Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 58 Crooked? I'm looking for fake wine

As the saying goes, a hacker who doesn't want to be a driver is not a good bastard. So actually, besides being a driver, Vodka is also a hacker.

The data recovery progressed quickly, and the relevant information in Jiang Xia's mobile phone gradually appeared on the screen.

Vodka browsed for a while, moved to the front row, and whispered to Gin: "There is no record of actively contacting them, and there is no news about Akai Shuichi."

With that said, he turned the screen over and showed it to Gin.

Gin really glanced back - there was obviously no concept of "safe driving" in the organization.

Judging from the data on the screen, both Miyano Akemi and Shirley have sent many messages to Jiang Xia.

Sometimes it reminds him to go to the hospital, sometimes it makes new medicine and asks him if he wants to try it. There are also some short chicken soup articles. The chicken soup articles were written by Akira Miyano.

I don’t know why, but Jiang Xia is obviously a young man, but the model of her mobile phone is a little older than theirs, and it doesn’t have a blacklist function.

However, judging from the chat records, Jiang Xia has never replied to Miyano's messages, and seems to hate the sisters as much as they appear to be.

Until now, Vodka still naively thought that his elder brother wanted to kill Jiang Xia solely because Jiang Xia was a traitor.

But now, Jiang Xia's chat history seems to be fine.

So Vodka thought that maybe he could be released.

However, Gin suddenly frowned: "What's going on with those garbled characters?"

"Garbled code?" Vodka was startled.

There were indeed a few garbled codes in the call records and emails, but he didn't bother to decipher them - wasn't this a message sent by his eldest brother to Jiang Xia?

Vodka was confused for a moment and thought hesitantly, does the eldest brother want Jiang Xia to take the blame? He didn't know whether to point it out for a moment.

"Idiot, I'm not talking about the ones I sent out." Gin really wasn't making things up out of thin air.

He reached out and clicked on the screen a few times: "May 14th, August 3rd, September 27th...these records were not left by me."

"Oh!" Vodka suddenly realized.

Then he was suddenly shocked: "Is this the message from Shuichi Akai?!"

Jiang Xia: "?"

Shuichi Akai? What Akai Shuichi?

It's not time for Shuichi Akai to appear yet.

Even if it comes out, what does Jiang Xia have to do with him?

Did these two model workers jump to the timeline without his noticing...

When Jiang Xia was full of questions, Vodka cheered up, selected a few records, and started tracking Ke Xue with a series of crackling operations.

Then, while waiting to track the location of "Akai Shuichi", he turned around, picked up the gun, and poked Jiang Xia, who was leaning back in his chair and doubting his life: "May 14th, August 3rd, September 27th, you Who have you contacted?"

Jiang Xia: "..."

Although I don't know what happened. But first of all, he has a good memory, and among his contacts, there are not many people who are sneaky and have to encrypt their messages.

In other words, the suspicious gibberish that Gin was referring to was probably...

Suddenly a series of bells rang in the car.

Ginjiu's pupils narrowed and he looked at Jiang Xia's mobile phone connected to the computer, his eyes serious, as if looking at his lifelong enemy.

Vodka touched the sweat on his cheek: "Brother, my tracking program seems to have been discovered by the other party..."

Gin sat up straight and smiled coldly, feeling excited that he was about to catch a big fish.

Encrypted numbers are inherently suspicious.

And he believes in Vodka's skills in hacking. But the tracking made by such an excellent vodka was noticed by the other side within a few seconds...

If the person opposite is Akai, then this situation is not surprising.

Ginjiu glanced at Jiang Xia in the back seat through the rearview mirror, his eyes cold.

But it was a pity that he could not meet Jiang Xia's eyes through a layer of black cloth, so the threat was less effective.

Gin felt a little regretful and ordered: "Invite people to the 4-chome oil refinery in Nishiyama Town. Pay attention to your wording - you should know what to say and what not to say."

Jiang Xia: "...Okay."

The two of them were startled. They didn't expect him to be so cooperative. They always felt that Jiang Xia was trying to play a trick.

But the tracking just now must have alerted "Akai Shuichi" on the other side of the phone.

If the call fails again, the other party may give up contact with Jiang Xia and hide it... Then it is better to seize the opportunity now and pick up the phone and give it a try.

Vodka picked up the phone, approached Jiang Xia, and pressed the speakerphone.

After the call was connected, the person on the other side of the receiver didn't speak, as if he was observing in secret.

Vodka waited for several seconds, but did not receive any useful information, and could not track the signal from the other side at all.

...As expected of Shuichi Akai, he is really calm.

Vodka stabbed Jiang Xia on the waist with a gun, urging him to say something quickly, otherwise "Akai Shuichi" might hang up if this continues.

Jiang Xia said "Hello?"

Gin and Vodka listened with bated breath.

A moment later, a confused voice came from the other side of the phone: "What are you doing?"

Gin was startled.

Not Shuichi Akai. sounds familiar?

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