Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 570 Pack and kill, plus update to the leader [Idiot Oh Yeah 233]

Chapter 570 Pack and kill, plus update to the leader [Idiot Oh Yeah 2333]

Izumi Maho looked at Jiang Xia who pushed the door open, and whispered nervously: "Maybe someone blocked the door with a heavy object. Well, Miss Akiko never returned to the room..."

As she said that, she pressed her phone nervously and tried to call Akiko Utagura's number.

But still no one answered.

Through the door, I couldn’t hear the sound of mobile phones in the meditation room.

Others also received the text message at this time and gathered at the door of the meditation room one after another - some followed the content of the text message and thought of this distinctive location, and some heard the voices of Jiang Xia and others and followed the sound to find it. Come over.

"The sender of that message is Miss Utakakura." Hiroshi Yagawa pressed the phone and tried to reason, "If Kira is going to be resurrected here, Miss Utakakura may indeed be in the meditation room... Why did Kira want to be resurrected from Miss Utakakura?" Start taking revenge?”

Izumi Maho is more attentive. She still remembers Utagura Akiko's vague words about feeling unwell before, and worriedly said: "Is it possible that she felt uncomfortable and fainted inside? If we don't give first aid immediately..."

"Open the door and take a look!" The photographer reached out and knocked on the upper part of the meditation room door - it was not solid wood, but a piece of beautiful colored glass.

One minute later.

The glass was smashed open.

Shining a flashlight through the gap, I could see a heavy padlock hanging on the inside of the door - it was actually locked from the inside.

When a group of people banged on the lock.

Vodka came closer in a low-key manner and looked through the door's opening warily.

I saw a figure lying faintly on the round table in the center of the meditation room.

Vodka first instinctively breathed a sigh of relief.

——The deceased has been determined. At present, it seems that it is not him.

...It’s just that after a cursory look, the figure lying quietly in the room was bulging forward and backward. It didn’t look like Bourbon, but a woman. That's a bit of a shame... Speaking of which, where did the bourbon go? Could what was happening today be a serial murder case?

Vodka looked back at the dark corridor, and then at the even darker meditation room in front of him, and his curiosity was aroused.

...To be fair, Uzo's script looks really good, at least it's much more interesting than the "kill with one shot" method he and his elder brother are used to.

The only problem is that when watching these scenes up close, there is a risk of being picked on by Uzo and forcibly captured to participate in the show. As for the actor responsible for playing the "dead person", Uzo is only responsible for sending people to death, and will not guarantee resurrection... Ha, this unscrupulous director.

Vodka secretly took a sip in his heart.

While thinking about it, the padlock inside the meditation room was hit hard several times, and the doorknob fell to the ground with injuries.

The door is open.

When they knocked on the door, several other people had already noticed the figure on the table.

As soon as the door opened, a group of people rushed in. The flashlight shines on the table.

They saw Utagura Akiko's body lying on her back on the table with her arms spread wide. Combined with the surrounding magic formations, the scene looked like a strange sacrifice.

Compared with when they left, the meditation room was extremely chaotic at this time - in addition to the fragments of glass splashed by the door when they broke into the room, the surrounding poster racks were also in a mess and fell to the floor.

Now was not the time to clean up the room. Several people crossed the poster stand and ran closer to check out Akiko Tanakakura's condition. They originally planned to give first aid.

However, after the investigation, it was discovered that the person was already hopeless.

Several people had no choice but to retract their hands and stared at the marks on Utagura Akiko's neck. They felt cold as they recalled the "Kira's revenge text message" they had just received.

Vodka, who was following behind, glanced at Utagura Akiko's body and felt sorry for this lovely future idol for a second.

However, since he was not a fan of hers, Vodka quickly looked away and looked at the poster stand buckled on the ground.

"..." The shelves have been knocked down, and I don't know if Kira's poster is okay. Hope there are no scratches.

While praying secretly in his heart, he wanted to lift the poster stand to take a look at the situation while no one was paying attention.

But when he turned around and secretly observed the movements of others, Vodka saw a movement in the corner of his eye, and he was startled.

——Behind him, there was someone else at some point.

Uzo pretended to be looking for clues to the secret room murder case, walked around, and "accidentally" sneaked up behind him.

At this time, other people were still surrounding the body of Akiko Utagura, either comforting the crying Izumi Maho, or being distracted.

Among the tiny noises, Vodka heard Uzo whisper curiously: "Are you here for these signed posters?"

"..." Vodka said with a straight face, trying to turn back from the road of social death, "Oh, I just thought there might be a conspiracy behind this séance, so I came here to see who would go out of his way just for a few posters. It’s such a long way to run.”

Wu Zuo seemed to believe it, and nodded after hearing this: "That's it, that's good."

Then he patted him on the shoulder, turned around and walked to the other side, looking up at the window several meters high.


Vodka looked at his back blankly and warily.

What does that mean?

I always feel like something bad has happened...

Thinking of this, combined with the topic the two people talked about just now, Vodka's heart skipped a beat.

He stared at the upside-down poster stand on the ground. He was silent for a moment, then slowly squatted down, lifted it up a little through his gloves, and looked sideways.

I saw that the front of the shelf was empty. The poster that had been posted there had been taken off by someone and taken away.

Vodka: "..."

He frowned for a second, then went to lift another board.

The result was the same here.

"..." Where is the poster?

Where did the poster go?

I was about to pick up the third piece.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, and a person ran in at the door.

The one who came was Park Noki Kazuo - the doctor who had a good relationship with the magic stick Hirasaka Reiki.

At this time, he looked panicked, his pupils trembled slightly, as if he had been frightened: "Mr. Hirasaka, Hirasaka is dead! It seems that he is dead..."

Halfway through his words, Pu Zhimu Kazuo caught a glimpse of the corpse on the table. As if his throat was being strangled by a terrifying hand, he suddenly stopped talking and stood there sluggishly.

Several other people who were grieving for Utagura Akiko heard this and were stunned with him. Apart from being frightened, I was also a little confused. What does it mean to "seem" to be dead...

Jiang Xia looked away from the window and looked at him: "What exactly happened? Where is Mr. Hirasaka now?"

Park Zhimu Kazuo was a doctor after all, and he felt a little panicked when he had just touched a corpse alone.

Now that I see more people, it has gradually slowed down.

He pointed to the corridor: "Over there!"

On the way to Hirasaka's room, Kazuo Parknoki whispered: "I received a strange text message, 'Kira has been resurrected', so I planned to discuss it with Mr. Hirasaka - he has always been very knowledgeable about souls and the like. …”


Asking for【monthly ticket】(づど)

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