Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 650 Uzo doesn’t want to kill anyone. Please vote for me (〃〃)

But at the same time, there was a new doubt.

——He hasn’t even knocked on anyone yet, why did the waiter lose his murderous aura? It fell so completely.

Could it be that the waiter was too excited about something and died suddenly on the spot, leaving only a murderous look on the ground?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xia put this question aside and was too lazy to think about it.

It doesn't matter how it came about.

The important thing was that since the murderous aura appeared next to his pillow, he accepted it without mercy...

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia turned over while half asleep, relying on instinct to close the distance between himself and the murderous aura, then stretched out his hand to drag the murderous aura, naturally balled it up, and skillfully put it into the mark space.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes peacefully and contentedly, rolled over again, rolled back into the warm bed, wrapped himself tightly in the quilt, and fell asleep again.

"...?" The mermaid was stunned for a moment. When she came back to her senses, everything was a foregone conclusion, "!!!"

five minutes later.

Jiang Xia opened her eyes soberly.

...My face and body were scratched by a mermaid for a while. In the current season, the ghost fetuses, which are slightly cool to the touch, are making noise, which is quite refreshing.

For the nth time, Jiang Xia grabbed the mermaid fluttering in his bed and threw it out of the bed.

Then he yawned and thought again of the murderous intention that suddenly appeared just now, and then thought of the 100 million yen buried nearby by the man in red.

After hesitating for a moment, I felt that I couldn't sleep anyway, so I might as well drive out for a walk in my vest.

Jiang Xia was lying in the makeshift bedding, relying on his boss to see no ghosts, allowing the shikigami to arrogantly pass by Amuro Toru's bed, queue up and fly out through the wall.

A moment later, outside the house.

The successfully smuggled shikigami were piled one on top of another, transformed into puppet clay forms, and gradually piled up into a human figure.

Soon, Matsuda Jinpei's puppet took shape outside the house.

Jiang Xia threw his body into the bedding, and his consciousness possessed the puppet in black, intending to go to the "Tou Shen Forest" that he passed by when he came here.

Previously, he and Toru Amuro encountered a "Front-Falling Jizo" in the forest heading to the hotel.

Sendaf actually guessed correctly. The old newspaper from five years ago in the suitcase did hint at where the treasure was buried.

The front page of the newspaper read "Akagi Maru's First Victory". Based on the team and level Akagi Maru was in at the time, combined with his performance in that sumo match, we can know where the treasure is buried.

——Go to the location of Jizo in the Forest of Head Gods and walk eight steps to the east.

Now, being idle is idle, Jiang Xia thinks, it is better to bury the 100 million yen somewhere else. Then dig it out the next time you come to Gunma and bring it back to Tokyo to make gin and vodka as souvenirs.

Forget it about the boss and Belmod, they don't seem to be very interested in "giving money to the organization". He's pretty good at spending money. Moreover, the unit "100 million" sounds more promising, but if it is divided into several tens of millions, it always feels a little less interesting.

But before digging for treasure...

Before driving the puppet and entering the forest, Jiang Xia suddenly noticed something.

He stopped and turned to look at the other side of the hotel corridor.

...There seems to be the aura of a shikigami over there.

Very fresh and still warm.

After the Shenbao Nobita arranged the hanging scene of "Fake Jiang Xia Sendav", he hurriedly left Jiang Xia's room and was torn between "walking around looking for clues" and "pretending that nothing happened and going back to sleep".

Then, he still couldn't worry about the 100 million yen, so he decided to take the risk to see where Jiang Xia had gone and whether he had found the treasure.

——I heard that some young detectives tend to forget their own safety after discovering clues, only focusing on the target, and end up in danger alone.

In other words, even if Jiang Xia found the treasure, it didn't mean that he had no chance to get it... There happened to be a ready-made corpse in Jiang Xia's room. Shen Bao Daxiong felt that after he succeeded, he could put the two corpses together to create a double murder scene where "the murderer accidentally killed the famous detective and then committed suicide out of fear of guilt".

Thinking of this, he grinned and slowly revealed a murderous smile.

Before that delicious smile could be fully formed, the next second, there was a sudden "swipe" sound from the friction of cloth above his head.

——Shenbao Daxiong's eyes suddenly went dark, and his head was covered by something.

He was startled, struggled instinctively, and wanted to question sharply at the same time.

But before he could make a sound, a hand pinched his throat accurately through the bag. The yell he had yet to make was choked into a dying breath.

Then the unscrupulous attacker pinched his neck like a grain bag and dragged him casually into the shadows at the end of the corridor.

Shenbao Daxiong tried to struggle, but found in despair and horror that he was like a child facing an adult - all the muscles in his body seemed to be fake, and there was no way to exert any force. The opponent was so strong that he almost didn't look like a human being, but like some kind of humanoid machine.

In the end, he could only stumble and follow the force, otherwise there would always be an unpleasant feeling that if he resisted, his head would be pinched off directly.

As he walked around, Divine Treasure Nobita's ears twitched and he heard a strange voice that he had never heard before.

The person pinching him muttered happily: "I came to Gunma to do some errands, and unexpectedly I ran into an interesting murder and treasure hunting game. The feng shui here is really good... Speaking of which, if only one person dies, things will be boring. Well - with the detectives here, this level of 'suicide by hanging' will be exposed soon.

"However, if you are willing to sacrifice and become the next deceased, things will be completely different - the case will definitely become more interesting." After saying that, he turned around like a polite business partner and said friendly, "How about it? Think about it?"

The divine treasure Nobita was trapped in a sack: "???"

...Who would sacrifice themselves for "playability"! I didn't do it just for fun at all, I was seriously trying to silence myself!

Divine Treasure Nobita had a lot to say in one moment.

However, with his neck tightly strangled, it was difficult for him to breathe and he couldn't make a complete sound at all.

"..." After recognizing his current situation again, Shenbao Daxiong suddenly realized something, and cold sweat silently ran down his forehead.

...Wait a minute, could this strange pervert just mean to ask the question, but actually have no intention of hearing the answer from his client? ?

...No, he doesn't think about it! He doesn't want to die!

Help! ! !

Divine Treasure Nobita shouted in his heart.

Jiang Xia turned around and glanced at him from behind her light sunglasses.

At the same time as his desire to survive exploded, as a ruthless man who had a tendency to silence himself, a lot of murderous aura suddenly emerged from the body of the Divine Treasure Nobita.

…What a wonderful night.

Jiangxia mood +1




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