Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 648 Let’s fight, let’s fight. Please vote for me (づど)

Chapter 648 Let’s fight. Let’s fight.

After a few seconds, Toru Amuro came back from his thoughts.

He felt a little tired, but he could only show his vigilance and let Jiang Xia enter the living room. Then he found the device from his bag and searched his room for a while, looking for similar equipment.

Of course, there was nothing to be gained - except that there were no cameras, and there were no bugging devices in his house, which was very clean.

Toru Amuro then "reasoned" casually while taking apart the camera Jiang Xia brought:

"We leave the room for the same amount of time. If we are here for the organization, the camera should be placed on my side instead of on your side.

"So, it could just be that someone was monitoring that room and you happened to be living in it. Or it could be that someone just wanted to take secret photos.

"Of course, it's possible that one of your ardent fans sneaked in while we were eating - I checked when I checked in. The hotel's anti-theft measures are average and the door lock is not difficult to pick."

Toru Amuro fiddled with the camera for a while, and he immediately relaxed after confirming that it was one of his own who had caused an accident rather than a murder.

He yawned and just wanted to get it over with quickly, while covering up for those unreliable public security subordinates: "It doesn't seem to be a big deal at the moment. We still have important tasks. There are no other hotels around here. The weather It’s not suitable to leave overnight. In short, don’t alarm the people in the store yet—you can make do with a floor bunk here.”

Jiang Xia: "...?"

...At this time, shouldn't it be the culprit who asked his subordinates to put the bugs to take the initiative to give up the bed?

...But then I thought about it, if he was really so close to the people, he wouldn't look like the bourbon of an organization, but like a polite and good policeman who respects the elderly and cares for the young.

He sighed inwardly. The floor is laid on the floor. Anyway, this store is all covered with tatami, so there is not much difference between the bed and the floor.

late at night.

Most of the people in the hotel had gone to bed, except for two sleepy-eyed employees on duty at the front desk.

Amidst the heavy rain and howling wind, the small door on the side of the hotel was pushed open with a creak.

A figure slipped in quietly.

Sendaf pressed the peaked cap on his head, avoided the sight of others, walked to room 207 like a silent ghost, and found the room registered by Jiang Xia.

——Yesterday, the waiter in the store named Shenbao Daxiong asked him to disguise himself as Jiang Xia and defraud a box from the bad-looking hotel owner. He also said that after the project is completed, he will be given a large reward.

However, with the arrival of Zhen Jiangxia, this "well-paying" part-time job came to nothing.

Sendaf has been busy pretending to be rich, handsome and deceiving women recently, which is when he needs to invest upfront.

Just now, after accepting the money thrown by the magic treasure Nobita, Sendaf always felt that compared to the few perfunctory banknotes, the real treasure should be the box in Jiang Xia's room.

So he planned to get in and try his luck.

There was no one in the corridor on the second floor, only the soft light of the corridor lamp was shining quietly.

Sendaf came to the door of Jiang Xia's room, took a deep breath slightly nervously, took out the tools, and started to pick the lock - he had also committed burglaries before, and was no stranger to this kind of work.

Soon, the old hotel door was pried open with a click.

Set off by the silent corridor, the noise was much louder than expected.

Sendaf was so startled by the movement that he held his breath and froze in place for two seconds.

After a while, it was confirmed that there was no movement around, and room 207 was quiet. Jiang Xia didn't seem to notice his arrival.

Then he stepped lightly, pushed open the door and slipped into the dark room.

At the same time, I secretly prayed that the detective had better be asleep.

And if Jiang Xia didn't sleep and saw him...

A cold light flashed in Sendaf's eyes, and he clenched the knife in his pocket - it's not like he had never killed anyone in street fights before, otherwise he wouldn't have to live in hiding by working and picking up women. I can't use my ID to find a legitimate job.

In short, if things go wrong and the burglary turns into a murder, he can still throw the blame to the divine treasure Nobita. Anyway, the divine treasure Nobita is also looking at the box in Jiang Xia's hand, which is particularly suspicious. Moreover, as a fellow outlaw, Sendaf always had an intuition that the divine treasure Nobita might be carrying some kind of case and could not withstand investigation. In front of the police, this man is an excellent shield.

When Sendaf was rummaging through his suitcase in Jiang Xia's room.

the other side.

Divine Treasure Nobita also sneaked to the door of Jiang Xia's room with the simple intention of "wanting the 100 million yen in the suitcase".

Before coming here, as a hotel employee, he first stole the spare key to Jiang Xia's house from the counter.

However, at this time, the door was broken open, and Shenbao Daxiong was surprised to find that Jiang Xia's door was not locked.

...What is that detective doing? He's not asleep yet?

But the peephole was completely dark, and the cracks in the door were also dark, with no light seeping through. It can be seen that the lights in the room have been turned off at this time.

"..." Shenbao Daxiong fell into thinking: Could it be that Jiang Xia was used to living in a house that automatically locked, and suddenly encountered such an old hotel and forgot to lock the door? Some customers have done similar things before.

However, no matter what the truth is, for him, a thief, it is just right to leave the door unlocked - when opening a locked door, even with a key, the door will make a moderate noise.

Before, Divine Treasure Nobita was worried that this noise would wake Jiang Xia up, but now there was no need to worry.

With this thought in mind, he gently pressed the doorknob, pushed open the door quietly, and walked into the entrance hall.

As soon as he adjusted to the dim light in the room, Shen Bao Nobita suddenly met a pair of eyes.

——"Jiang Xia" is not asleep yet.

When the door opened, the light from the corridor also shone into the room. Perhaps attracted by this light, "Jiang Xia" noticed the person entering the room and raised his eyes warily.

In the room, the curtains were open, and the light from the courtyard filtered in through the windows. In that hazy light, Shenbao Daxiong saw "Jiang Xia" half-crouching by the window, checking an open box.

...Check the contents of the suitcase, why don't you turn on the light? !

This abnormal place made Shen Bao Daxiong suddenly alert. He suddenly remembered that during dinner, when he came to peek into Jiang Xia's room, he heard the movement of people coming and going in the room, and a few big words suddenly popped into his mind, "Fishing and enforcing the law."

Thinking of this, Shen Bao Nobita grinned with a stiff smile.

He was about to be shameless and find an excuse, saying that he was passing by and found the door unlocked, and wanted to come in to remind the guests. Then he left in seconds, refusing to admit guilt. Without evidence, Jiang Xia couldn't do much even if he had some guesses.

However, before speaking, Shenbao Daxiong glanced at Jiang Xia's clothes and suddenly felt something was wrong.

——Related reports on the case. Jiang Xia always likes to wear low-key black clothes.

Therefore, before coming to find Sendaf, Shenbao Daxiong specifically told this impostor to remember to dress according to Jiangxia's common dressing style.

However, tonight, when he met the real Jiang Xia face to face, Shenbao Daxiong was surprised to find that Jiang Xia was wearing blue and white clothes and looked quite sunny.

So at that time, Shenbao Nobita didn't realize that the person in front of him was Jiang Xia until he took over the luggage from Jiang Xia. The hotel owner even recognized the person based on the name on the name book... But now, the "Jiang Xia" in the room was still black.

...This is fake Jiangxia.

What is he doing here? !

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