Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 536 Toru Amuro: I want to leave

"Dracula" is a virtual vampire from the novel published by British writer Bram Stoker in 1897. It is one of the legendary origins of vampires.

Daisuke Tokura liked this image very much, and he was very accepting of the nickname "Mr. Dracula".

"But in recent years, Daisuke Tokura has stopped writing vampire novels, and instead started to move into heroic fantasy-style novels - speaking of which, I think those heroic protagonists are very consistent with your image!"

Suzuki Sonoko thought of some fantasy scenes in the novel, her beautiful almond-shaped eyes dimly lit up, and she whispered to Jiang Xia in a private voice: "If you want to shoot this kind of TV series one day, I will help you introduce the team."

Jiang Xia has also read several heroic fantasy novels.

At this time, he followed Suzuki Sonoko's words and thought of the shameful content and signature moves, as well as the terrible love plot that was obviously behind the trend in his concept, and he silently got goosebumps: "No need."

But then I thought about it, maybe there would be an incident in the place introduced by Suzuki-san.

So he hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly changed his words: "...Let's take a look again."

Let him go to the set first to see if there is a Shura field...

"Yes!" Suzuki Sonoko nodded happily.

Then I remembered something, and my eyes slowly turned into half-moons, filled with an expectant smile.

After driving around a certain curved mountain road for nearly twenty minutes, they finally arrived at the "Dracula Villa" whose outline had been clearly visible for a long time, but was actually far away.

The courtyard is separated from the outside world by an iron barbed fence, and the heavy iron gate is open, as if to welcome visitors.

Toru Amuro slowed down and looked around, then drove straight into the courtyard without stopping.

The vast courtyard is neatly lined with various rare plants and sculptures, and there is even an artificial stream flowing along the border, but it is gradually freezing as the temperature drops sharply.

The courtyard was quite empty, except for one man who was working hard with his back to them, covering several precious plants with protective nets.

Hearing the sound of the engine, the man turned around, revealing a young and handsome face - as his name suggests, Tasoko Toshizai.

Tadokoro Toshiya saw several people getting off the car, quickly covered the last net, and then hurriedly greeted them.

He knew two of the guests, so he looked at Suzuki Sonoko and Suzuki Ayako first:

"Is it Ms. Suzuki? It's hard for you to travel so far in this weather."

As he said that, his eyes fell on Jiang Xia and Toru Amuro again, slightly puzzled: "Who are these two?"

"It's my friend. Our car broke down on the road, so we had to ask them to help deliver it." Suzuki Sonoko answered, looking at Tadokoro Toshihiko with a hint of surprise, "I didn't expect Mr. Tokura to look so young..."

Toshiya Tadokoro was startled.

Then he hurriedly smiled and waved his hands:

"I am just a student of Mr. Tokura. The teacher is in the study room now - please come in first."

Jiang Xia followed his direction and looked in the direction of "Dracula's Villa".

The rooms on both sides of the first floor of the villa have floor-to-ceiling windows with red star-like decorations inlaid on them, as if to simulate night.

It was dark outside the house at this time, and the lights were on inside. From the outside, the inside of the house could be easily seen.

While Jiang Xia looked over.

In the room on the right side of the first floor, a lazy, mature woman with long hair reaching her waist happened to be looking this way.

The two sides looked at each other, and the woman was slightly startled. Then she put down the drawing board in her hand, walked quickly to the window and looked around, as if she wanted to see the guests at the door more clearly.

...Etsuko Tokura, the wife of Daisuke Tokura.

After Jiang Xia came to a conclusion in her mind, she looked away and looked to the left.

I saw a living room here. At this time, three people were sitting in the hall.

One of the middle-aged men had his back to the window and his face could not be seen clearly.

The other two people, one is a handsome guy wearing a simple pince-nez and a double-breasted windbreaker, with a somewhat classical feel.

The other is a beautiful woman wearing a winter cheongsam with slightly curly black hair, sitting quietly at the table sipping coffee and looking very elegant.

Next to her, Suzuki Sonoko, who is quite sensitive to appearance, made the same discovery as Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia heard her whisper: "The people in this family are so good-looking..."


Jiang Xia nodded, feeling the same: Daisuke Tokura's surroundings are so dangerous. In his impression, it seems that the more handsome men and beautiful women there are, the easier it is for crimes to occur...

Speaking of which, apart from Tosuke Daisuke, there seems to be another familiar person over there in the waiting room...

Following Toshiya Tadokoro's lead, the three members of the Suzuki family walked towards the main entrance of the villa.

Jiang Xia followed naturally and walked together to this villa that looked very suitable for him to rest.

However, as soon as he took two steps, Toru Amuro grabbed him from behind.

The ruthless organization cadre interrupted his plan indifferently: "Just send it to the door, we have other business."

Suzuki Sonoko heard it with sharp ears, stopped whispering to her sister, turned around quickly, ran back and grabbed Jiang Xia's other arm: "Let's go in together. It's already so late, and it's not safe to drive at night in the snow."


Jiang Xia looked confused, but there was no hesitation in her heart.

——He glanced at the tires out of the corner of his eye, his eyes flickering slightly.

But I haven’t done anything to the tires yet. Toru Amuro's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

Toru Amuro stopped for a moment and opened his phone.

The above is an urgent message from Yuya Kazami:

[Heavy snow blocked the road, and a section of the road collapsed in front and back, making it impossible for our vehicles to pass. I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to get out - please find a suitable stopping place as soon as possible. If something goes wrong with your car, please contact me and we will contact the search and rescue helicopter to pick you up while they look for other people stranded on the road. ]

Toru Amuro: "..."

...Although as long as the road doesn't collapse too badly. He then had the confidence to drive the car.

But the prerequisite for showing off your driving skills is that the car can still be driven.

...Now the subordinates can't get through. He only has a spare tire in his car. In addition, the car is prone to problems in cold weather. If he insists on leaving with Jiang Xia at this time, the car will be damaged before reaching the collapsed road. It just happened to be broken...

Toru Amuro estimated the supplies on the car, and thought about the two people shivering in the snowstorm waiting for rescue, and then thought about the public resources that might occupy; and what they saw when their subordinates came to check the situation after being rescued. His embarrassed appearance...

A second later, Toru Amuro closed his phone as if nothing had happened and walked back to Jiang Xia.

"It seems I can only bother Mr. Tokura a little."

He forced a polite smile: "The local disaster forecast just sent out a message. There seems to be a road collapse nearby... If it is convenient, can we stay overnight?"

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