Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 50 The Soul of Kudo Shinichi

Jiang Xia actually doesn't have any strange hobbies like "beating people."

He just likes the feeling of fluffing out the murderous aura bit by bit, like playing cotton.

And this time, there was an extra leg-picking shikigami on the curator's leg, buy one, get one free, so Jiang Xia was a little more aggressive.

When he knocked down all the murderous aura, several frozen children appeared next to Jiang Xia.

At first, they stayed upstairs and did not dare to move because of Jiang Xia's order to "stay where you are."

But the curator's howling was so miserable that Conan listened for a minute with his conscience in his hands. He was really worried that someone would die, so he ran down the stairs.

The other three children also followed subconsciously.

When they arrived on the first floor, Conan flashed his flashlight and saw the miserable appearance of Director Jinchuan.

It should have been stopped.

But the hall was so dark, the screams were so scary, and Jiang Xia was so...

In the end, no one dared to move except Conan.

In terms of "preventing beatings", Conan can only function as a leg pendant.

...So the curator became like this.

However, this does improve efficiency.

——When the police came, the curator rushed over as if he were seeing a relative, with runny noses and tears, and asked questions.

The Mumu Police Department not only successfully found the body, but also seized a pile of hidden drugs in the children's library.

He looked at the drug trafficking + murder and body hiding case that was successfully solved, and then looked at Jiang Xia next to him. While feeling relieved, he suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

So he laughed and said: "Brother Jiang Xia, are you really possessed by Kudo?"

This was originally just a joke.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia glanced at him, sighed, and nodded thoughtfully: "Indeed. I have been in a trance occasionally recently. There is a voice that always tells me to go to a certain place to have a look. When I go, there will be There was a murder..."

Conan, who had been innocently cueed, suddenly turned his head and looked at him in shock.

As "Kudo Shinichi" himself, he was very sure that he had not whispered the devil to Jiang Xia. He suspected that Jiang Xia had some strange complications.

...Speaking of which, the way Jiang Xia beat the criminals was also very abnormal. Just now Jiang Xia hit the curator, and suddenly laughed softly as he hit him. Conan was shocked and had goosebumps on his back, and he immediately forgave his classmates who refused to come over to help him stop him - to be honest, he himself wanted to escape a little bit.

Conan looked at Jiang Xia and then at the Mu Mu Police Department, thinking that there were police officers there. He wondered if he could report Jiang Xia to the Mu Mu Police Department and send Jiang Xia to the hospital smoothly. Look at the Mu Mu Police Department's face, which was livid and frightened. He looks like he must believe that there is something wrong with Jiang Xia.

The Megure Police Department was really shocked. He was just joking, but he didn't expect Jiang Xia to actually have a similar experience.

Just as the air conditioner was turned to this side, a gust of cold wind blew through.

In the mind of Police Department Megure, the image of a pale-faced Kudo Shinichi resting on his shoulder and quietly blowing cool air on his neck suddenly appeared.

He broke into a cold sweat instantly: "W-what?!"

"Nothing, I was just joking."

Jiang Xia put away her serious expression and smiled at him: "This world is materialistic and there are no ghosts. And didn't I say it before - I came here to return the book, not because I heard Kudo calling me."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

He adjusted his hat without incident: "I know, I'm just cooperating with you, hahaha."

Originally, as a policeman, he would not believe such a thing.

...But who made Jiang Xia's tone too serious? And for some reason, no matter what Jiang Xia said, it seemed like she was telling the truth, and people couldn't help but believe it.

Police Department Memu covered his pounding heart and sighed.

Although this new brother is lower-key, more humble, and better at fighting than Kudo, I always feel that something is not quite right with him...

It was getting late, and the witnesses were a group of children.

The Mumu Police Department first sent people to send the frightened children home to let them have a good rest, and then went to the police station to take notes.

After sending away three blank-faced children and one child who was hesitant to speak, the Mumu Police Department turned to Jiang Xia.

He remembered that Jiang Xia liked taking notes and planned to work overtime for Jiang Xia: "You..."

"I'm going with them." Jiang Xia walked to his motorcycle and picked up his helmet. "I happen to live close to one of the children, so we can go there together."

The Junior Detective Corps is also a strong magnet for cases.

And the cases they brought were many of those horrific serial cases that led to a series of deaths.

Jiang Xia admires this physique.

Maybe if we go together, we can pick up another ghost.

Moreover, the employee who was killed by the curator this time may have been oppressed by his superiors for a long time - Jiang Xia beat the curator for a while, and then he fell off with satisfaction.

So currently, there is no soul in the police station waiting for Jiang Xia to pick it up. Of course, he has no obsession with the transcript.

Children have to go to class, and the time fluctuates.

When the day of the appointment with the police station arrived, Jiang Xia changed her clothes and went out, taking a slight detour to the Maori Detective Agency.

Three children are waiting downstairs at Conan.

Seeing Jiang Xia approaching, the children who were still drowsy stood upright and stood up straight with umbrellas in their hands.

Jiang Xia glanced over them, always feeling like he was going to hear a familiar "Hello, boss!" in the next second.

The young detective team stood at attention and peeked at Jiang Xia.

Although they were a bit arrogant, they were still in the first grade after all. When fighting with their classmates, the most they could do was hit them with their fists or kick them, and they would soon be pulled away by the teacher.

In other words, this was the first time they saw Jiang Xia knocking people to death.

In addition, when leaving the library, Conan felt that they were too nervous, so he comforted them with uncertainty, saying that Jiang Xia only fights bad people.

The naughty children went through this passage in their minds and quickly came to the conclusion that Jiang Xia must not be regarded as a bad person.

Be a good boy who is well-behaved and polite, as harmless as a flower.

So, facing Jiang Xia who was parked next to him, the three people said hello loudly in unison: "Good morning!"

Jiang Xia nodded: "Good morning."

He thought happily that when the naughty kid wasn't being naughty, he really didn't look like he deserved a beating.

The children spoke too loudly, and two heads quickly popped out of the second floor of the Mori Detective Agency.


[Updated on time at 8:30 am]

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