, or if he is repelled by this profession because of the murderous doctor Futo Kyosuke. But no matter what, if you are sick, you should see him. After a while, he will have to recommend a suitable doctor to him.

Of course, that would have to be after finding out what happened to "Uzo" - Toru Amuro didn't want to see the second psychiatrist who attacked the police appear...

After briefly considering the psychological state of the employees, Toru Amuro raised his head and glanced at the chaotic stage.

The victim's body was still there and had not been removed.

... At present, it seems that no matter whether this murder case has anything to do with Jiang Xia or not, he will not be able to get any more information if he continues to watch Jiang Xia.

——Jiang Xia's "distracted" look doesn't seem to be fake. Toru Amuro is very good at covering up the movement while walking. Just now, he suddenly slapped Jiang Xia from behind, but Jiang Xia didn't give any reaction, not even the instinctive tightening of his muscles. It seemed that he couldn't feel any interference from the outside world. This kind of Status is actually very difficult to fake.

Moreover, even if the premise of "Jiang Xia is Wu Zuo" is really used to arrange tonight's actions, then it is even more important to go to the stage to see the suspect - in case there is really a "Wu Zuo" hiding behind the scenes to promote the murder. "Rather than starting with this thoughtful Uzo, it would be better to use those who are influenced by him as a breakthrough point.

Maybe it was what he was thinking about that made Toru Amuro's eyes a little sharper.

Next to him, Conan was keenly aware of this change.

He secretly became vigilant.

Considering that Jiang Xia didn't look like he could immediately pull out the stick and hit someone, and Mao Lilan was still being questioned by the police, Conan touched his anesthesia watch insecurely.

Then he tried to drag Toru Amuro away to a crowded place:

"Brother Amuro, let's go to the stage and take a look. Brother Jiang Xia is out of shape today, and there is no one to help sort out the clues I have collected so hard."

"Okay." Toru Amuro originally had this plan. Moreover, as a private detective on the surface, if he wanted to reasonably mingle at the murder scene, he should not have stayed with Jiang Xia all the time. Instead, he had to indulge in solving the case like a serious detective.

The two quickly walked to the stage and left the audience.

Behind them, Miyano Akemi, who was watching anxiously, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She raised her little Q-version hand and wiped the non-existent cold sweat from her forehead, then crawled back onto Jiang Xia's shoulder and sat down obediently.

Xiao Bai also loosened his grip on Jiang Xia's pocket - that pocket contained a tube of anesthetic.

Seeing Jiang Xia use it a lot, Xiao Bai gradually had the illusion that "that is also its weapon", and it would feel safer to hold on to it.

After watching the crime solving on the stage for a short while, the two ghosts' ears twitched at the same time.

They finally received the news that Jiang Xia had returned from afar.

——Jiang Xia asked them to move the main body to the crime scene, and then continued to hang up.

With other detectives around, Jiang Xia felt that even if he hung up the whole time, it wouldn't be difficult to pick up the ghost on time.

But hanging up also requires skills. This time, the reason for hanging up "a man and woman who died in love" is a bit far-fetched, so you can not hang up so completely, but like a normal detective, briefly hang around the corpse, and then "the mind is sluggish due to the influence of bad memories" can successfully solve the case."

And before he left, he went to the bathroom and lit ghost mint to feed Miyano Akemi and Xiaobai with murderous intent. I've eaten everything. If I don't use it now, the overflowing murderous aura will only naturally pass away with time. It's better to let them move their bodies and have something to do...

at the same time.

The many suspects on the theater stage were trying their best to blame each other and exposed each other's shortcomings, exposing all the grievances between everyone and the heroine.

——The cause of death of the heroine Shoko Oide was initially determined to be cyanate compound poisoning.

In the last scene of the play just now, the heroine ate the prop powder in the medicine bag, and then drank the water in the cup. These props were handled by different people, and those people were all listed at this time. suspects.

For example, the male protagonist, who is the ex-boyfriend of the heroine, handed the medicine package to the dead heroine.

Another example is Nakayama Eiko, who played the waiter. She resented the deceased for taking away her role. She was the one who served the heroine the water she drank on the stage just now.

However, Nakayama Eiko had been waiting by the stage, and the person who brought the water to her was prop master Jun Tateoka.

So Jun Tateoka was also involved in the blame-shifting controversy.

"I remember that you also had a grudge against Xiangzi." The director looked at the excitement and stared at the slightly sloppy prop master, "I caught you guys arguing backstage a few days ago."

The beautiful manager on the side whispered: "Tateoka used to peek at Miss Shoko changing clothes and was caught."

Jun Tateoka's face turned blue and white, quite embarrassed, and at the same time a little panicked.

Conan was observing carefully and doing elimination methods, but suddenly felt that the scene he saw out of the corner of his eye was not right.

He turned his head and looked towards the auditorium, and saw a man standing there.

——Jiang Xia took a few unskilled steps and walked around the row of seats. Then he came to the stage with a slightly hesitant pace, and glanced down at the edge of the stage at waist height, as if he wanted to climb up.

Conan: "!"

If it were normally two or three times higher, Jiang Xia could easily climb over it without any effort.

but now……

Conan waved to Jiang Xia and hurriedly stopped him in the voice of an innocent child: "Brother Jiang Xia, there are steps over there!"

After saying that, when Jiang Xia heard the sound and raised his head to look at him, Conan turned his head and glanced at Toru Amuro, secretly reminding Jiang Xia that there was a suspicious person here - Jiang Xia was in such a state just now, I don't know if he noticed Toru Amuro.

At this time, the real Jiang Xia was still driving the foggy dog's puppet, happily searching the witch's castle.

And now it is Miyano Akemi who is helping him move his body.

Miyano Akemi looked at Conan who was proposing to him, then at the edge of the higher stage, then calmly turned to the steps and walked around the stage.

She planned to follow Jiang Xia's instructions and hang up her body closer to the crime scene, pretending to have worked hard.

Toru Amuro also heard Conan's greeting.

He turned around and looked around. Just when he saw Jiang Xia, who was gradually thawing out of his distracted state, he suddenly heard a "click" sound as if something was breaking.

Toru Amuro raised his head alertly, looking for the source of the sound, and found that the sound seemed to be coming from above the stage, from a corner of the ceiling - exactly at the section near the steps, which was where Jiang Xia had to go to the crime scene after changing his path. Through the road.

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