Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 637 The script is in progress

"That's right." Hattori Heiji also subconsciously followed Jiang Xia's line of sight and glanced at the door. He didn't see anything unusual, so he looked away again, and continued what he just said, "If you are looking for inspiration, there is no need to hide the newspaper clippings behind your clothes... To put it bluntly, it's like waiting for him to die. Eventually, the person who was packing his luggage would be able to find the same clues."

Jiang Xia thought of the cute shikigami on the prisoner's leg across the wall, and the equally cute murderous aura, and said in a normal voice that could reach the door:

"When I was guest-starring just now, I was chatting with the makeup artist. She said that the atmosphere of this crew is relatively relaxed, and many people are old friends who have known each other for many years.

"Perhaps the dead screenwriter noticed some anomalies around him and discovered that the serial thefts of art were related to acquaintances in the crew, so he secretly used the script to allude to reality. He wanted the prisoner to see the situation and surrender voluntarily.

"However, now it seems that things obviously did not develop in the direction that the screenwriter expected. The screenwriter may have felt that his life was threatened, so he suddenly ran away from the crew. Afterwards, he went to observe near the set uneasily, but unfortunately he died..."

The words floated out of the open door and intermittently to the crew in the hallway.

Two of them felt a thump in their hearts and looked at each other silently. For a moment, they almost suspected that the detective in the room had lurked into their crew in advance, and hid in the corner and observed in secret for several days - the real situation was actually what Jiang Xia said. There was no difference, it was as if he had seen those things with his own eyes.

"..." We are also considered people in the entertainment industry. In the eyes of the crew, the "advantages" of many celebrities are questionable - especially those celebrities who appear to have great commercial value. They may have been deliberately packaged by some companies. The money tree that comes out.

Before, they were a little suspicious of Jiang Xia, a young detective who became popular too quickly. When joking in private, they also said that if they wanted to kill someone one day, they might invite Jiang Xia to the scene and be informed by this detective who may have a high water content. A "good guy card".

However, now it seems...

"Secretly using a script to allude to reality?" Yuan Shan and Ye Gang also took advantage of the chaos to ask for a copy of the script.

When she heard Jiang Xia's words, she subconsciously turned the booklet in her hand to the part where the murder occurred:

"I remember that in the script of the second episode, a second deceased person appeared - he was a secret agent hired by Nagasaki. Before his death, he wrote the word "Nine" on the soil scattered in the flower pot as a death message. In addition, this time when the witnesses found the body, there was 'Ah Zhen' nearby..."

The "A Zhen" in the script happens to be Jiang Xia's cameo.

In the first episode, this character was just a natural passerby who ran over to the scene of a murder and pulled out a knife to investigate.

But in the second episode, as the number of scenes increased, "A-Zhen" transformed into a mysterious Riddler.

"'Azhen' should be the real clue left by the deceased." Jiang Xia's eyes also fell on the script in Yuan Shan and Ye's hands:

"The deceased was attacked near the campus. If he had been hiding around before, he might have discovered that the person who guest-starred as 'Ah Jung' had become me. He kept pointing at me before he died, probably because of this. "

After a few words to reduce his suspicion.

Jiang Xia felt that as the reasoning progress bar moved back and the murderous aura outside the door became more and more intense, her mood improved and she secretly set the progress faster:

"Since 'A-Zhen' is the center of the mystery, there must be a lot of clues hidden in the script about her - such as this sentence. When she walked to the lake with the protagonist, she said, 'There are monsters living here in summer. However, it doesn't have to be Worry, powerful things also have weaknesses, and this monster’s weakness is its nose’.”

In a suspense drama, this line has a rather strange style.

However, considering that the deceased's main purpose in creating this script was to provide clues to others. Considering that "Ah Zhen" is originally a Riddler... In short, compared to the style of painting, the content of the words is obviously more worthy of attention.

"'Lakeside'... Speaking of which, there is a relatively famous scenic lake to the north of Zhifeng University. The environment around it is very similar to the environment described in the script - street trees, stone embankments, and simple lakes across the water. Stone Bridge…”

Hattori Heiji recalled the situation of Scenic Lake - there were many people coming and going around the lake, and school janitors regularly repaired and cleaned it. Moreover, it was connected to the river, and the water flow in it was not slow. It seemed unsuitable for hiding important clues.

If it is really hidden, then the "monster's nose" must be a clue as to where the treasure is hidden. It's just that Hattori Heiji wasn't familiar with Chiho University, and he only glanced at Scenic Lake when passing by, and couldn't think of anything that looked like a nose.

However, as a high school detective who gets enough sleep, Hattori Heiji has always been very active.

If you can’t think of it, then don’t think about it and just go find it: “Let’s go and have a look.”

"That's all we can do for now." Jiang Xia nodded, "In addition, there seem to be several other lakes nearby. Let's go look for them separately."

Hattori Heiji has a rare opportunity to solve the case simultaneously with Jiang Xia. After finding the next clue, he quickly left the hotel. I'm always worried that if I walk slowly, Jiang Xia will suddenly say "Wait a minute, no need to go, I thought about it, the murderer must be xxx"... Although to the police, this sentence clearly means "working overtime" The words "It's about to end" were quite popular, but as a detective who focused on the experience of solving crimes, Hattori Heiji was already numb to similar statements and didn't want to hear them at all.

Yuan Shan and Ye also ran out.

Before leaving the room, she thought of something. When she looked back, she found that Jiang Xia was still in the room.

She asked doubtfully: "Aren't you going?"

Jiang Xia shook his head, as if deep in thought: "I feel like I've missed some important points... I'll think about it again, you go ahead."

"Okay." Yuan Shan and Ye Mingjue nodded sharply and quickly disappeared from the door.

At this time, quite some time had passed since the screenwriter's body was discovered.

The melon-eaters who were watching the excitement had already gone back to their homes, and some of the crew members also went back to their rooms to rest; some overheard their conversation just now and joined in the fun to look for the surrounding lake.

In addition, there were a few scattered people staying nearby, as if they didn't know what to do for a while, so they had to follow the police and detectives around, looking for the backbone.

Jiang Xia walked back and forth in the room several times under two obscure gazes.

Then, as if he suddenly thought of a key clue, he showed a bit of the "sudden realization" expression that he had learned from Kudo Shinichi, and walked out of the hotel quickly.

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