Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 610 The correct way to distinguish Jiangxia and Wuzuo

It was different from Senma Yoyo's tense expression.

"Kurosawa" sitting opposite her had the same tone as before.

He looked at the old woman in front of him who was "thinking too much", smiled tolerantly, and said unhurriedly:

"When Ms. Gunda called us to look at the bloody card, she really only had the jack of spades and the four of clubs in her hand. But there were other cards on the card table.

"——Please don't underestimate the memory of ordinary people. When God closes a window for me, he will naturally open a few more doors. If you want to remember the cards in the pile on the table, just glance at them."

Thousands of generations descended: "..."

Is there something wrong with this proverb...

But perhaps the calm tone of the person opposite affected her, and she slowly recovered from the horror of "the black hand was actually opposite me" just now.

Senjian Yoyo was concentrating on recalling the previous scene in the living room, but he couldn't remember what cards were piled on the card table, and whether the cards of King of Diamonds and Queen of Hearts were exposed.

...She wanted to go back to the secret room and call up the surveillance camera for a moment. But then she thought about it: She didn't know that the clues were hidden in the cards. The living room was not a key surveillance area. From that angle, the scene on the card table might not be captured.

Moreover, if Kurosawa is really a dangerous person with unknown intentions, then when she expresses the intention of "wanting to leave", she may be stopped or silenced immediately.

And if Kurosawa simply had a good memory as he said, she certainly didn't need to go back to verify it.

...In short, at present, there is no concrete evidence. The explanation Kurosawa gave was quite reasonable.

Senjian Yudai decided to believe it for the time being.

What's more, she had already decided before she did what she did today - as long as she could learn the truth about the treasure, it didn't matter even if she died here.

Although it seems now that a few hours ago, she seemed to have picked up something extraordinary from the mountains... But as an old woman with a short lifespan, what is there to be afraid of? No matter what secrets Kurosawa hides, she only needs to Seeing the treasure is enough.

Embracing a sense of relief as if a jar had been broken, Qianjian Shengdai took a deep breath and gradually relaxed his mood.

She didn't dwell on the problem anymore and turned to look at the clock on the wall.

Then according to what Jiang Xia just said, he raised his hand and moved the heavy pointer with some effort.

While she was working hard.

behind her.

Jiang Xia glanced outside the door from the corner of his eyes while sitting on the main seat and watching leisurely.

The audience outside must have heard the conversation he had with Granny Qianjian just now.

Detectives seem to believe in the theory that "everything that exists must leave traces."

This is very suitable for distinguishing "Jiangxia" and "Uzuo" in turn.

——Jiang Xia was just passing by and enthusiastically solving the case, and would not leave any traces before or after the incident;

——On the other hand, "Usa" wearing the Matsuda Jinping shell can leave some rumors behind. As long as you make sure that no physical evidence is left behind and that cunning detectives or organizations don't actually get caught, there should be no problem.

Even if someone takes advantage of this, and in the difficult situation without evidence, they still plan to stay in "Uzo" and risk illegal arrests...

A puppet that can collapse into a shikigami at any time, run through walls, and even return to the seal space with one click is difficult to capture successfully.

In addition, there is no need to worry that after Uzzo's reputation is leaked, those who come into contact with him will be wary of him, which will lead to a decrease in Uzzo's directorial success rate.

——Because in fact, most of the time, Uzo just innocently touches on other people's cases and will not personally contact the Dark Shark target at all. In addition, since the person involved is often dead after the incident, whether this person had contact with Uzo and how he came into contact has become a complete mystery.

In short, if Uzo could be as honest, quiet and silent as the original body. Then how to pull it out to block the main body...

...The trumpet is so happy.

...Alt accounts that can go offline and run around anytime, anywhere are happier.

If there are other suitable puppets in the future, Uzo No. 2 and Uzo No. 3 may appear... For a cadre of a mysterious organization, it is not impossible to have several stand-ins.

However, it is not an easy task to pick up another adult ghost fetus with a normal size, and the mark must be in a very inconspicuous position.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia sighed quietly in her heart.

He temporarily gave up his desire for a new account and concentrated on watching the old lady in front of him working.

According to Jiang Xia's words, Qianjian's descendants dialed the clock left and right.

As the pointer passed the last grid, the sound of gears turning suddenly came from the wall.

The next second, the clock embedded in the wall fell off and hit the ground with a clang.

Senjian Yoyo looked at the floor tiles that were only half a centimeter away from his toes, with a cobweb already cracked, and felt numb and a little scared.

Then I noticed the weight of the watch.

After being stunned for a moment, Qianjian Fangshi suddenly realized something.

She rushed to the ground and grabbed the clock that fell in front of her. She saw that the part where it was in contact with the ground was shattered, revealing the heavy yellow metal inside.

"..." The entire watch turned out to be a large piece of precious gold.

Qianjian Fangdai looked at the fortune in his hand, and his mind went blank.

In the end, thousands of words were entangled and intertwined, and two words slowly emerged - this is it?

Such a large piece of gold is indeed precious.

But compared with the countless scholars who died here and the famous detectives whose corpses were still cold, the existence of this "treasure" instantly became extremely ironic.

——Even if you don’t mention the spiritual and moral significance, just talk about the visible value, let alone the group of scholars from forty years ago. Tonight, among this group of private detectives, just grab anyone and squeeze them dry. I'm afraid his net worth is more than just this gold plate.

Qian Jianjiangdai has been concerned about the treasure for more than 40 years.

But now, looking at the treasure within her reach, she wished she had never learned the truth.

She fell to the ground and muttered to herself: "Just because of this, so many people lost their lives..."

"Yes, you personally sent away less than half of them." Jiang Xia said with pity, while peeking at her expectantly.

However, the old lady was so disheartened and confused at this time that she did not develop new murderous intent in anger after being stabbed in the heart as he thought.

Jiang Xia sighed, with a real expression of pity on his face.

In the eyes of the detectives peering in from outside the door, they seemed to truly feel sorry for the lives lost.

"..." Looking at it this way, Kurosawa seems to be a good person. but……

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