Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 635 Energy Saving Mode

Hattori Heiji looked at Jiang Xia's thoughtful look and was startled.

...If I remember correctly, every time Jiang Xia fell into thinking, her eyes would be like this, slightly lower than usual.

After that, it often doesn't take long for Jiang Xia to suddenly solve the case and expose all the murderer's tricks.

"..." I didn't expect that this time, Jiang Xia would have a clue so quickly. Obviously this case is different from before. This time, the case took place on a campus where people come and go. The suspect could have just hit and run away. But now, they have not even defined the specific scope of the suspect...

Hattori Heiji sighed sadly.

But after hesitating for a moment, he gave up talking to Jiang Xia for the time being.

...It’s better not to interrupt Jiang Xia’s train of thought. What if he was thinking of a key point and when he asked a question, his thoughts were interrupted by a conversation.

Although I am very concerned about Jiang Xia solving the case faster than him, if I want to eliminate the gap between the two, I still have to rely on the laggards to catch up, rather than find ways to drag the leaders back to where they were... In addition, although there are people this time Provide an alibi for Jiang Xia, but Toru Amuro and Jiang Xia are considered to be the same team no matter how you look at it. The testimony of the unscrupulous boss may not be valid. If the case is not solved as soon as possible, Jiang Xia will always have the suspicion of "being pointed out by the deceased before his death". Not a good thing.

Thinking this, Hattori Heiji turned to the side and ran to harass the crew: "Where are the newly sent scripts and the previous scripts? Show them to me."

The deceased was a screenwriter who was missing. Now, he sent the second script, but was beaten to death near the crew... There may be a key secret hidden in this script.

The director has made many suspense dramas and knows many detectives, including Hattori Heiji, a Kansai high school student detective with obvious characteristics and high recognition.

Seeing that the policeman had no objection, he handed over the two scripts together.

Hattori Heiji got the script and roughly read it.

Before taking a closer look, he suddenly thought of other potentially useful clues: "By the way, when your screenwriter ran away, did he take or leave any specific items with him?"

The director thought for a while and said hesitantly: "I don't know exactly what luggage he brought. However, after he disappeared, we asked the staff to open his room once - no one saw him for two days in a row. We thought he was alone in the room and something had happened. However, when we opened the room, there was no one in the room. There was only a note left by him saying that he wanted to "leave for a while." He didn't like to clean up the room. It was very messy and full of stuff, so we left quickly without taking a closer look.”

The two of them had just said a few words. Next to them, Jiang Xia seemed to have come back to her senses and came closer.

Hattori Heiji glanced over, his eyes complicated, and he was a little distressed by the reasoning he had just started - the puzzle he had obtained was suddenly solved by someone else.

However, this time, Jiang Xia didn't even say "The murderer is probably ××" at the beginning, which made the blood pressure of his peers and criminals soar at the same time.

He just joined the team looking for clues like a serious detective: "In this case, let's go to the deceased's room first. According to experience, there are usually some useful hints left in the place where the deceased lived."

"In addition, Hattori is right. There may also be clues hidden in these two scripts." Jiang Xia pointed to the two manuscripts in Hattori Heiji's hand, "Print a few more copies and send them to others. Maybe someone can relate to the key hints through them.”

"Okay." The director and the screenwriter have a good relationship. Although he is sad about the death of his friend at this time, he is after all a big-hearted director who has filmed many suspense dramas. He quickly entered the state of a tool and sent the script to Police, ask them to print more copies.

Then he started leading the way: "We live not far from here, just two streets ahead at the Zhifeng Hotel."

Next to him, Toru Amuro, who was leaning against a tree and was distracted, heard the word "hotel", and his eyes that were like a pool of stagnant water moved slightly, and regained a little brightness.

He straightened up and followed the team heading to the hotel to look for clues.

——There are not many hotels around here. The one he and Jiang Xia booked happened to be this Zhifeng Hotel.

...Maybe you can find a chance to rest for a while. Toru Amuro looked at the building two streets away and sighed silently.

When he arrived at the hotel, Jiang Xia discovered that the room where the deceased stayed was actually on the same floor as his room.

Of course Toru Amuro's room is nearby.

After Jiang Xia and the police entered the screenwriter's room and started searching for suspicious items.

Amuro looked at the police in the corridor and felt that the environment here was quite safe, so he temporarily gave up the plan of "personally tracking Jiang Xia" and told the nearby police.

In this case, Jiang Xia, who was persistently pointed out by the deceased, is an important witness.

And Toru Amuro, who was traveling with Jiang Xia, naturally became a more important witness.

But the witness refused to stay with the police, and there was nothing the police could do. We can only write down Toru Amuro's room number first, and then continue to try to solve the case.

Toru Amuro successfully escaped from the scene, and his whole body felt much more relaxed. He quickly returned to his room.

Thousands of meters away, in the tall police station building.

Kazami Yuya wore a flashlight on his head, a stun device and an anesthetic gun on his waist, and two sleeping bombs that could "die together" if necessary were stuffed in his pockets. He crawled carefully in a ventilation duct.

As he was approaching the exit, his phone vibrated twice.

A phone call came in.

Kazami Yuya freed his hand, took out his mobile phone, and glanced at the number displayed on the screen.

He saw his reliable boss—Jiang Gu Ling.

He immediately picked up the phone seriously and reported the situation:

"Mr. Fangtani, we have completed checking the 5th to 7th floors, and we have not gained anything yet."

Amuro Toru's voice soon came from the other side: "Well, don't be in a hurry, just look for it slowly."

In this incident, Toru Amuro's requirements for the efficiency of his subordinates were not very high.

——In his opinion, as early as a few hours ago, when his subordinates were waiting for Matsuda to come out outside the bathroom, Matsuda had probably already left the police station along the ventilation duct.

And he asked his subordinates to check the ventilation ducts again, just as a precaution to prevent Matsuda, whose health condition was unknown, from being trapped in the ducts and being imprisoned as a corpse.

Therefore, for this low-standard task of "finding someone before starving to death", it doesn't matter if it's a few hours earlier or a few hours later... if it ends later, he can just rest a little longer.

Toru Amuro thought of the life he had been living these past few days and couldn't help but let out a sigh: "...Wanting to sleep but not being able to sleep is indeed a kind of torture."

It’s even more difficult to sleep and have unexpected situations disrupt your plans every day.

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