Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 472: Officer Takagi’s script. Please vote for me (づど)

Don't overdo it when fishing... Jiang Xia did not continue the "Chou Silang incident", but changed another topic that interested him:

"By the way, I remember that you were accompanying the children to confirm the witness scene - the case of arson. Why should you, a police officer from the Investigation Class 1, be responsible for it?"

When asked this question, Sato Miwako came back to her senses from the old case and her tone became serious: "A body appeared near the scene of the fourth arson. Various signs indicate that he was killed by an arsonist..."

Just as he said this, a station arrival announcement suddenly came from the receiver.

Sato Miwako was startled: "Are you at Shinagawa Station?"

"Yeah." Jiang Xia sighed softly, "I originally made an appointment with someone to watch a movie nearby..."

Miwako Sato remembered the notification she had just received and frowned slightly: "I just received news from the Megure Police Department - the suspect in this arson case appeared on Shinagawa Sixth Street and suddenly escaped during the inspection. The possibility of him escaping into the station is very high, so be careful."

Jiang Xia's voice paused, and suddenly said thoughtfully: "Long hair, hat, gray windbreaker?"

"How do you know..." Sato Miwako was confused at first, but quickly realized, "Is there someone dressed like this next to you?!"

——This is exactly the characteristic of the arson suspect!

Thinking of this, her voice lowered unconsciously: "Be careful! Don't alarm him. I'll find someone to deal with it right away."

Jiang Xia raised his head and glanced at the man in the trench coat who was being chased by several policemen, running wildly in the subway station, and ran towards him: "..."

It's not a matter of alerting the robbers or not. The problem is that he feels that the kidnapper wants to come over and scare him...

There was a lot of noise about the arrest of the suspect. The citizens who were waiting for the bus noticed something strange. They were startled and moved, gathering in the middle of the platform. They were afraid of bumping into the suspect who showed the knife, and they were also afraid that they would be accidentally hit if they stood on the edge. Get off the platform.

The crowd around him receded, and Jiang Xia, who was still talking on the phone, was suddenly highlighted and became particularly eye-catching.

The suspect also realized that given the current situation, it would be difficult for him to hold on until he could rush out of the subway station. When he was anxious, he suddenly saw the dull young man in front of him who was addicted to talking on the phone.

The robber's eyes lit up, and when he approached Jiang Xia, he grabbed him. At the same time, he was furious, ready to intimidate the hostages, and shouted to everyone present, "Don't move!"

But he had all the lines figured out, but he failed to follow the script and catch people easily.

——The young man in front of him suddenly turned his body and passed his grasping hand at a speed that was difficult to see clearly. At the same time, he raised his hand to hold his shoulder and swept it under his feet.

With a tug and a lift, as soon as the suspect yelled "No!", he suddenly spun 270 degrees and slapped it flatly on the ground.

The knife in the suspect's hand flew out of the ground and hit the leg of the bench next to him with a clang.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at the moaning man lying at his feet. He subconsciously stepped on it and at the same time reached into his clothes and held the stick.

But before he unfolded it, a familiar-looking honest policeman ran up to him and hurriedly opened his hand to stop him: "Okay, okay! Thank you for your courage! That's it for now!"

As a criminal police officer who often works with the Memu Police Department, Takagi Wataru often interacts with Jiang Xia.

Moreover, it may be because compared with Megure Police Department, Officer Sato and others, Takagi appears to be particularly unintimidating. Therefore, unlike his superiors who "can only make up for the prisoner's miserable appearance afterwards", Takagi Wataru has a VIP Treatment - he can see the live broadcast of Jiang Xia's beating...

Therefore, Gao Mushe was particularly familiar with Jiang Xia's actions just now, and he had even foreseen the entire next process.

But at this time, there were so many people in the subway station, and reporters passing by had already started taking secret photos.

If Jiang Xia was not stopped at this time and allowed to continue beating people, then probably before today, high-definition negative reports about "a genius detective beating a suspect in the street" would appear everywhere.

Even if the reason for Jiang Xia's beating was just self-defense, those media pursuing traffic would probably weaken this point, seize the keyword "beating", and do their best to smear Jiang Xia... And these public opinions are very important to a young detective. It must be very heavy.

In addition, Takagi also has a little other little thoughts.

——Officer Sato seems to have a good impression of Jiang Xia, and often looks at him with the kind of expectant eyes that are optimistic about the seedlings... Takagi is keenly aware that if he fails to stop Jiang Xia this time, the matter will be big, and Officer Sato will do it again afterwards. Knowing he is there...

In just a short moment, Wataru Takagi had already figured out that the famous detective could not bear the pressure of public opinion and was self-righteous. Officer Sato glared at him at the funeral and dropped a disappointing comment such as "You actually turned a blind eye to that kind of development." The tragic sight of then turning around and falling into someone else's arms.

...So, even though Takagi was a little afraid of Jiang Xia who was holding the stick, he still rushed over with unusual determination.

Standing in front of Jiang Xia at close range, who was about to knock someone, there was indeed an indescribable feeling of depression - although this young detective usually seemed to be very talkative, but the moment he approached, Takagi's gaze that instinctively turned towards Jiang Xia was unexpectedly sudden. I had the illusion that I was going to be thrown down, stepped on and knocked around.

...Fortunately, it was just an illusion after all.

While Takagi mustered up the courage to look at Jiang Xia, he couldn't help but want to glance behind him to see if other colleagues were coming.

In front of him, Jiang Xia took the lead to look away and retracted the hand that was about to take out the stick.

Jiang Xia politely nodded to him and said hello.

Then he said to the mobile phone that he had not put down: "We caught the suspect, don't worry, he's not injured...well, he's not injured either. I'll hang up now. If I have new ideas related to the case, I'll come back to you later." .”

On the other side of the phone, Sato Miwako secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She actually heard the heavy muffled sound of flesh hitting the ground, and had deep doubts about Jiang Xia's words, "He wasn't hurt either."

However, judging from Takagi Sheba's words of dissuasion that were heard very close to each other, and the fact that Jiang Xia would take the initiative to avoid her and the Memu Police Department when she beat prisoners in the past, Takagi will try his best to stop it, and Jiang Xia herself will not take it seriously. Jiang Xia is still very rational most of the time despite beating up suspects in front of so many people...

Hearing that the scene there seemed a bit chaotic, Officer Sato didn't say anything more and quickly hung up the phone.

Then she stared at her phone and suddenly remembered something.

Miwako Sato turned to Conan, knelt down and touched his head, and asked, "Have you told Jiang Xia about my father?"

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