Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 49 Why is the elevator overweight?

The library was dark and there was no one else around.

Jiang Xia borrowed Gui Ying's eyes as usual.

After being able to see the environment clearly, he identified the direction and walked towards the elevator.

In Jiang Xia's impression, there was only one case that happened in the library.

——The curator was selling drugs and was discovered by employees. So the curator killed the employee and hid the body on top of the elevator.

Originally, the body was well hidden.

But unfortunately, today, Conan happened to come to the library with some of his classmates to do homework. When taking the elevator, the elevator strangely displayed that it was overweight.

At first, Conan didn't notice the problem with the elevator, but he smelled the smell of the corpse, so he stayed in the library after hours, trying to find the corpse.

Jiang Xia walked to the elevator and looked up at the electronic screen.

Judging from the numbers shown above, the elevator stops at the third floor.

And Jiang Xia is now on the first floor.

He raised his hand and pressed it, arrogantly summoning the elevator down.

Jiang Xia had no intention of "not alarming the curator".

On the contrary, he hoped that the curator would quickly discover the abnormal movement of the elevator, consciously and proactively find him in front of him, and send Jiang Xia the murderous aura or ghost he wanted.

As the elevator went down, Jiang Xia walked towards the stairs.

He reached the second floor and returned to the elevator. At this time the elevator stopped on the first floor.

Jiang Xia opened the elevator door and looked down. Sure enough, he saw a dead body lying on his back on the top of the elevator. There was a rope around the neck of the body, and a small pool of blood spread under the back of the head. It seemed that it had been strangled first, and then thrown into the elevator.

There was no shikigami on the corpse's legs.

I don’t know if the ghost failed to spawn, or if it did, but the ghost was on the curator’s lap.

Jiang Xia let go of his hand in disappointment and let the elevator door close again.

It seems that I have to go to the curator to get his ghost back.

Jiang Xia looked at the ceiling and listened to the subtle movements in the distance of the building.

He remembered that on the way home from get off work, the naughty boy from the Junior Detective Group turned on the lights in the library, causing the director to realize that there was someone in the library and turned back with a gloomy face.

In other words, during this period, the curator should still be playing death hide-and-seek with the young detective team, "If your uncle catches you, I will strangle you to death."

Jiang Xia took out her cell phone, glanced at the elevator that blocked the signal, and turned towards the stairwell.

He called the Megure Police Department.

As a friendly policeman who likes to take in his younger brothers, the Mu Mu Police Department had already given Jiang Xia his personal phone number.

Calling him is more convenient than calling the operator. There is no need to leave basic information such as your name, contact information, etc. You can start the call directly.

The police department is working overtime again today.

He's looking for the library's missing employee.

At this time, when he picked up the phone and heard Jiang Xia say that he found a body in the elevator of the library, the Mumu Police Department immediately realized that what Jiang Xia said might be the target he was looking for.

During the day, the Memu Police Department had led a team to search the library, but could not find the body.

At this time, he learned that the body was on the top of the elevator, and that he had also ridden in that elevator... The police department in Mu Mu silently got goosebumps all over his body.

"I'll be there soon." He hurried out of the office and called a few of his subordinates.

Suddenly he was a little confused: "It's already this time, why are you in the library?...Forget it, we'll talk about this later, you leave as soon as possible! The murderer dared to hide the body in the elevator, which means he might be from the library The internal staff is very familiar with the environment there, and because of his guilty conscience, he is likely to continue to stay in the museum after get off work. You..."


In the background, there was suddenly a vague scream of a child.

The Mumu Police Department was stunned: "What was the sound just now? Are there children in the library?!"

On the stairs, Jiang Xia also paused slightly.

He raised his head and looked upward through the gap between the stairs: "Maybe."

With that said, Jiang Xia quickened his pace slightly.

At the same time, he did not forget the problem of the Mumu Police Department, and casually patched his behavior:

"I misremembered the closing time of the library. When I wanted to return the books, the library had already closed. But I saw a room on the third floor, the lights suddenly turned on for a few seconds, and I could vaguely see the faces of children on the floor-to-ceiling windows. Figure. I was worried that a child missed get off work time and was locked in by mistake, so I broke in to take a look at the situation..."

The Mumu Police Department was almost dying of anxiety: "Stop talking. If the murderer is really in the library, this will reveal your location!"

"Well, okay." Jiang Xia lowered her voice and whispered into the receiver, "Then I'll go over and take a look first. Come quickly."

He hung up the phone.

"Wait..." Mumu Police Department wanted to remind him to pay attention to safety and pay attention to strategy, but Jiang Xia gave up too quickly.

If you call back at this time, the ringtone will be dangerous. He could only put down his cell phone and anxiously called to his subordinates: "Hurry up!"

The enthusiastic detective walks towards the ruthless murderer, he may be in danger! !

Oh, yes, and those naughty kids who broke into the library.

On the top floor, go a little further in time.

While Jiang Xia dialed the number for the Mu Mu Police Department, Conan walked down from the machine room with his pocket in his pocket.

He walked to the elevator, opened the elevator door forcefully, and pressed the switch next to the elevator.

Afterwards, Conan turned around and said happily to the three classmates: "I found the body - we took the elevator during the day. The reason why it was overloaded was because there was an 'invisible passenger' in the elevator."

The elevator gradually went up, and the body at the top of the elevator slowly appeared in Conan's flashlight aperture.

The other three children's faces were ashen, and they all let out a scream of terror.

Conan didn't realize that all this was too heavy for the three children.

He just frowned: "It's too cruel. This person should have been killed by the curator. We have to go quickly..."

Before he could utter the word "report the crime", a ray of light suddenly shone from his side.

——After the elevator picked up the body, it continued upward, revealing the illuminated elevator car below.

Director Jinchuan's head appeared in front of the children, then his neck, body... He stood in the elevator car, clutching a metal water pipe, and grinned with a sinister smile.

Conan's heart tightened, and he turned around and quickly gave a few instructions.

Later, when Director Jinchuan stepped off the elevator, Conan used reasoning such as "hiding drugs" and "killing staff" to draw Director Jinchuan's attention away.

The other three children took the opportunity to sneak into the elevator and press the floor button for the first floor.

When the elevator was more than half way down and the elevator car overlapped with this floor by less than half a meter, Conan passed under the curator's crotch with a sliding shovel and narrowly slipped into the elevator.

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