Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 531 Toru Amuro: I just want to leave Tokyo

Toru Amuro drove out of the hotel.

After escaping from those Jiang Xia acquaintances, he remembered something and sent a message to the subordinate responsible for carrying the "chewing gum transmitter", asking him to block the location of the transmitter.

When he took his phone back, Toru Amuro glanced at the time on the screen and felt a slight headache.

——He and Jiang Xia set off at noon.

According to his plan, he should have driven out of at least two prefectures and counties at this time. He had already arrived in a place he was unfamiliar with.

The ideal was perfect, but in fact, nine hours after setting off from Tokyo, late at night, they were still in Tokyo.

He was even close to returning to the starting point... Fortunately, in the restaurant just now, he firmly rejected the Memu Police Department's suggestion to "go back and take notes." And I don’t know why, after being rejected by him, the Mumu Police Department didn’t insist anymore...

Previously, Toru Amuro felt that the difficulty of this plan was Jiang Xia's cooperation. And if nothing happens during the whole process, how to deal with this "quasi-Uzo".

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia cooperated throughout the whole process, but his plan was still disrupted from the beginning - not to mention secretly taking Jiang Xia out of Tokyo, even if the "secret" was removed, just "leaving Tokyo" was already so difficult.

Fortunately, although I have not yet left the border of Tokyo, I finally see the dawn of a "business trip".

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro sighed silently and asked Jiang Xia casually: "How do you usually leave Tokyo?"

"Just take a car and go." Jiang Xia also sighed and said hesitantly: "Boss, do you have an accident constitution? It feels like every time I take your car, there will be a tire blowout or an accident halfway... this time The mission is very urgent? Can we still catch up?"

Toru Amuro: "...?"

He had a lot to say at once.

But he turned around and glanced at Jiang Xia, and found that from the look on his face, Jiang Xia really thought that. He could only swallow back what he really wanted to say in frustration, and said a little against his will: "...Don't be superstitious. In the world There is no such thing as an 'event constitution'."

At the same time, I couldn't help but be touched by the keywords, and thought of the century-old problem of "flat tire".

This time when he went out, Toru Amuro only had a spare tire in the trunk.

However, he asked his subordinates who traveled with him to bring a lot with them. If that doesn't work, you can just change the car.

In addition, if there is another tire blowout this time, and human factors are involved in the tire blowout, then Toru Amuro plans to find an opportunity to fish out the culprit who caused the tire blowout and catch him... Well, I guess he is right. If so, you might be able to catch a sneaky little boy wearing a scarf, or a sneaky little boy wearing glasses.

Of course, the best-case scenario would be to reach the destination all the way without using the spare tire at all.

——Looking on the bright side, in the nine hours since they set off, although they encountered a case, the tires have survived completely... I hope they won't need those spare tires in the future.

In addition, Toru Amuro suddenly thought: Although Jiangxia has passed the driver's license test, he does not buy a car, nor does he like to rent a car. He always travels by public transportation.

And those rail trains are often difficult to stop once they start. Even if something goes wrong along the way, you will reach your destination in the end.

...No wonder Jiang Xia thinks that "flat tire during the trip" is someone else's problem, because Jiang Xia doesn't drive at all when he goes out alone... But at other times, Jiang Xia always encounters cases. How could he think that it is someone else who has an incident constitution? ?

Toru Amuro always felt that there were some doubts here and wanted to ask more questions.

But considering that he had just said that "there is no event constitution in the world", in the end, he said nothing.

…Next time, if you go out with Jiang Xia again, you’d better take a more reliable train.

At least it won't blow out.

Let's forget it this time - there are many people at the station and on the bus, which makes it easy for potential "Uzo" to get in touch with the outside world. The subordinates are also difficult to keep track of.

...Anyway, I hope I can leave Tokyo smoothly before dawn tomorrow.

Looking at the distance, it’s actually not that far. victory is in sight……

the other side.

Kazami Yuya was sitting in the moving vehicle, staring at the screen of the laptop in front of him, typing on the keyboard and clicking the mouse from time to time, checking the content on the phone.

Jiang Xia’s two mobile phones have huge differences in style.

One of them is similar to the mobile phone of a busy business person - a long communication list and a lot of messages. In the short time since Kazami Yuya got the phone, there were already so many new message red dots that it made OCD anxious.

...However, no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't click on it. He could only use the program developed by the police to secretly check the content like this.

In addition, Kazami Yuya also restored some deleted records on the computer. From a time perspective, these records are concentrated in the early days and are probably only cleaned regularly.

After a unified inspection, nothing suspicious was found.

Moreover, judging from these records, except when receiving a commission, most of the time Jiang Xia went out was because of invitations from others.

Especially "Moori Ran" and "Suzuki Sonoko", and occasionally "Toyama Kazuha", "Kinoshita Yoko" and the like... huh? An invitation from Miss Yoko?

This national idol flashed through Kazami Yuya's mind, and his heart beat violently.

...I didn’t expect that during a mission, I would be able to see my idol’s personal mobile phone number.

... Speaking of which, Jiang Xia is indeed a celebrity.

If Mr. Fangtani later determines that Jiang Xia is not Wu Zuo and plans to develop Jiang Xia into the public security force, then as a senior, wouldn't he have the opportunity to go backstage to visit his idol together?

Feng Jian Yuya blushed and briefly fell into reverie.

Then the devil boss's face suddenly popped up in his mind, and he suddenly woke up.

He retracted his thoughts and continued to analyze the current situation seriously.

...In short, these exchanges of information can be used as some kind of side evidence.

——The venue for Jiang Xia’s outings is often decided on the spur of the moment based on invitations from others.

And this also means that the possibility of him occupying a driving position in various murder cases has been further reduced.

In addition, on this mobile phone, Kazami Yu also carefully read the chat records related to "Edogawa Conan".

Among them, there is some information about Edogawa Conan secretly seeking help from Jiang Xia when he encountered a case. In addition, occasionally there are people who persuade Jiang Xia to go to the hospital and urge him to eat next door... Well, he seems to be an overly mature child, and his tone is also He is different from ordinary children. He doesn't have that cute and childish feeling. If you just look at the information, he looks vaguely like an adult.

Kazami Yuya sighed as he thought of the bespectacled child with whom he had brief contact in the afternoon.

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