Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 462 Why don’t you go home

He was debating whether to hang up and wait for Toru Amuro and Conan to solve the case, or to finish the work and go home.

At this time, Jiang Xia suddenly heard a thin and continuous clicking sound coming from behind, as if someone was adjusting a dial... No, it wasn't like - wasn't this the sound of Conan adjusting the bow-tie voice changer.

Jiang Xia turned around, put one hand on the back of the chair, and glanced behind the chair where he was sitting.

I saw Conan standing there furtively, using a bow-tie voice changer to adjust his voice, as if he was planning to start solving the case.

Jiang Xia glanced at the dark corner at the other end of the stage - Amuro Toru stood there silently, looking here inquiringly.

"..." The detectives here really like to hide in inconspicuous corners.

Take note and practice more in the future.

While Jiang Xia habitually observed the habits of local detectives, she interrupted before Conan could speak: "The criminal used a fishing line to poison the heroine in full view of the public - that's what you want to say."

Conan was startled by the sudden sound above his head.

As he turned to look at Jiang Xia, Conan also noticed Toru Amuro, who was standing in the corner and observing secretly, and felt a little scared.

He nonchalantly untied the ribbon of the bow-knot voice changer, reinstalled it, and put it back in his pocket, pretending that he was just playing with a small toy out of boredom.

Then I prayed secretly in my heart, hoping that Toru Amuro would not discover his high-tech voice changer and discover his problem...

Toru Amuro seems to be worried about his undercover status and will try to avoid the camera when he can.

Seeing Jiang Xia unfreeze from the idle state, he did not come forward again and continued to poke in the corner with a low sense of presence.

Conan was originally very interested in solving the case, but after discovering that a suspicious person was observing him, he suddenly stopped talking.

After several contacts, Conan discovered blind spots in Amuro Toru's attitude towards him, and gradually realized what was wrong. Then he felt that the possibility of "Toru Amuro being an anonymous member" did not seem to be as high as he had thought before.

——Conan always felt that although Toru Amuro did not treat him as an ordinary child, his attitude towards him was obviously not that of an adult, and there was always a hint of temptation in it.

In comparison, both Miss Anonymous and Xiaobai knew that he was a "fake child".

And if Toru Amuro is really a member of the Anonymous Organization, even if the information sharing within the Anonymous Organization is not high, then Toru Amuro should at least know the information that "there is a drug that can make adults smaller."

On the other hand, Tohru Amuro's tentative attitude shows that his worldview seems to have not yet been filled with the message "adults can become children." From this, it can be seen that his connection with the Anonymous Organization is worth rethinking - perhaps Toru Amuro got to know the member of the Anonymous Organization who is good at disguise through other channels... Wait, speaking of it, "that person who can disguise himself" The fact that he is a member of an anonymous organization is still a speculation that lacks evidence.

...In short, after Conan was beaten with sap and given drugs by Gin, he became more or less paranoid about being persecuted and did not want to take the initiative to solve the case in front of Toru Amuro, who was observing him.

Conan put the bow-tie voice changer away, looked up at Jiang Xia, and the hand that handed out the case trembled slightly: "...You solve the case."

... Thinking on the bright side, at least this time, when Jiang Xia hung up, he took the opportunity to complete the entire puzzle, instead of being directly identified as the murderer at the beginning of his thinking like before... This is already good. , people must learn to be content.

Conan comforted himself and walked away bitterly.

Jiang Xia glanced at his neighbor's sad back sympathetically and decided to take good care of the case he left behind.

He turned to the Memu Police Department who had come over at some point, and manually accelerated the progress bar in the eyes of the other party who were secretly expecting and wanting to end their overtime work as soon as possible:

"The murderer is probably the agent. I just saw some strangulation marks on her hands caused by fishing lines.

"——When a murder occurred before, Conan reminded everyone not to leave the scene of the crime. The agent may be worried that walking around will increase her suspicion, but she actually didn't leave... So the fishing line used as evidence is probably Still on her.”

The Memu Police Department glanced at the distance from the edge of the stage to the edge of the round table, and couldn't imagine what the scene was like: "Poison with a fishing line?"

Officer Takagi, who was working overtime together, scratched the back of his head thoughtfully, looked at the round table, then raised his head and looked directly above.

Then he suddenly said "Ah" in surprise: "Police Department, the decorative star above is a bit strange - the thread hanging it is twisted."

Jiang Xia looked at a group of police officers who raised their heads tiredly after hearing the sound, and considerately speeded up his speech:

"For the stage effect, the position of the round table and the position of the water glass are fixed, and right above Miss Oide Shoko's water glass, there is a star hanging for decoration.

"In advance, drop a small heavy object stained with poison on one end of the fishing line, and use the 'star' as the pivot point to position it. When the protagonists are obsessed with acting, the small heavy object can hang down from directly above and sink in. in the cup.

"Afterwards, as long as the fishing line is pulled and recovered, this public poisoning can be ended without leaving a trace - in theory, this should be the case, but..."

The rest, after seeing the situation of the stars above, needless to say, everyone understood - when the agent was pulling the fishing line, due to nervousness, he pulled it too fast, and the fishing line unfortunately got entangled in the stars and collapsed. broken.

So at this time, the half of the fishing line left above and the half of the fishing line in the agent's pocket that had not yet been thrown away constituted evidence of her poisoning.

...All in all, another murderer who fell into unfamiliar tactics.

The drama ended with the manager collapsing to the ground, covering his face and crying bitterly.

This seems to be another emotional dispute. Jiang Xia was busy directing the shikigami to pick up ghosts and didn't have time to listen carefully, but he roughly knew that the hero of the play was once the agent's boyfriend. Later, the deceased seduced him away, and after proving his charm, he abandoned him like a coward. After dumping the male protagonist, the manager was furious and planned the murder, deciding to kill the woman who had played tricks on two people.

After finishing the cases of his classmates, Jiang Xia returned to his daily life of waiting for invitations.

Only this time, in addition to picking up cats and giving them away and going through the mailbox, he added a few other projects.

——Go to the suburban forest and Ekoda High School to wait for the rabbit and the witch.

...Of course, considering that Koizumi Hongzi’s magic power is slowly recovering, it’s mainly her aunt who squats.

But unfortunately, even after driving the puppet several times, there was no one in the castle. Koizumi Hongzi also took a long leave and did not show up at school.

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