Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 543: There is no shame in detective matters

One of them was Toshiya Tadokoro, a student who went to the storage room to check whether the doors and windows were closed after returning from delivering meals.

The other one was the vampire researcher Shuichi Hamura who went to the underground library next to the collection room to check out the classics and returned to the hall after a long time.

Among them, Toshihiko Tadokoro only spent a few minutes checking the doors and windows, and there was no time to do anything.

So rule it out...

Gunda Ikumi looked at Hamura Shuichi: "At present, it seems that you are the only one who has time to commit crimes."

Hamura Shuichi was stunned, then pushed up his pince-nez, shook his head and retorted: "There is a hall between the collection room and the study room. I did go to the collection room, but during that time, you were all sitting in the hall, even if If I had a chance to get the wooden nails, I wouldn’t be able to go to the study to commit the murder.”

"There is more than one way to the study, but the other paths are not so conventional."

Ikumi Gunda walked upstairs and walked to the second-floor window: "If an accomplice lowers the rope ladder from the second floor and helps you climb up from the underground library, you can first reach the second floor, and then follow the roof - —”

As she spoke, she opened the window in the corridor on the second floor and completed the second half of the sentence at the same time: "——Go to the study."

As the windows opened, the long, slightly sloping roof appeared in front of everyone in the moonlight. One end of it is connected to this side, and the other end is connected to Daisuke Tokura's study. Untrodden white snow has fallen evenly on the bricks, and there are no footprints on the snow.

——No one passed by here.

Gunda Ikumi: "..."

She stared out the window in silence for a moment, then raised her hand and closed the window again as if nothing had happened.

...Proposing hypotheses and then testing them one by one is the basic operation of detectives. Of course it's good if the reasoning is right, but if it's's wrong if it's wrong, it's just a hypothesis, no shame.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the corridor, remembered something, and whispered: "The murderer probably didn't pass through the roof - when Mr. Hamura went to the library, I stayed in the corridor on the second floor, and no one passed by here."

Gunda Ikumi was startled and looked at her doubtfully: "What have you been doing in the corridor on the second floor?"

Suzuki Sonoko blushed: "...Look, look at the scenery! This place is higher than the first floor, and the scenery is better than below."

"..." In other words, another person without an alibi.

Gunda Ikumi began to stare at her suspiciously.

However, looking at Suzuki Sonoko's thin arms and legs, I always feel that it would be difficult for her to carry an adult man like Daisuke Tokura, let alone tie him to a cross.

So a few seconds later, Gunada Ikumi hesitantly looked away from Suzuki Sonoko and looked at Jiang Xia again - I heard from colleagues that this high school detective solves cases as fast as reading a script. Why don't I see him doing anything today? action?

Is this case particularly difficult? Or are there some indispensable key clues that they haven't discovered yet?

...Then she guessed wrong just now, which is really normal. Gunda Ikumi tucked her slightly curly hair behind her ears and nodded secretly, feeling much more comfortable.

At the same time, I decided to let go and continue to reason - make bold assumptions and verify carefully, so that we can find a path to the truth in an impossible crime.

She looked at the window for a moment, then opened it again and looked at the eaves outside.

——Not only on the roof of this section of the corridor, but further on, even on the top of the study, no footprints can be seen.

In other words, the prisoner should have never been on the roof. In addition, the study door is locked, and the only key is in Daisuke Tokura's body; the floor-to-ceiling windows are located close to the cliff. When she was in the study just now, she checked carefully - not only was the cliff bottomless, but the protruding parts were also covered with snowflakes, and there were no signs of climbing.

All roads are impassable... It's impossible for the murderer to fly there like a vampire.

Reasoning was briefly in trouble.

Gunda Ikumi had no choice but to change his mind - start with the motivation.

She still felt that from a time perspective, only Hamura Shuichi could commit the crime: "Speaking of which..." She suddenly looked at Hamura Shuichi, "You and Mrs. Tokura are lovers."


Tokura Etsuko's heart skipped a beat and she nervously pulled Hamura Shuichi's arm.

Just now, she listened to Jiang Xia's boss talk about a lot of knowledge that sounded very useful. She had just worked hard to digest part of it and felt that her ability to cover up had improved. Unexpectedly, she was exposed not long after... Tokura Etsuko glanced at Toru Amuro subconsciously.

Toru Amuro looked to the other side and ignored her.

... He remembered that when he entered Daisuke Tokura's study and saw the horrific corpse, Etsuko Tokura instinctively ran to Shuichi Hamura and grabbed his arm, instead of asking for help from Toshiya Tadokoro who was nearby. ...Normal people can see that something is wrong, let alone a detective like Gunda Ikumi who is not confused. The blame cannot fall on him anyway...

Next to her, Etsuko Tokura panicked for a while, then slowly calmed down: By the way, Daisuke Tokura is dead. Now that he is suspected of cheating, it seems to have nothing to do with it... Wait, speaking of this, who is the murderer? Could it really be Shuichi...

Hamura Shuichi is still retorting:

"No matter what my relationship is with Etsuko, I am not the murderer of Daisuke Tokura. If you are looking for a motive, then you should actually look at others - such as Editor-in-Chief Doi."

As he spoke, he looked at the editor next to him who was sweating on his forehead:

"I heard a rumor in college - the content of the novels submitted to the "Terror Times Weekly" will be stolen by Daisuke Tokura. It's just that the misappropriation is quite clever, and their manuscripts have not been published yet. No one can prove that Tora Daisuke Kura Daisuke was at fault..."

As Shuichi Hamura's eyes fell on Editor-in-Chief Doi's luggage, Doi sweated even more.

——At this time, what was in Editor-in-Chief Doi’s bag were indeed the original submissions. It was Daisuke Tokura who had plagiarized it and was going to take it back.

Although Daisuke Tokura has not published any more vampire novels in recent years, he is still writing them privately. So now, Daisuke Tokura's computer probably contains fresh and hot evidence of plagiarism.

Editor-in-chief Doi always felt that if he refused to admit it at this time, he would hide the news. The crime of murder might fall on him...

...We must find someone more suspicious!

Thinking of this, Editor-in-Chief Doi also decisively dragged people into trouble:

"To be honest, Daisuke Tokura actually gave up his career a long time ago. Seven years ago, I failed in stock trading and owed a large debt. Tokura paid it off for me, but he asked me to hand over the manuscripts I received to him first. Take a look..."

Speaking of this, Editor Doi felt that people were looking at him more and more wrongly, and realized that his motive for killing seemed to be sufficient.

So I quickly introduced the topic: "This is not the point! The point is that five years ago, I felt that it was not an option for him to continue copying like this, so I recommended a ghostwriter to him - Tadokoro! The novels published by Daisuke Tokura in the past few years, In fact, they are all the works of Tian Suo, and when it comes to motivation, he is better than me!"

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