Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 523 Old classmate, you have to live up to your expectations

The Conan brand chewing gum, which has achieved great success many times, failed to come in handy this time.

It was soon wrapped in a handkerchief along with the bug and the transmitter, and was thrown into the ditch without mercy, waiting quietly for the policemen who arrived later to pick it up.

Of course, when Toru Amuro secretly threw away the bug and transmitter, his back was turned to Jiang Xia, and Jiang Xia was not able to see it directly.

——Although Toru Amuro was aware of the people who secretly planted bugs, as a "Bourbon", he suddenly found bugs and transmitters in his car after just contacting the police. He should not let them go lightly. get through this.

Therefore, after leaving the foreign bugs with the public security men, Toru Amuro secretly took out another handkerchief, put a bug that he carried with him inside, and pretended to bring these suspicious items back to the car for tracing. responsibility.

Soon, Toru Amuro returned to the car with a bug in hand and a very organized sneer, and stared at Jiang Xia sinisterly.

The undercover acting is quite up to standard. Jiang Xia looked at his expression and thought of the murderous gin for a moment... However, unfortunately, the boss obviously did not have such abundant murderous intent. He was like those gluttonous molds placed in the hotel windows. He looked delicious, but In fact, it cannot be used to satisfy hunger.

Matsuda Jinpei floated next to him, looking around. His mood was complicated. He didn't know whether it was because his old classmates were intimidating underage Miyoshi employees for no reason, or because there was a source of mellow coffee-scented murderous aura just around the corner. This source rarely shows murderous intent...

All in all, both humans and ghosts were disappointed.

Jiang Xia then became a little tired: "I don't know what happened. Maybe some reporter who sneaked into the scene heard that I had a confidential request, so he secretly released this?"

This kind of mournful reaction is actually quite reasonable. After all, in Toru Amuro's opinion, Jiang Xia should not know that he is a police officer, but should regard him as "Bourbon", a ruthless organizational cadre.

But now, things like bugs and transmitters were suddenly found in the car, and a small section of their movement track was actually discovered. This was undoubtedly an oversight.

Any omissions mean that the pot needs to be divided. At this time, the only living creatures around are Bourbon and Jiang Xia - two people who are seemingly each other's superiors and subordinates.

For this kind of thing, the blame must not be placed on the boss. Then Jiang Xia can only carry it first.

Toru Amuro responded to Jiang Xia's explanation about the source of the bug with a cold snort with zero murderous intent.

After changing places, he took out his laptop and tapped away, pretending to be following clues using the bug he had just intercepted.

Of course, because it was his own bug, nothing was detected - the bug that an unknown person had attached to the bottom of his car with chewing gum had just been thrown into the ditch.

After acting cautiously for a while, Toru Amuro closed the computer, looked at Jiang Xia carefully for a while, who seemed a little nervous, then stepped on the accelerator and continued on the road to leave Tokyo.

He knew in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with Jiang Xia.

——Jiang Xia knew very well that he carried a lot of anti-eavesdropping equipment and had the habit of turning on these equipment at any time. In addition, Toru Amuro paid close attention to Jiang Xia's words and deeds throughout the whole process to prevent the news from spreading through some means if Jiang Xia was Usa. So he knew best that Jiang Xia had no time to pretend to be such a thing, nor did he have time to let others pretend.

Since it's not Jiang Xia, then...

An increasingly suspicious Conan once again appeared in Toru Amuro's mind.

Now, more than half of the household registration survey for "Edogawa Conan" has been conducted. Since everywhere is not yet fully connected to the Internet, this work is not progressing as quickly as expected.

However, it won't take long.

... Calculating the time, when the experiment on Jiang Xia is over, the results will be found at the household registration.

Amuro Toru thought that by then, if it was confirmed that Eka was not Usa, then he would focus his energy on that "Edogawa Conan".

His intuition told him that there might be some big secret behind this matter.

After dealing with the bugs and transmitters, the two people continued to drive in the direction chosen by Toru Amuro at random.

At the same time, where Toru Amuro dropped her chewing gum just now, a man wearing sportswear who seemed to be running at night passed by and squatted down to tie his shoelaces.

When he stood up again, he had a handkerchief secretly in his hand.

——It was the one wrapped in gum that Toru Amuro had thrown away before.

...According to Mr. Furitani, there is a transmitter inside.

Their new task was to arrange for one or two people to take the transmitter to a different place from the direction Mr. Furiya left.

The way out of the city was quite boring.

Jiang Xia originally wanted to check the news out of habit, or greet the clients on the list, or ask Ginjiu if there was any work that he was too busy with. If so, he could give him some...

It's a pity that I don't have a mobile phone now.

Jiang Xia sighed quietly and glanced at the storage box containing the mobile phone out of the corner of her eye.

In my impression, when he was at the scene of the car accident just now, his mobile phone had been secretly taken away by Yuya Kazami.

At this time, there were only two mobile phones of the same model that looked the same in the storage box.

Although it is difficult for Toru Amuro's subordinates to find problems on his mobile phone with the black plug-ins of two technology giants, this really delays daily use. The police officers really have no ethics when it comes to invading personal privacy...

However, thinking of this, a series of cases that Jiang Xia encountered when he and Amuro Toru went out came to mind.

... Actually, if you think about it carefully, it doesn’t seem like a loss if the police officer uses his mobile phone and he uses the police officer’s boss.

If you can't play with your mobile phone, just focus on picking up ghosts these days.

...I hope the boss will not disappoint.

Toru Amuro felt a little cold around him inexplicably.

It may be that the wind is strong and the temperature is low in the suburbs.

Of course, it could also be because you are hungry and don’t have enough calories...

After thinking about it, Amuro Toru's ears twitched and she looked to the side.

The employees he abducted seemed to feel the same way. Jiang Xia was flipping through a pile of snacks - when she was waiting to take notes, she didn't know what Yumi Miyamoto said after she returned, which attracted a bunch of policewomen to come and watch Jiang Xia. These snacks are small gifts they brought conveniently. It's hard to throw away gifts given by others, so Jiang Xia later took them to the car.

Toru Amuro glanced at the fancy snack packaging and felt vaguely hungry.

...It's indeed meal time, let's have a meal before leaving.

He thought for a moment and drove to a nearby higher-end restaurant.

The white Mazda turned in several directions in the night and soon arrived at a manor-like hotel.

The location here is slightly out of the way, but there are many seasonal vegetables growing around it, and fish, chickens, ducks, etc. are also caught and killed on the spot. Apart from the price, there are no other disadvantages. There are not many people who come here because of its reputation.

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