Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 600 What gives you courage?

At that time, Qianjian's mother-in-law's father and many scholars had already died tragically in the annex, and the case had already passed the prosecution period.

And according to Senjian Yudai, the murderer who caused the tragedy, Renya Karasuma, must be dead at this time.

So these things, in the end, just turned into a sad story stained with blood.

Two years ago, when Qianjian's mother-in-law was chatting with the food detective, she accidentally mentioned this past incident.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention. The food detective was interested in the "large fortune".

He worked tirelessly to find this villa that had been sold by Karasuma, bought it himself, and searched for treasures in the villa with red eyes every day - he felt that with his ability as a famous detective, it would not be difficult to find those treasures and make a fortune. Get rich.

However, two years later, the gourmet detective not only failed to find the treasure, but also because he borrowed a large amount of loan sharking when purchasing this villa, he was ultimately unable to repay it and was gradually forced into a desperate situation.

Finally, a while ago.

Food Detective Gou jumped over the wall and came up with a "good idea":

He decided to find a group of famous detectives to help him decipher the code. Then get rid of this group of detectives - including Senma Yoyo who knew about his treasure hunt. In the end, he swallowed the treasure alone.

As a detective, the food detective feels that he knows very well what attracts other detectives to take the bait.

That's why there was an invitation letter signed "The Phantom Son Abandoned by God" - posing as Kidd to provoke, which would definitely attract his peers.

At the same time, the food detective was inspired by Karasuma Renye's behavior. He felt that only death could stimulate people's inner potential, so he hired a maid who loved to bite his thumb.

In the Gourmet Detective's plan, she will be the spark that ignites this bloody night of treasure hunting.

Because, judging from the surveillance set up during the interview, the maid had the same "thumb-biting" habit as him, and people who like to chew on random things are very easy to kill with poison.

In addition, considering that the detectives are difficult to deal with, the Gourmet Detective also hid other props for killing each other in the annex, intending to let the detectives solve the puzzle while killing each other internally, so that in the end, this group of people will unite to deal with them. he.

As an accomplice of the gourmet detective, Qian Jian's mother-in-law was keenly aware of his murderous intention.

So she planned to take the first step and kill this crazy treasure hunter.

This morning, two accomplices with ulterior motives drove up separately, and then took the same car back, leaving an extra "sponsor's car" in the courtyard of the annex, creating the impression that "the sponsor is someone else." illusion.

Afterwards, they pretended to go different ways and went up the mountain separately.

After Senjian Yoyo hit the strange "Kurosawa" on the road, she easily let the young man in black get into the car. This was partly because she felt that this "dying man" was not a big threat. In addition, I also think that in the eyes of others, this can further deepen the impression that she has just gone to the annex instead of having already been there once.

The way Grandma Qianjian killed the gourmet detective was by coating the handle of the after-dinner black tea cup with potassium cyanide. Let everyone get poison on their thumbs.

——The maid was spared because she was busy serving the guests and had no time to be lazy and drink tea.

But another thumb-chewer, the food detective himself, wasn't so lucky.

In order to ensure that he chewed his fingers on time, Granny Qianjian tampered with the audio tape inside the plastic "host".

As a result, what the "organizer" said was very different from what the food detective had expected, and the food detective had the habit of chewing his hands when he was nervous... so he unfortunately became the first victim.

In the script of Qianjian's descent, the second victim is herself.

——By pretending to be killed by a car bomb like just now, you can escape smoothly, hide quietly in a secret room, and use surveillance to watch the progress of other detectives solving cases or killing each other.

From the suspension bridge, walk all the way back to the Dusk Annex.

Senjian Yoyo looked up at the dusk villa in the distance and sighed oldly.

...Let’s give it one last try before dying. I hope these detectives can successfully find the treasure.

At her age, it was useless to ask for treasures, but she wanted to know what the treasure that had cost countless lives was.

When Qianjian's mother-in-law was thinking about life on the mountain road, she was trying to walk back with her short legs.

On the other side, three young people who walked faster had already returned to the Dusk Villa.

Along the way, the three of them were silent whether they were deliberately creating a sad atmosphere or simply had nothing to say.

Arrived at the gate.

Jiang Xia pushed open the heavy wooden door and saw several people standing in the hall. While they were leaving, other detectives had briefly searched the annex and were gathering in the hall, as if waiting to hear the information they brought back.

At this time, the other detectives looked at the door and saw four people going out and only three coming back. They were not too surprised.

However, considering the cameras in the hall and Senjian Granny's companion "Kurosawa"...

They looked puzzled: "Where is Granny Qianjian?"

"Jiang Xia" sighed: "She was killed. When we were checking the bridge, the car suddenly exploded, and she happened to be sitting in the car at the time..."

A false sigh echoed through the hall.

The maid sighed after the detectives. Remembering what the detective had just told her, she nervously walked towards Jiang Xia and lowered her voice: "Well... there is a letter left for you by the owner at the back door. You need to enter the password for the mailbox."

"..." Jiang Xia glanced at her and nodded, "I know, I'll go take a look."

He went through the small door at the bottom of the stairs and headed to the backyard.

As his footsteps gradually faded away, Ikumi Gunda glanced at the camera out of the corner of his eye and turned to look at the other people:

"The fire in the car outside has subsided. I have a few sets of tools in the car with fireproof packaging. I don't know if they can still be used... Come with me to have a look. I might not be able to open the burned and deformed ones. Car door.”

The group of people nodded and all headed towards the door.

After pushing the door open, a group of detectives closed the door behind their backs and did not continue walking to the car.

There is no surveillance outside the door.

Amidst the patter of rain, the cowboy detective looked at the other people, especially "Jiang Xia" and Toru Amuro who had just returned from the bridge and had not yet had time to communicate: "Everyone should know the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes."

The others nodded, and the figure of Qianjian's mother-in-law appeared in their minds.

Just now, when "Jiang Xia" suggested tossing a coin to decide who would ride in the car, among the few coins that came out, there was a ten-yen copper plate with some rust on it.

Baima Tan recalled the situation at that time: "The coin landed farthest from Qianjian's mother-in-law, but she passed over other coins and stretched out her hand to take that one..."

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