Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 568 The script is right, but the people are wrong

Toru Amuro remembered that the road leading from this remote mountain mansion to the nearest city had collapsed at this time. Coupled with the thick fog, it was very troublesome to send people out. Moreover, in order to avoid revealing that he was in contact with other people, he might have to drive on a road that he knew was impassable, and then find other viable roads.

...So, if it was really just an anesthetic, it would be best to let Jiang Xia lie down in this mansion for a while, waiting for the effects of the drug to wear off.

But on the contrary, if it is a poison that takes effect slowly, then even if it is troublesome, the person must be sent to treatment as soon as possible.

Therefore, in order to prevent Vodka from lying, it is better to let him eat a few more pieces first, and then observe the specific reaction of Vodka to the cookies, and then find out the true nature of the medicine in the cookies.

If the vodka reaction is muted, the cookies are probably fine.

If he refuses to will be a big problem.

Vodka lowered his head and looked at the snack handed to him by Bourbon. His eyes twitched and his expression twisted for a moment: "..."

...This kind of cookie has been eaten twice since it was developed.

Once it was him, and once it was still him.

...Now it seems that the third time, it turned out to be him.

...Damn Uzo, damn Bourbon, damn Big... Well, the elder brother didn't hide the snacks well that time. As a result, the biscuits were misunderstood by the elder brother as snacks. Unfortunately, the problem was discovered. This It doesn't count... Anyway, damn Uzo!

Vodka stared at the biscuits quietly, recalling the bitter past.

On the opposite side, Toru Amuro seemed to have misread his reaction, and a trace of murderous aura began to appear on his body: "Don't dare to eat? Were you lying just now?"

"...I didn't." Vodka came back to his senses. He glanced at the muzzle of Bourbon with sorrow and anger, reluctantly opened the snack bag and ate a piece.

Toru Amuro observed his expression but did not put down the gun. After he swallowed a piece, he urged mercilessly: "Go on."

Vodka: "..."

He had to eat two more pieces.

Then he could no longer bear the effects of the medicine and fell to the ground.


Toru Amuro waited for two seconds, then approached cautiously and checked.

Found the vodka did make me faint.

So he decisively added a hand knife to extend his sleep time. At the same time, a search of Vodka's belongings began.


Apart from the pack of snacks, there was no other food or medicine injections on Vodka, and there was no human experiment report on cookies.

And just now, according to Toru Amuro's observation, although he ate the vodka reluctantly, he didn't resist to the extent that "if you eat this, you will die!"

... All of this seemed to confirm that the pack of vodka and the cookies that Jiang Xia had eaten were indeed just ordinary anesthetics without many side effects.

After that, Toru Amuro moved his eyes and looked at Vodka's pocket with his cell phone.

Before reaching out, he suddenly remembered something. He stood up and took off his coat, covering Jiang Xia's body, focusing on covering his eyes - to prevent Jiang Xia from waking up on the way and seeing his boss stealing his colleagues' information when he opened his eyes. .

With his worries relieved, Toru Amuro put on his gloves, unceremoniously pulled out Vodka's cell phone, and without being noticed, copied out some useful information and sent it to his subordinates.

After briefly handling Jiangxia's affairs, Toru Amuro thought of Yuya Kazami, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

...Why are all the subordinates in trouble?

Moreover, the disasters seemed to be caused by human factors—not to mention the vodka that persecuted Jiangxia. As for Kazami Yuya, at present, the unknown passenger he carried before disappearing in a car accident is very suspicious. Even that passenger may be directly related to what happened to Yuya Kazami today.

Toru Amuro sighed as he thought about it.

... Could it be that my own deterrent power is not enough?

However, the vodka did not kill him, which gave him some face.

Toru Amuro walked to the corner first, picked up Vodka's gun and put it away.

Then he pushed open the corridor door and took a cautious look.

Finding that no one was outside and there was no sound of the door opening, Amuro turned around, picked up Jiang Xia from the ground, and took him back to the guest room quickly.

After putting the person away, Toru Amuro remembered the revenge of "Kira" that Vodka had just mentioned.


Although he had the intention to stop it, Toru Amuro checked around the mansion and found nothing unusual, nor did he sense anyone particularly suspicious.

Thinking about it again, "Kira's undead will take revenge tonight" is actually just Vodka's speculation.

And vodka’s reasoning ability…

In the end, although Toru Amuro was slightly uneasy, he decided not to waste time and went to Yuya Kazami to see the situation first.

There may or may not be danger in the villa.

But Kazami Yuya is now truly missing in this forest where the road is unstable, filled with thick fog, and there may be unknown creatures with sharp claws lurking there. In addition, judging from what the eavesdropping equipment heard, the passengers over there were also particularly suspicious...

Previously, Toru Amuro was worried that if he left, he would not be able to monitor Jiang Xia's movements as planned.

He was even considering giving up the plan of "finding out the ingredients of Jiangxia through experiments". Unexpectedly, vodka helped him solve this problem by accident.

...Now it seems that the idea of ​​​​anesthetics is very effective.

Toru Amuro thought with some regret, if he had known this, he should have ordered some anesthetic food in batches before setting off, and then when he saw an acquaintance of Jiang Xia from a distance, he immediately handed a package to Jiang Xia. Then while Jiang Xia is asleep, take him to escape to a place where he has no acquaintances... This will at least solve the current problem of "not being able to isolate during the whole process".

It's a pity that it's too late this time, next time...

next time……

Amuro Toru's thoughts suddenly stopped.

...Then Wei Tai was shocked to find that he was instinctively resisting the idea of ​​"going out with Jiang Xia".

"..." It's not that he's afraid of cases and corpses, but that his schedule is always delayed by various emergencies and things don't go as expected at all, which makes him very uncomfortable.

...But on the other hand, if he often goes out with Jiang Xia and often encounters various organizational cadres, he might be able to collect various useful intelligence efficiently?

...Tsk, what are you thinking about? You have to believe in science. Things like physical constitution are just the last resort in desperation.

Toru Amuro pressed his forehead and stopped thinking about strange things. Decided to find Yuya Fengmi first.

He sighed and walked out silently.

After Toru Amuro left.

In the room, Jiang Xia opened her eyes quietly and glanced at the closed door.

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