Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 474 Thank you, young man

Chapter 474 Thank you, young man. More updates to the leader [The Darkest Darkness]

Takagi happened to be standing on the elevator at this time.

During his condescending observation, on the platform below, Luye Shuji changed his previous energetic appearance. He passed by Jiang Xia like a frail old man, then tripped and fell down.

Takagi: "...?"

Jiang Xia seemed equally surprised.

He looked down at Kano Shuji who had fallen at his feet. After a moment of surprise, like a normal enthusiastic high school student, he tentatively stretched out his hand to Kano Shuuji, preparing to help him.


Then the elevator continued to rise, and his view was blocked by the ceiling. Takagi could not see what happened next.

But he always felt that a conspiracy was brewing.

——Ten minutes ago, when I first met Shikano Shuji, this man was obviously very energetic and could easily punch several young people with one punch.

But after just a short while, he was so weak that he fell flat on the ground, looking like he was going to challenge Jiang Xia...

Takagi couldn't figure out why things turned out like this, but he intuitively felt that there was a big problem.

...I have to go and have a look.

After all, if his reasoning is really correct, then Shikano Shuji is not an ordinary old man, but a man who robbed 550 million, killed a bank guard, caused the death of an active criminal policeman, and after that A dangerous person who has been on the run for eighteen years without being discovered.

In the subway station.

Jiang Xia not only helped the old man who fell in front of him, but also helped pat the soil thoughtfully.

Luye Xiuji stood up straight and observed Jiang Xia's expression while thanking him. He could not see any vigilance or wariness in Jiang Xia's eyes, only a trace of sincere closeness and friendliness.

Shikano Shuji breathed a sigh of relief.

——Judging from the content of the phone call just overheard, Jiang Xia probably only has a guess at the murderer of the "Shousilang Incident", but has not yet conducted an in-depth investigation into the people involved in the incident, and therefore has not yet identified "Lu Ye Shuji" Confront the "real culprit of the Chou Si Lang incident".

But if I remember correctly, Sato Miwako is not far from Shinagawa Station now.

Once Jiang Xia has contact with her and gets more information...

Kano Shuji thought of this, and then recalled Jiang Xia's speed in solving crimes favored by the media, and there was a faint sweat on his forehead.

——If he didn’t notice Jiang Xia after getting off the subway just now, but went directly to the pub to drink with his friends... Then maybe tonight, he would be broken into by a group of policemen, with only a few hours left to escape legal sanctions. At the critical moment, he was arrested and brought to justice... Hiss, just thinking about it for a moment made his blood pressure rise.

...Fortunately, he has sensitive hearing. Jiang Xia was easy to recognize among the crowd, so she had time to nip the tragedy in its bud.

Luye Shuuji was filled with joy.

He glanced at Jiang Xia, who was eager to help him, and decided to take the detective to a place where he would not be easily found and trap him for a while. Wait until midnight before letting people go.

Of course, if Jiang Xia discovers his identity, he must expose him before 0 o'clock...

After all, Kano Shuji was a man who had killed someone before, and had been on the run for many years, so he was very decisive. Thinking of this, an unbearable but determined cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then he heard Jiang Xia ask him in a gentle voice: "Are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Can I call an ambulance for you?"

There are too many people here, so we have to find a place with fewer people...

Kano Shuji felt the same way.

Of course, it was impossible for him to agree to take the ambulance. He just waved his hand and said weakly, "It's okay. I probably forgot to take the antihypertensive medicine today. I can just take the medicine at home and it will be fine..."

As he spoke, he staggered a step, hinting with his actions that it would be very difficult for him to go home alone.

Sure enough, the innocent high school student followed him immediately and supported him again: "Let me take you back. Although I have an appointment with someone tonight, it shouldn't take long."

"..." Have a date with someone? Are you talking about Sato? It's really right to come here to touch porcelain, "Then I'll trouble you."

The two people quickly reached an agreement and tacitly avoided the exit the police had taken when escorting the suspect and walked to the other side.

When Takagi Wataru discovered the problem just now, he happened to be standing in the middle of the elevator, and there were many people in front and behind him.

If you go in the wrong direction, you will bump into someone running up from below. He had to whisper all the way to borrow it and ran up quickly. Although most people stayed close to one side of the elevator, leaving some space, the elevator was very narrow after all, and it happened that two overweight people blocked the way.

When Takagi Wataru trotted all the way, leaving the elevator with sweat all over his head, he ran down the stairs again, and when he came to the platform again, Jiang Xia was no longer visible on the platform, and the dangerous Shikano Shuji was nowhere to be seen.

Almost at the same time, Takagi Wataru's cell phone placed to his ear received an unanswered notification tone.

He looked at the phone screen that returned to the call interface and sighed - while chasing people, Takagi Wataru certainly didn't forget to try to call to inform Jiang Xia of the situation, but maybe it was because Jiang Xia had just gotten off the subway and her phone was still on silent. mode, so I couldn’t get through it...

Takagi looked left and right. A subway train happened to be stopping just now, and he couldn't be sure for a moment whether Jiang Xia got on the train with the old man or left the station from the other side.

However, no matter what, if something like this suddenly happens, one person cannot help but say something.

"Hello? I'm Takagi." Takagi Wataru dialed Sato Miwako's phone number and said, "I'm at Shinagawa Station...ah? No, it's not about the suspect just now. Jiang Xia did not hit him, he was just blocking him. I accidentally fell down when I was escaping..."

"I want to say another thing. When I was about to leave just now, I saw Mr. Luye - your father's friend - falling next to Jiang Xia, and then Jiang Xia helped him leave. In addition, about Mr. Luye..."

Takagi was about to tell Miwako Sato that "Shuji Kano may be the real culprit in the case 18 years ago," but before the words came out, the female police officer opposite suddenly interrupted with a huge reaction: "Two people left together?!"

"Ah, yes." Takagi Wataru was startled by her tone, and then realized something was wrong: If Kano was just an ordinary middle-aged and elderly person, Sato shouldn't have such a big reaction.

Could it be...

"Find their whereabouts as soon as possible and stop them!" Miwako Sato looked solemn:

"Although there is no direct evidence yet, Shuji Kano is likely to be the real culprit of the 'Soujirou Incident' 18 years ago - I saved the images left by the bank robbers back then. Use them with my father's baseball team Comparing the commemorative photos during the game, Shikano Shuji's movements when swinging the bat are very similar to the way the gangster whipped the bank guard.

"Shuji Kano once went to Italy to study cooking for three years. The period when the suspect fled abroad cannot be counted in the statute of limitations. If the real murderer is really him, the case is still within the prosecution period!"

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