Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 55 Don’t throw the blame on me

Jiang Xia returned to her main body, took out her mobile phone, and tentatively sent a [thank you] to Kinoshita Yoko.

The other party may be busy. After a few hours, he replied: [As long as you like it^^]

...It was really a gift from her.

Kinoshita Yoko never asked for Jiang Xia’s address.

But then her agent came to visit her and offered her a hush fee.

Jiang Xia was actually more interested in the cases involving artists than money, so she "accidentally" mentioned during the conversation that she had changed careers and became a detective.

However, I don't know if the agent didn't understand his hint, or if the agent usually avoids cases... In short, she has never been able to bring him the benefits that Jiang Xia expected.

The first case that may involve the entertainment industry was actually picked up by Suzuki Sonoko.

Jiang Xia thought of her talented classmates and thought to herself that she must hold on to these case detonators.

After a day of rest, the next day, Golden Retriever and the others sent some new cats and dogs.

Jiang Xia divided the commission fees from previous clients among them and took the cat and dog to the detective agency.

Then he made himself a cup of tea, and while waiting for the customer to pick up the pet, he secretly rubbed someone else's cat a few times.

Murder cases are still hard to come by, and the most popular items are indeed mistresses and cats and dogs.

After nearly a week, Jiang Xia finally received another type of commission.

The client is an elegant woman wearing a kimono. At first glance, she seems to be the wife of a wealthy family, but judging from the content of the commission, it doesn't seem like that.

She came to entrust Jiang Xia to focus on an antique pottery - that piece of porcelain was mortgaged to the creditor when she took a private loan six months ago.

Now, there is still more than a month left before the repayment deadline.

The customer said that she would be able to save up the balance in about a week.

But she was worried that before that, the mortgaged pottery would be sold as "interest" by the creditor - the creditor was a rich man, but not a good character, and there were many precedents for this.

Of course, considering that even if Jiang Xia has some fame, he is only a detective and cannot easily fight local snakes. Therefore, the guest did not make any difficult requests.

She only hoped that Jiang Xia could tell her in advance when the other party planned to sell her piece of pottery. If it's too late, at least find out where the pottery was sold.

It sounds like a somewhat boring commission.

However, after seeing the photo of the pottery she took out, the creditor's address, especially the name and profile picture printed on the creditor's business card...

"Don't worry." Jiang Xia smiled very reliably, "I will do my best to complete the commission."

The guest left happily.

Jiang Xia also touched the business card happily.

He looked at the Mediterranean uncle named "Marudenjiro" on the business card and thought that he had been waiting for the ghost-taking commission.

By this time, it was already evening and I was about to get off work.

After Jiang Xia received the commission, she waited in the store for a while and returned the last cat left today to the client who came to pick it up.

Then he hung the appointment book at the door, locked the door and left, planning to go to Marudenjiro's house to check on the situation before going home.

Cupido Town, a certain intersection. Vodka held the steering wheel, feeling a little worried.

In recent years, things have not been very peaceful in the organization.

Five years ago, the FBI's ace agent Shuichi Akai sneaked into their organization and worked as an undercover agent. He achieved great results and almost arrested Gin.

Fortunately, there is a reliable second-in-command in the organization, and Akai Shuichi also has a pig teammate. With the joint efforts of both parties, Akai Shuichi not only failed in his plan, but also revealed his undercover identity, and had to escape hastily.

The opportunity for Akai Shuichi to join the team was that he made a girlfriend in the organization - Shirley's sister, Miyano Akemi.

Therefore, after Akai Shuichi's identity was revealed and he left the organization, Miyano Akemi's situation became difficult.

The organization has always wanted to punish the person who introduced the FBI into the village, but it was worried about Shirley.

Finally, they had an idea and came up with a solution - asking Miyano Akemi to steal 1 billion yen in cash, and lied to her that if she succeeded, they would let her and her sister leave the organization, and if she failed, they would kill her.

Miyano Akemi agreed.

Then, together with her two wild accomplices, they managed to grab the money.

Afterwards, one of his accomplices wanted to take him away to fly solo, but was found by Conan and others... In the end, both accomplices died, leaving only Miyano Akemi and the billion yuan she just robbed.

Vodka is currently driving to the place where he made an appointment with Miyano Akemi.

Theoretically, you should hand over cash in one hand and Shirley in the other.

Vodka looked at the red light at the intersection and sighed: "I didn't expect that she could really get the money. Then wouldn't we have no excuse to execute her?"

Gin laughed darkly: "I'll just kill him without any excuse. He's just a loser..." In the middle of his words, he suddenly stared at something outside the window, his expression darkened, "Who is that?"

"What?" Vodka was startled and looked towards where Gin pointed.

However, it is close to the city center and it is busy during the evening rush hour. He looked at the hundreds and thousands of people in his field of vision, and his head felt dizzy.

So Vodka thought for a moment, took out a telescope, and put it in front of his eyes. In this way, although it is difficult to find, at least it can prove that I have worked hard...

Gin looked at it intently for a while and reminded him: "Diagonally opposite the intersection, in the second row on the far left of the motorway, there is a black motorcycle."

Vodka tried hard to look in that direction and finally found his target. He vaguely felt that the person wearing the helmet opposite looked familiar, as if he was Jiang Xia.

Before taking a closer look, Gin took the telescope away as the bridge of his nose cleared.

Gin looked at it for a few seconds and showed a thoughtful expression.

After a while, the red light ended.

When the car started moving again, Gin suddenly sneered:

"No wonder Miyano Akemi's operation was so smooth. In just a few days, she found her accomplice who had absconded with the money and got the money back in a city with tens of millions of people..."

"..." Vodka reacted for a while, and gradually realized what the boss meant, and said in shock, "You mean, Jiang Xia is helping her secretly!?"

Jiang Xia is indeed very good at finding people. This has been proven countless times before, but...

Vodka thought about Shirley and her pile of health care products that had never been sent out: "Don't he hate the Miyano sisters very much?"

"Emotions can be disguised." One-way kindness can also be regarded as a connection between people. And for a person of Jiang Xia's age, it always feels difficult for him to truly hate two beautiful women who always show kindness to him...

Before, Gin actually didn't think so much.

But now, after meeting Jiang Xia here, he gradually became suspicious.

——This intersection is very close to the Enjyu City Hotel where Miyano Akemi is staying.

Looking at the direction of Jiang Xia, it's exactly that way.

Appearing in this place at this time, he is still a person related to the Miyano sisters...

Also, Miyano Akemi's "extraordinary performance" these days is completely consistent with Jiang Xia's professional skills.

If this wasn't Miyano Akemi hiding her strength at all, but Jiang Xia helping her...then everything would make sense.

With this entry point in mind, the more Ginjiu looked, the more suspicious Jiang Xia became.

In the past, he would occasionally meet Jiang Xia.

But in Ginjiu's impression, almost every time, Jiang Xia was fooling around with his miscellaneous little brothers.

But today, Jiang Xia was alone. This may be because what he wants to do today cannot be seen by anyone who is not strict with his words, and it needs to be kept highly confidential.

Suspicious, in short, very suspicious.

Gin thought for a moment and took out his phone.


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