Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 605 Breathless in Progress

Jiang Xia: "..."

To later treasure hunters, these last words seemed to have little meaning.

No, you can't say that. Maybe this person named Senjian Kyousuke simply wanted to piss Karasuma Renya off when he saw this line - "I know where the treasure is, but I'm dead."

The only thing that is more concerning is that the person who left this ancient blood letter is called Senjian Kyousuke - the same surname as Qianjian's descendant.

Qianjian is not a very common surname. Under the current circumstances, this can hardly be regarded as a coincidence.

With this clue, there seems to be a little more indirect evidence that Granny Qianjian is the mastermind behind this.

In the dark, next to a faint fluorescent light.

After Jiang Xia read the bloody book, he looked at each other and pretended that he was also thinking about the above inference.

After that, he glanced at the camera in the corner and prepared to leave the battlefield.

After all, now, he is just an innocent patient who is responsible for surviving until the end and asking Qianjian's mother-in-law how to leave.

He should find a place to wait quietly instead of continuing to wander around and pack up with other detectives to stage "no survivors."

After reading the bloody book on the piano cover, "employee" Kidd walked over and turned on the light.

Toru Amuro turned around and planned to look for other clues in this room.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly heard a chaotic sound coming from the piano behind him, as if someone was pressing on the keys - Toru Amuro turned around quickly and saw Matsuda following him two steps toward the cabinet, and on the way there was a step under his feet. Soft and fell to the side... He looked like a terminally ill patient who was unable to walk steadily.

Amuro Toru was startled, then he supported the person and instinctively listened to the breathing, checked the pulse, and looked at the eyes... After completing a set of observation procedures, he stopped and began to think about whether it was pretending or real.

Then he saw Matsuda leaning against him as if he was weak, raising his hand to press his eyes: "...This kind of fluorescence is really upsetting. My head starts to hurt again."

Toru Amuro: "..." Huh? Can you still speak? seems to be an act.

No wonder Matsuda dared to arrogantly remind the detectives to pay attention to his acting skills just now - Matsuda himself actually acted like one. I always feel like this guy has pretended to be sick and weak a lot in the past, otherwise how could he be so skilled...

However, when it comes to "touching porcelain", it is often associated with illegality.

Hmm... Thinking on the bright side, maybe it's not that Matsuda often gets stuck in acting, but that he does often get dizzy due to illness, so his acting looks similar?

...Wait a minute, what kind of "thinking for the best" is this?

Toru Amuro fell silent for a moment.

...In the end, I decided to just assume that Matsuda is very talented in acting.

He remembered the general policy set by a group of people before tonight's "No Survival" performance, and decided to deal with the matter at hand first.

So he picked up Matsuda, who was unsteady on his feet, and cooperated with complicated emotions: "Is it okay?"

"Fortunately, I'm used to it." Jiang Xiaxi sighed heavily and closed his eyes, "There seems to be an empty bedroom next to it... You continue to check, I will go in and lie down first."

In order for the detectives to kill each other, Senjian Granny and Gourmet Detective placed some weapons in the guest room.

However, there are many guest rooms in the annex, and not every bedroom has one. The "next room" that Jiang Xia mentioned didn't have any useful tools in it.

Hanging up in this kind of room can make Granny Qianjian feel more at ease and tell the truth when she faces him later.

——Although Jiang Xia himself doesn't care about the truth, he just wants to take the opportunity to see if the detectives have new tastes of murder and develop some suitable new granaries.

But after the detectives have worked so hard to perform the show and send out murderous intent, they must be paid a little, so as to facilitate future cooperation... Well, of course, the premise is that they can really produce murderous intent.

Toru Amuro put the "terminal patient" in the next room to lie down and asked Jiang Xia to wait quietly.

Afterwards, he and Kidd, who was dressed as Jiang Xia, closed the door and continued their half-truth and half-false search along the corridor.

The other side of the annex.

The maid stood at the door of the bathroom, biting her thumb nervously. Waiting for Gunda Ikumi, who was on her team, to come out of the bathroom.

After biting it, just as she put down her hand, a wet handkerchief suddenly stretched out from behind and covered her mouth and nose heavily.

The maid with average acting skills held her breath nervously. She was somewhat thankful that her face was covered with a handkerchief and the people behind the surveillance camera could not see her expression. She struggled briefly, closed her eyes and fell to the ground.

Behind the maid, Ikumi Gunda, who "sneak-attacked" her, showed a meaningful smile, dragged the maid into the tool room, and hid it.

Then I washed my hands and planned to leave.

As soon as he stepped into the corridor, a voice suddenly came from beside him: "...I knew there was something wrong with you."

At the same time, there was the click of a firearm being loaded.

Gunda Ikumi was startled and turned his head.

She saw a white horse detective holding a gun standing there, the muzzle of the gun raised, facing her.

Hakuba Tan recalled the provocative "reminder" given by the young man in black just now, his eyes were cold, and he tried hard to regard Gunada Ikumi in front of him as a cruel villain who needed to be killed.

At the same time, he said seriously the reasoning with many flaws: "The maid's car is equipped with a bomb, and the prisoner will not take the risk of riding in it, so compared to the four people who went to the bridge, the murderer is more likely to be you, Mr. Motegi, and the maid. among those left behind.

"At first, I was actually more suspicious of the maid here. The so-called 'interview content' was all what she said to herself. And compared to my colleagues, I was more inclined to suspect others who were not good at solving puzzles and wanted to use detective power to solve the problem. people……

"I didn't expect that following me all the way, I would actually gain something. It's just not what I thought. The maid lady turned out to be the one who was attacked."

Gunda Ikumi did not answer directly. She laughed: "Underage high school students actually carry guns with them?" She pretended not to know that everyone had guns in their rooms. "Is this the privilege of the second-generation police? Reporters should know I really like this news."

Detective Baima also sneered: "I found this from under the pillow in my room. I used it temporarily for self-defense. Stop pretending. You plan to use it to frame me after everything is over."

"I don't have..." Ikumi Gunda had a small palm mine hidden in her hand.

When Detective Hakuba was attracted by the topic of "pistols" and turned his attention to the gun in his hand, Ikumi Gunda suddenly turned around and shot him.


The sound of gunfire echoed in the corridor, and the white horse detective fell to the ground.

Gunda Ikumi raised her chin slightly and glanced at the defeated general: "I'm sorry, but this is also for self-defense - if I don't take action first, an impatient young man like you will shoot randomly after being frightened, and things will go wrong. It’s troublesome…”

While speaking words of self-comfort, she left the "body" behind her and walked up the stairs on high heels, intending to go to the central control room on the fourth floor.

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