Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 652 Don’t come over

Jiang Xia stared at herself in the mirror seriously: "Do you think there is heaven in this world?"

Then nodded: "Existence."

"What kind of place would that be?"

"have no idea."

"Would you like to come with me and take a look."


After completing a set of procedures skillfully, Jiang Xia, who activated the skill, was rejected by himself, and the second result of "Q\u0026A in Heaven" came into effect.

His vest suddenly felt numb, and then his clothes pierced through, revealing several sharp spider legs.

In the legend from Miss Spider's hometown, a big spider who transforms into a beautiful woman will stop travelers on the road and ask them the three questions just now. If she doesn't get the response she wants, she transforms into a spider and tears the hapless traveler apart.

In the "Heaven Question and Answer" skill related to the legend, if the last question is asked and the person is rejected, the person will "spider" and get eight useful spider legs.

Supported by the characteristics of ghost fetuses, these spider legs are much harder than pure puppet clay.

Jiang Xia squatted down, raised his claws to poke at the mud below, and dug quickly.

Compared with the spider legs of Miss Spider's puppet itself, the spider legs obtained through skills are slightly lower in hardness, but they are more versatile. After all, Miss Spider's kimono is not very convenient, and she can easily get caught in the clothes if she makes any big movements. I don't know how Miss Spider herself can move like the wind when operating a puppet.

After digging out the pottery pot, Jiang Xia carefully filled the empty hole and dealt with the aftermath.

After that, he left with the pottery pot and buried it in a place he could remember. I plan to dig it out and take it back next time I pass by Gunma.

Of course it can't be taken away directly now. This time he went out in a hurry - Toru Amuro, who came to him for a "business trip" at the time, was still following the rules of complete isolation and did not give him a chance to pack his luggage. And if when going back, Jiang Xia suddenly has an extra bag on him... Even Toru Amuro, who is in a fishing state, cannot miss this change.

After burying the special products, Jiang Xia dispersed the puppets and returned his consciousness to his original body.

Outside the empty house, heavy rain poured down, and the footprints gradually disappeared.

The next morning.

The storm that raged all night had stopped in the early morning. At this time, the air outside the window is fresh, birds and insects are chirping, and it is peaceful.

Amuro Toru opened her eyes in this peaceful atmosphere and looked at the sunlight coming through the curtains, her mood rising rapidly.

Then he got up and tidied up, planning to wake up Jiang Xia and go have breakfast.

But when he walked to Jiang Xia's pile of bedding, Amuro Toru stopped hesitantly.


After struggling for a moment, he turned around quietly and walked towards the door.

...It's better to wait for Jiang Xia to wake up later and let him eat by himself.

...not that I want to enjoy a quiet morning. But I feel that Jiang Xia has been stared at by him for so long. Now that the mission is almost over, he should adapt to a free life again instead of being stared at every meal.

With this thought in mind, Toru Amuro pushed open the door and walked briskly through the corridor and downstairs, preparing to go to the restaurant for dinner.

the other side.

On the mountain road not far from the hotel.

Mouri Kogoro and Mao Lilan carried a few pieces of luggage and walked towards the "Aoi House Hotel" in sight, covered with dust.

They were originally on a "Holy Land Tour" - Yoko Kinoshita's drama is currently on the air, and Kogoro Mori planned to visit the filming location. Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were also very interested in this and also made an appointment to meet at the filming location.

From the direction of Tokyo to the filming location, there happens to be a shortcut through this mountainous area.

Then Mouri Kogoro was unfortunately lost while passing by.

Later, he was unlucky enough to hit a car parked in the grass and was forced to break down.

The group of three people hid miserably in the car from a sudden storm, and it was not until late at night that they finally contacted the towing company.

However, I was told that there were currently no available vehicles, and the road conditions were uncertain after the heavy rain, so it might take a little longer to arrive. Afterwards, the sweet-voiced service staff suggested that they go to a nearby hotel to get some repairs.

"Damn it, I will never run into a ravine like this again!"

Mouri Kogoro glanced at his trousers that were splashed with muddy water, and sighed sadly: "When it's time to take a long way around, you really should take a long way. Although these narrow trails are close, it's too easy to get a tire blowout - tsk, even if If you don’t have a flat tire, other cars will have a flat tire, and then those unscrupulous car owners will park their cars casually and harm others who come after you..."

Mao Lilan sighed: "It's not that you refused to walk along the mountain road. You had to walk in a straight line through the weeds and your vision was blocked. That's why you got hit... I heard from the rescue team that the owner of that car also Rest in the hotel in front. If you see me later, don’t say such things that can easily get you beaten. It’s still a new car.”

Conan carried his small schoolbag and followed the two men with great effort.

On the way, he looked back in the direction he came from and was a little distracted when he remembered the car that had a flat tire and was parked on the side of the road and hit by Mouri Kogoro.

The unlucky car was a white Mazda.

Although the license plate number was different from the old one and it was obviously not the same car, the style suddenly reminded Conan of Toru Amuro, whom he had met once before.

Then he thought of Jiang Xia, who went out with Toru Amuro and was said to be working on a "highly confidential commission" and lost contact with her.

"..." As Jiang Xia lost contact for a longer period of time, Conan once suspected that the anonymous boss Amuro was doing something like a human trafficker behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, relying only on his guesses and intuition, this matter could not be filed at all - even if he used Kudo Shinichi's voice to go to the Megure Police Department, he could only get an invalid reply such as "pay as much attention as possible". Especially after the Megure Police Department read the news and found out that Jiang Xia was working outside to increase the performance of other police departments and stayed among the police all year round even when traveling... The Megure Police Department felt that Kudo Shinichi was thinking too much, and said that compared to Jiang Xia , Brother Kudo seems to have been missing for a little longer. Is he in trouble? Do you need a little help from him?

In the end, Conan had no choice but to give up asking the police and try to investigate on his own.

In addition to collecting reports and photos of Jiangxia's case solving along the way and trying to find distress signals, Conan also told Hattori Heiji, who called him a few days ago, about the situation - Hattori Heiji received the invitation from the Dusk Annex. After writing the letter, I originally wanted to take Conan to play with me, but Conan was traveling around with Mao Lilan and the others, so I had no choice but to refuse.

However, unexpectedly, Hattori Heiji met Eka in Tottori Prefecture.

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