Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 62 Choose one of three

Jiang Xia walked into the side room and looked at the murder scene.

Opposite the door, a corpse holding a samurai sword was stabbed through the chest with another long knife and nailed to the wall.

It looked like there had been a vicious fight - the walls were covered with knife marks and even the ceiling. The surrounding things were also shattered.

The deceased was the head of the family here, Marudenjiro.

A while ago, he suspected that his wife was cheating on her, so he asked Mouri Kogoro to come over to investigate.

Today, Mouri Kogoro found out the results and came over to deliver the report.

While the two were talking, other guests came to visit. Marudenjiro left Mouri Kogoro behind and went to the side room to receive other guests.

Mouri Kogoro waited for a long time, but did not wait for Marudenjiro to come back.

When he saw his client again, Marudenjiro was already a corpse.

After calling the police, the police did nothing.

——When Jiang Xia arrived, all the suspects had been found, no more, no less, exactly three.

One of them is Mrs. Maru's lover and family doctor. The other two were people who had borrowed money from Marudenjiro, one was a sculptor and the other was a kendo instructor.

Jiang Xia glanced around and stopped at the corpse's legs.

——A leg-picking shikigami.

Jiang Xia's expression softened a lot, it's good to have gained something.

Then he decided to let the shikigami drop early, pick it up and go home early.

Jiang Xia looked at the kendo coach among the suspects and said kindly, "You must be the murderer."

He didn't pay much attention to the wording. After all, in this world of detectives, you won't be sued for libel if you accuse the wrong murderer.

...At most, they were murdered by the person they were falsely accused of, or by their relatives and friends.

When the Mu Mu Police Department heard Jiang Xia's conclusion, their hearts thumped.

——A few minutes ago, Mouri Kogoro said the same thing as Jiang Xia.

Mouri Kogoro felt that the only person who could fight like this with Marudenjiro, a master of swordsmanship, could be another master of swordsmanship, Suwa.

However, after being reminded by a child, they gradually discovered some strange details and believed that the murderer was not Suwa, but someone deliberately framed her.

Brother Jiang Xia, what's going on today?

"Um..." Police Department Mu Mu hesitated and looked at his new brother, then at the hot sun outside, and began to wonder for no reason, "Will the possessed souls be burned to death by the sun?" .

Mao Lilan came over and reminded Jiang Xia in a low voice:

"The deceased's holding position of the knife was wrong. Normally his dominant hand would be in front, but he obviously held it backwards."

"That's right." Mouri Kogoro said calmly, "This way of holding the knife and the traces of the fight look like the work of an amateur - the ceiling is covered with knife marks. Who would hit that kind of place in a fight?"

Conan glanced at Mouri Kogoro faintly. This was obviously his line. And when he said that just now, he was hit on the head by Mouri Kogoro, but now, Moori Kogoro actually used it himself... tui! Double standard uncle.

Jiangxia squatted down, pretending to check the corpse, and secretly stretched out his hand to tug the shikigami on Marudenjiro's leg, while casually saying: "Those are taking advantage of our reverse thinking."

Shikigami was a little afraid of him and slowly shrank in size.

But he still stubbornly held the body and refused to come down.

Jiang Xia let go regretfully.

He stood up and looked back at the messy room: "To be able to carve so many knife marks shows that the murderer had a lot of time to arrange the scene. Even if he is not familiar with swordsmanship, he can know how to hold it more smoothly after a little practice. Turn the other way."

Conan heard half of it and understood what Jiang Xia meant: "Are you trying to say that the murderer arranged this in order for us to come to the conclusion that the scene was deliberately arranged like this by laymen, and then eliminate the experts first?"

And among the three suspects, only one is a kendo master...could it really be Suwa?

Uncle Maori actually guessed it right as soon as he came up!

Conan was surprised for a moment by this fact, but soon returned to his disdainful eyes.

After all, there are only three suspects here.

There is a one-third probability that if you catch some cats to choose from, one of the three will be able to guess correctly.

The Mu Mu Police Department also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Brother Jiang Xia's logic is still online.


He pondered and touched his chin, feeling that this reasoning was not rigorous enough:

"However, it is also possible that a layman knew that Mr. Suwa would come today, so he deliberately arranged the murder scene to be exaggerated, so that when we see these traces, we will think that Mr. Suwa pretended to be a layman and arranged it. scene, but in fact it is a scene arranged by an outsider because it is so amateurish that it can easily be thought to be a scene deliberately arranged by an expert.”

Jiang Xia: "..." He barely understood what the Mu Mu Police Department was saying.

But if we go around like this, it will only be endless.

So Jiang Xia turned her head silently, pretending not to hear, and continued to say her own words:

"The deceased bled a lot. When the murderer was posing for him, some would inevitably be stained on his body, hands or soles. You can try to test it on Mr. Suwa. If not, look for discarded clothes along the way.

"In addition, there is one more thing..."

Jiang Xia walked to the wall, where there was a standing cabinet composed of many drawers.

Compared with other places, the damage to the standing cabinet was even greater, and the knife marks on it were dense and messy.

If you look closely, you can find that there are actually two types of scratches on the cabinet. One is very deep, as if it was carved deliberately, and there are strange breaks at the beginning and end. The other type is consistent with the knife marks elsewhere.

This means that the order of these drawers is deliberately disrupted.

——The deceased had carved words on the cabinet. After the murderer found out, he messed up the order of the drawers, and then in order to cover up the scratches, he simply arranged the whole room to look like it had been slashed with random knives.

Jiang Xia's eyes followed the broken mark in a circle.

Then he put on gloves, took out several drawers, and rearranged them.

Soon, as the drawer returned to its original state, the knife marks on it were restored, forming the two pseudonyms "すわ".

——Exactly the pronunciation of "Suwa".

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