Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 632 Please stay away from us

"Until recently, I didn't know that what she was looking for was not a suicide note at all, but the memory card of the camera on the bookshelf! When Hashiguchi committed suicide, he actually recorded his death to her!"

"She was the one who caused Hashiguchi to commit suicide, so, so I want her to taste the same thing..."

At the end of the sentence, while he was wiping away tears, the policeman with a complicated expression picked up his hands and clicked on the handcuffs.

Although the causes were different, Hattori Heiji's expression next to him was equally complex.

However, he is a detective with a quick mind after all. While some police officers were still digesting Jiang Xia's words just now, Hattori Heiji had already caught up with the progress.

And he vaguely felt that something was wrong: "The technique you mentioned, he is not the only one who can do it. In addition, Tsujiei found that his friend was not in a good condition and wanted to take him for treatment. Although it was a bit reckless, it was actually a relatively reasonable move. …Why did you identify him as the murderer so quickly?”

Tsuji Eijun was startled, stopped being dragged away by the police, and looked over.

He also wondered where he had exposed his flaws.

Then Jiang Xia shook his head, with a helpless expression and a hint of humility: "Actually, I just chatted with Mr. Tsuji Rong casually, but I didn't expect his reaction to be so big... After that, his expression became more and more wrong, and I slowly It’s definitely him.”

"???" Tsuji Eijun was confused at first and then angry, feeling that he had lost ridiculously, "You!"

He was furious and wanted to rush over, but the handcuffs made a clattering sound.

However, the strong policemen next to him could not hold Toru Amuro down, but they were able to hold him down firmly enough.

Tsuji Eijun's idea of ​​"fighting this bastard detective!" was finally nipped in the bud. He could only scream angrily as he was dragged into a police car.

As the police car door clicked shut, the car whined and drove away.

Jiang Xia's eyes moved from the police car to the place where Tsuji Rongzun had just stayed.

There lay quietly a wisp of murderous aura, directed at him. From the grumpy murderer.

The mermaid is always sensitive to murderous intent. At this time, she has swam over gracefully and picked up the murderous intent on the ground like picking flowers.

She stretched out her little hand, patted the non-existent dust on it, and swam back happily with murderous aura in mind - as long as this fish has murderous aura to pick up, it will be in a happy state all year round and is very easy to raise.

Matsuda wandered over and picked up the shikigami that fell on the ground after Tsuji Eihon revealed his murderous intentions.

Wait until the siren's squeaking sound has completely left.

Jiang Xia turned around and found that Hattori Heiji, Amuro Toru, and a group of policemen who were still at the scene were staring at him with "???" expressions, surprised by his "routine solving of the case" operation.

"Sorry, just kidding." Jiang Xia sighed apologetically like the king of cold jokes who failed to adjust the atmosphere. "I just felt that the atmosphere was too heavy just now, and I wanted him to relax a little."

Then, under the watchful eyes of a group of people "...", he casually made up some words and seriously answered Hattori Heiji's previous question "Why did he quickly lock in Tsuji Eijun?":

"Outside guests are not familiar enough with haunted houses. As for premeditated murderers, they are generally more inclined to choose places that they are familiar with rather than places that the other party is familiar with. So I think that if there is a murderer, outsiders can be allowed to do it temporarily. The suspects were put aside, and the three classmates of the deceased were given priority.

"Among these three people, when we were experiencing the 'Horror Operating Room' in the haunted house just now, after the bed stopped shaking, Mr. Minetani appeared faster. In addition, the direction he approached was exactly diagonally opposite to us. If it were a murderer, he would instinctively avoid this side.

"Although Ms. Katori had time to commit the crime, there was a slight noise when the door of the X-ray room was opened. In addition, girls are more sensitive to the accessories on other people's bodies. If the murderer was her, she might have prepared red nails in advance. Oil, instead of temporarily discovering something wrong and having to smear it with plasma... Of course, the biggest reason is the action of Mr. Tsujiei picking up the deceased - after guessing the murderer's method, deducing the most suspicious person is not Calculation is difficult.

"However, in the final analysis, these are just auxiliary speculations. I just think Mr. Tsujiei is the most suspicious, and I don't mean to say that he is the murderer.

"And just now, I did not say that he was the murderer. I just looked in his direction and guessed the murderer's crime process - after all, he looked the calmest among the three people. Maybe he could be listening, and vice versa. Give me some information.

"Who would have thought that after telling those speculations and looking at his nails, he would just kneel down..."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

Watching the murderer reason, do you hope the murderer will provide information?

Who believes it! It's obviously intentional to deceive people. Otherwise, which murderer could remain calm while being watched by Jiang Xia and retelling his actions? After all, he spoke as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

... Fishing reasoning, this is fishing reasoning.

Hattori Heiji felt that he should express his contempt here.

However, when I thought about it, he himself occasionally used similar methods to fish out prisoners or physical evidence...


Hattori Heiji turned around as if nothing had happened, and reluctantly gave a good evaluation of Jiang Xia's reasoning in his heart:

He is quite witty, knows how to adapt, and is a qualified high school detective...

The case was solved quickly.

Faced with the police's invitation to "take notes", Toru Amuro set a time when he planned to skip the appointment.

Afterwards, prepare to go back to the hotel to rest.

However, next to him, the noisy black-skinned high school student kept talking:

"What kind of commission do you want to entrust? Why don't you take me with you? Anyway, I've already run away from home. I always feel like I'm at a loss if I go back without doing anything... It doesn't matter if the confidentiality requirements are high, I also keep my mouth shut."

——Hattori Heiji still didn’t give up.

...Although Kudo-san had just indirectly contributed to his death in society.

But Hattori Heiji still felt that Conan was actually pretty accurate at judging people, and he was especially sensitive to the scent of criminals.

Even if he misjudged a little this time, the fact that he was being targeted by Kudo meant that Boss Amuro must have a secret.

In addition, Hattori Heiji had already borrowed so many people and equipment and tried it out with great fanfare. This can barely be regarded as a sunk cost. If Toru Amuro didn't understand the purpose of abducting Jiang Xia out, he would always feel unwilling to do so.

...Taking a step back, even if Toru Amuro has no problem, the client might also have a problem - he entrusted a detective to help find the runaway, so why would Jiang Xia be prohibited from carrying a mobile phone? That way, if the person you find needs first aid, you won't be able to call to report it. It doesn't feel very reasonable.

Faced with Hattori Heiji's request to "let's go together".

Amuro smiled politely:


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