Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 664 You look very resistant to being scared

Although they were only the most basic suggestions, the detectives still intuitively felt that the boss of the detective agency in front of them was much more reliable than the police department they led.

So a group of police officers and enthusiastic hotel staff were divided into several teams and searched nearby.

Seeing that no one planned to go back with him, Yamamura Cao stopped running towards the parking lot - he didn't want to drive back to the city alone, which meant that he had to walk alone through a large deep forest cursed by the head god. On the way, he had a sudden idea, stopped the car and hung himself on a tree... That would be too bad.

So, after hesitating for a moment, Yamamura Cao ran back to Jiang Xia dejectedly.

This detective looks righteous and has a good temper. He stands under the sun and looks like he can't get close to monsters and monsters. He feels safer next to him...

Sure enough, although he soon felt a chill around him, it was just a chill, and he had no idea of ​​running into the deep forest to hang himself... Yamamura Cao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his decision was very wise, and he got closer to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw the ghosts who were curiously poking at Yamamura Cao after discovering the fun toys, and Yamamura Cao who was shivering one after another, but for some reason he had a happy smile on his face. .

Jiang Xia: "...?"

After a moment of confusion, he silently moved a little further away, maintaining due awe and vigilance towards things outside his cognitive range.

Yamamura Cao was keenly aware that the "life-saving straw" was far away, and quietly came over again.

However, on the way, he was suddenly stopped by a black hand extending from the side.

Toru Amuro had been looking at him with disgust for a long time.

He looked at the policeman leading the team: "Aren't you going to work?"

Yamamura became worried, cleared his throat, and said seriously: "I have to be responsible for the summary work."

At this time, the innkeeper, who had already gone back, thought of something and came back again:

"By the way, I remembered it. A few dozen meters south of the hotel, there is an old mansion built along the mountain. It has been basically abandoned because it is too damp inside, but it can be used to hide from the rain... There is a It's a good place for people to hide things. Although the lost Jizo statue is not big, it is also very heavy. If the sacred treasure took it away, it should not be placed too far away."


Although Yamamura Cao has a strange mind, he is still an elite policeman in terms of resume. He immediately understood this sudden reading comprehension - he had to go to that mansion as soon as possible, otherwise if there was a slight delay and the suspect who was inside escaped, it would be a big trouble.

After thinking clearly, Yamamura Cao looked around and wanted to summon one of his subordinates.

However, all the detectives he brought had just been sent out by Toru Amuro.

"..." The hateful detective agency boss.

Yamamura Cao let out a desperate curse.

But soon, he looked at Jiangxia and Toru Amuro next to him, and suddenly had an idea:

"By the way, you guys come with me to have a look - in order to delay time, the murderer may put a fake Jizang there to fool us, and then leave with the real one. And you had contact with Jizang yesterday, so you can help distinguish it. "

This excuse is obviously very far-fetched. Even Yamamura Cao couldn't help but have his eyes wandering when he said it.

But for some reason, neither detective refused him.

The innkeeper was not with them. The store was also in a mess now, and he had to go back and watch.

Jiangxia, Tohru Amuro and Cao Yamamura, followed the innkeeper's direction and walked towards the hidden building with grass growing on the roof.

On the way, Toru Amuro glanced at the gloomy mansion, turned to Yamamura Cao, and asked casually:

"Have you had a physical examination recently?"

This question is actually a bit strange.

But Yamamura Soko was nervous at the moment, wishing that someone would talk to him, so he thought Toru Amuro was also chatting to relieve stress, and casually replied: "Of course! Your health comes first, especially in a dangerous profession like ours."

"That's it." Toru Amuro gradually calmed down, "I don't think he has any underlying diseases such as high blood pressure or heart disease."

Yamamura Cao raised his chin proudly and snorted: "How is it possible? I'm still so young."

"Oh." Toru Amuro looked back at him and stopped chatting.

The distance between the hotel and the mansion is not too far.

Not long after, they arrived at the main entrance of the mansion.

This foreign-style mansion was built close to the mountain. The lower floor was embedded in the valley, surrounded by mountains on all sides, with an airtight ceiling above the head.

As for the only exposed side, the glass on the window was broken and covered with a thick layer of dust. The door is also blocked by weeds and overgrown branches, making it look like a haunted house in the woods.

Yamamura Cao stared at the rusty door with a troubled expression on his face. He wanted to say, "Why don't you go in and I'll keep a lookout here," but he felt that being alone at this time was even more dangerous.

So in the end, he followed Jiang Xia and Amuro Toru closely and walked in the door.

The room was very dark. After entering the room, the door with an old spring creaked shut, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

Before Jiang Xia entered, he caught a lucky ghost and borrowed its night vision ability.

But at this time, in order to cooperate with the two normal people next to him, he still turned on the flashlight.

There was a soft click, and a bright beam of light shot straight ahead. Dust floated in the air. Beyond that, there was a screen blocking the door.

Jiang Xia glanced at it casually, then moved the flashlight to shine on the dilapidated road next to it: "Let's look for it along this way."

The roads in the mansion are complicated. After bypassing the screen, you walk along the corridor for a while and then you can see the broad hall after turning the corner.

This place seemed to be used as a warehouse, with some discarded and moldy items piled up.

The three people walked around and looked at all the rooms on this floor and the hiding places.

However, the murderer was not found.

The missing Jizo statue was not found either.

Yamamura Cao followed Jiang Xia closely, not looking away the whole time.

But when he was about to end the search on this floor, he suddenly heard Toru Amuro saying "Huh?" next to him, and his flashlight was shining upward.

This movement made Yamamura Cao subconsciously follow the aperture and look over. A dense group of bats hanging upside down from the beams came into view. The bats huddled together were disturbed and slightly agitated, with a pair of black eyes shining coldly.

Yamamura Cao stared at the large group of black animals that were swarming like mildew, and immediately got goosebumps all over his body, "Ouch!" he screamed.

The bats were startled by him and flew down in a haphazard manner.

Yamamura closed his eyes tightly, skillfully held his head and dodged, rolled twice and moved behind the pillar, shivering for a while.

After a while, the commotion gradually subsided.

He cautiously stuck his head out and found that there were no bats flying around. Immediately relieved.

Then he was stunned.

The surroundings were empty.

"..." What about those two people? ! !

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