Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 602: Murderous intent, the key point is murderous intent

The detectives were somewhat skeptical of Kurosawa's story.

But he suddenly remembered that when everyone was tossing coins just now, the copper-stained coin that exposed Qianjian Granny was far away from Qianjian Granny, but very close to the young man who called himself "Kurosawa".

In other words, if the old man and the young man were really accomplices, then Kurosawa should have just picked up the patinated coin closest to him as if nothing had happened. In this way, Granny Qianjian will not be exposed so early, and her "suspended death plan" can be hidden for longer.

However, in fact, Kurosawa did not behave like this at all... From this point of view, as he said, he was just an innocent passerby who hitched a ride with Qian Jian's mother-in-law and accidentally entered the dinner party.

Tohru Amuro was slightly more suspicious than the others.

Mainly because he suspected that the "terminal illness" was actually real - Matsuda suddenly became speechless while playing billiards, and he skipped dinner and only drank a bowl of soup, and after drinking for a long time, he didn't see the soup in the bowl getting less... These manifestations seem to be really related to "disease".

But on the other hand, judging from Matsuda's behavior, whether he hit the billiard ball accurately into the hole just now or jumped off the balcony, he seemed to be very strong and quite flexible, and "the advanced stage of a serious illness is waiting." The image of "death" is far different.

...In short, to be on the safe side, we still need to remind you.

Toru Amuro then tactfully advised: "Treat if you are sick. Medical treatment is developing rapidly now, and some diseases that were originally thought to be terminal illnesses are actually not that difficult to treat."

"...As I said just now, terminal illness is just an excuse to get a ride." Jiang Xia, who was wearing a vest, decisively ignored Toru Amuro's thoughts and brought the topic to the right track, "Let's think about business. About my performance just now A proposal to give her a massacre scene - have you thought of your respective 'methods of death'?"


A group of detectives listened to Jiang Xia's last words. Although I understood what he meant, I didn't know why, but I suddenly felt a creepy feeling of being targeted by a cunning hunter. The lightly dressed and intuitive Gunda Ikumi even had goosebumps silently.

... Their intuition makes them want to shake their heads immediately and reject the proposal, because they always feel that there seems to be some other purpose hidden behind it.

But when I think about it rationally, the words of the young man in black seem to make some sense.

——If a group of them went to press for questioning, Granny Qianjian might just keep her mouth shut and refuse to tell the way to leave here.

On the contrary, put the old woman in a strong position, and she may answer the question with pride. After all, as Kurosawa said, "How to escape from this mountain filled with poisonous snakes without transportation or signals" can barely be regarded as a troublesome puzzle, and it is worth telling. .

The detectives looked at each other.

Finally made up his mind and nodded.

Then they began to think about "methods of death" suitable for themselves and others when "killing each other" - each of them had seen many murder scenes, and they all loved reading detective novels, so they were considered experts in this field.

After a few brief exchanges.

Considering that Granny Qianjian might be coming back soon, the group of people did not stay at the door any longer. Instead, he planned to go back to the annex and put on a good show.

Just when they were holding the doorknob and preparing to push the door open.

Behind him, Kurosawa Zuo's voice suddenly sounded again.

There was a subtle hint of joy in the young man's tone, which seemed a bit eerie against the dark night: "By the way, although everyone should know it, I still want to remind you - don't underestimate the insight of a detective, especially An old detective who has accumulated countless experiences due to his age and has seen all aspects of life.

"You can't hide her from ordinary acting skills. Just like she can't hide from you that she is the real mastermind behind the scenes.

"——In short, please be sure to sincerely kill the other person and release your murderous intention from the bottom of your heart."


When Toru Amuro heard the last sentence, he frowned unconsciously.

Although there is currently no evidence to prove that this person is Matsuda, it always feels a little awkward to look at a familiar face and say such instigating words.

Although the other detectives were not familiar with this face, they were equally uncomfortable - I don't know why, but they always felt that Kurosawa had said so much, and only the last sentence "I hope you really want to kill each other" was the key point.

Moreover, compared to Senjian’s mother-in-law, I always feel that from the sense of mystery to the temperament, Kurosawa himself is more in line with the image of the "mastermind behind the scenes"...

However, this was just groundless speculation after all, and was quickly put aside by the evidence-focused detectives.

Compared to this... Kurosawa's reminder was almost like questioning their acting skills.

"Don't underestimate the detectives." The detectives snorted, and their faces quickly fell into the drama, "We are all professionals."

"Kurosawa" smiled at them, and the excitement and provocation in his tone disappeared like a phantom.

He nodded and said in a friendly tone: "I hope so."

Mother-in-law Qianjian is much older, but her body is actually stronger than she looks.

Although due to her age and the fact that her legs were numb from squatting in the grass for a while, her footwork could not keep up with the three young people just now, she quickly followed the mountain road and walked all the way back to the Dusk Villa.

When she arrived at the place, she did not enter through the main entrance, but climbed in along the wall, carefully avoiding the lighted area, went straight to the secret room hidden between the two floors, and hid inside.

The secret room is thirty to forty square meters, and there are countless display screens in it. It is a special monitoring room.

——A few days ago, Qianjian’s mother-in-law and the gourmet detective secretly installed countless surveillance cameras in the annex. This secret room was also discovered by the two of them during their treasure hunt. Disappointingly, there was no treasure in the secret room, but at least it gave them a suitable place to hide.

After Qianjian's mother-in-law entered the secret room, she closed the door here, pulled out a chair and sat down.

She glanced across several monitors and quickly stopped on one of them.

This monitor is connected to the camera located in the lobby.

Granny Qianjian pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose and looked at the surveillance screen carefully.

While she was leaving, a group of detectives seemed to have finished a rough search of the annex. At this time, they were gathering in the lobby to quarrel.

——With the "murder and death" of the gourmet detective and her, the tense atmosphere in the annex was finally ignited, and the detectives could no longer remain as calm as before.

However, it seems that there are still people trying to maintain peace.

——In the surveillance footage, the "Kurosawa" she brought helplessly advised the fight: "Stop arguing. Compared with doubting our own people, the organizer who is hiding somewhere is probably the most suspicious."

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