Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 660 Toru Amuro≈Uzo

Then, when passing by Shancun Cao, he was stopped ruthlessly.

The mountain village police department was very flexible and grabbed the hotel owner's mobile phone: "The physical evidence should be shown to the police first!"

"Ah." The hotel owner was startled, and after thinking about it, he apologized, "I'm sorry, I forgot. You really don't look very reliable, so I accidentally..."


Yamamura Cao snorted arrogantly, not caring about these ordinary people who had difficulty understanding his subtle ideas.

He looked down at the phone screen and found a video on it.

After clicking the play button, Yamamura Soo glanced at the narrow screen for a few times but didn't understand.

So I found a detective who was maintaining order nearby and said, "Find a bigger screen and connect it to take a look."


When the criminal police went to the hotel owner to get the equipment.

Xiaobai drifted over habitually and peeked at the screen.

Jiang Xia also habitually waited for its feedback.

However, when the ghost drifted halfway, Jiang Xia suddenly discovered that Conan had sneaked behind Shan Cuncao and was spinning around to peek at the phone screen.

"..." Jiang Xia's eyes stayed on Conan for a moment.

Then he took a few steps calmly, walked behind Yamamura Cao, and looked at the phone in his hand in person.

...I almost forgot that at this time, the detective must not let go of any clues, and must also ignore the police officer's dislike of him and observe clearly.

After approaching, Jiang Xia looked carefully.

While Yamamura Cao was waiting for the projection equipment, he had already exited the full-screen mode. At this time, he was checking the sending address and occasionally glanced doubtfully at the video playing automatically in the small box.

Jiang Xia first took a look at the video screen and found that it looked still, so he looked elsewhere.

On the screen, there was an email with a video attached.

The inbox contained a line of unfamiliar addresses, with the title "Do one good deed a day" and the content part marked with an unknown signature like "by passing eyes".

"..." Feng Jian Yuya turned out to be a waste of naming.

Jiang Xia silently filled his memory bank with new useless information.

The outside edge of the crowd of onlookers.

Yuya Fengmi, who had disguised himself, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the video was successfully delivered to the police. Then, like a turtle that had had enough, he walked quietly through the corridor and left quietly and quietly.

After they sneaked into Jiang Xia's room yesterday, of course they not only installed one camera, but also conducted surveillance from multiple angles as usual.

Therefore, although the candid camera device contained in the craft flower was unfortunately found out, it was also delivered to their common boss by Jiang Xia overnight.

But the cameras elsewhere are still functioning normally.

But last night, Jiang Xia didn't say anything before entering Amuro Toru's room, and even wrapped the camera with a cloth in time.

In other words, without Amuro Toru, the insider, it would be difficult for the person who installed the camera to predict Jiang Xia's next move. In this case, in order to avoid being bumped into by Jiang Xia who "plans to take people back to room 207 to check the situation", or being caught on the spot by Jiang Xia who is waiting for help, these "sneak photographers" should not risk going to Jiang Xia's room. Recover discovered equipment.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, in order not to expose the fact that "Toru Amuro and the candid cameraman were a team", the police had to leave the camera in the room and pretend that they were just a cheap candid cameraman.

Additionally, due to the exclusive news they received from Tohru Amuro - Eka will not be returning to his own room that night.

Therefore, the focus of the police's surveillance naturally shifted from the surveillance screen to the boss's room, and they no longer stared at the screen in Jiang Xia's room.

……However. What they didn't expect was. On this night, a murder occurred in Jiang Xia's house.

In this matter, due to the mystery of the place where the crime occurred, the suspicions of Jiangxia and Toru Amuro are naturally high, especially Jiangxia.

So after discovering the commotion here, Feng Jian Yuya immediately asked his colleagues to play back the footage taken last night, and picked out the valuable parts and sorted them out for later use.

After that, it didn’t take long for him to receive the news from Mr. Fangtani requesting the surveillance video. Mr. Fangtani, who was currently responsible for both “observing the specific composition of Jiangxia” and “organizing tasks”, really didn’t want to be involved in anything unrelated. In the case, I just want to get out of the case as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Yuya Kazami, who successfully predicted his boss's actions, couldn't help but proudly raised his hand and straightened his tie.

That surveillance, which was nominally from a voyeur but actually came from the police, really pushed the case forward very quickly.

——There is a camera that can just take a picture of the door.

It recorded the scene when Jiang Xia hurriedly left the room after discovering another camera. When Jiang Xia left, she turned on the light and turned around cautiously. She obviously thought that there might be other cameras in the room and tried to physically block other cameras from shooting normally by turning off the lights.

Afterwards, as Jiang Xia left, the door closed and the room fell into darkness.

But the camera still captured a fairly clear picture - it was infrared.

After Jiang Xia left, after some time, the door opened again.

This time, the visitor was a young man with a figure similar to Jiang Xia, wearing a cap and a mask.

In the picture, the man pried open the door, sneaked in, and began to rummage.

Not long after he searched, the door opened for the third time. Under the soft light of the corridor lamp, a man wearing the uniform of an employee of Aoi House Hotel appeared at the door.

"This person..."

Jiang Xia looked at the employee's square face and the tufts of curly hair in the video, and said in surprise: "It seems to be the employee who helped us take our luggage when we entered."

It is difficult for hotel owners to recognize people, but employees who have been with them for many years will always have some impressions.

When Jiang Xia mentioned this, he also remembered: "Is it a divine treasure? Speaking of which, today is indeed..." He turned to the employees who were also watching around, "Have you seen him?"


"Me neither."

"I thought he skipped work again to dig for mountain goods... When the police were checking people just now, we discovered that he was not there."

While Jiang Xia listened, he nodded slightly thoughtfully, pretending that he didn't know Shen Bao Nobita at all and didn't know where he was.

A key person was captured on surveillance and suddenly disappeared.

The police officers who were a little confused suddenly had a clear goal.

The mountain village police department added that they finally succeeded in giving a command that someone was willing to listen to.

He raised his hand, pointed towards the end of the corridor, and shouted with great momentum: "Go find someone quickly!"


Just now, Conan took advantage of Yamamura's unpreparedness, moved a high stool, and successfully peeked into the contents of the phone.

Although the light in the room is very dark, this camera has night vision function. After the Shenbao Nobita entered the room, it clearly took a picture of the two people fighting.

——Without even reasoning, the murderer was clearly revealed in front of them.


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