Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 668: Belmode thinks it’s not possible. Please vote for me (づど)


The woman, or Belmod who disguised herself as a passerby, after finally seeing these two names, couldn't help but abandon her image of a passerby and showed a look of caution and dissatisfaction at the latter's name.

Then she turned back to the latest page and wrote the fake name casually.

Then he closed the ledger, handed it back to the front desk, and waited for the other party to answer.

"Well, actually something happened..." The front desk was worried that the guest had escaped from his hands, so he went through the check-in procedure at N times speed.

After the formalities were completed, he breathed a sigh of relief, glanced in the direction of the commotion, and shared the delayed melon:

"To be honest, unfortunately there was a murder here - a high school detective hanged himself.

"He is very famous. You should have heard of him. He is the Jiang Xia from Tokyo..."


The clerk originally wanted to sell the story like a storyteller, but then suddenly made a twist that shocked the customer's jaw.

But for some reason, the more I talked, the more chills ran down my spine.

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s an illusion: although the woman in front of the counter looked calm, and even had a charming smile on her lips, she always felt that her aura suddenly became very scary... Well, maybe she was angry with the clerk for not treating her earlier. Tell her about "there was a murder in the store"?

Shop assistant: "..."

The woman looked cheerful and outgoing, not like someone with a delicate mind and fear of murder. I didn't expect her reaction to be so strong, and her momentum was unusually fierce...

He shuddered as he thought of his deception of a client just now.

Immediately, I didn’t dare to continue to talk about it. Instead, just like when I was checking in, I sped up my words N times. I just wanted to finish the topic I started so that I could finish it and leave:

"When the police came, they discovered that the person who 'hanged himself' was actually an impostor - last night, the high school detective was not in his own room at all, but went to the room of the boss who came with him. The one who died was a Someone who looks like him.

"In addition, the murderer was one of our employees - a peeping tom sneaked into Jiang Xia's room and installed a secret camera. As a result, Jiang Xia was not photographed. Instead, the murderer's murder was filmed.

"Originally, the case was supposed to be easy to solve, but who knew that the murderer actually refused to admit that he had killed someone, and insisted that a mysterious man wanted him to play a 'killing game'... Alas, although his character was not very good, he looked like he was being killed. The tragic situation that was dragged back here really doesn’t look like something that could have been caused by oneself, there should really be such a mysterious person..."

In front of the counter, Belmod was filled with bad news: "..."

A few days ago, she discovered that Bourbon suddenly took Jiang Xia out and cut off Jiang Xia's external contacts. It seems that she has been paying close attention to this since she and Wu Zuo tried each other out.

Although Gin didn't seem to care much about this matter, Belmode found it hard to rest assured - what did Gin know? In his eyes, which has no real discernment, Uzo is a member of the organization with the same upright roots as him.

But in fact, Belmod knew that Kudo Shinichi, who was shrunk by APTX4869, lived near Uzo, and Uzo knew about it. However, it was related to the core secrets of the organization, and he had no intention of reporting the matter to the organization. , instead took the initiative to help Conan and the others cover...

In short, Uzo is not as dirty as other members of the organization, and there is still a clean place in his heart.

But for guys like Bourbon, the pure land in Uzo's heart is definitely a fatal flaw.

Therefore, being idle is also idle.

The day before yesterday, after Belmode caught the clear movements of Bourbon and Uzo, he finally couldn't help but devise a plan to get rid of several FBI, took advantage of the chaos to leave Tokyo, and chased them all the way.

Now it seems that her move was indeed the right one.

Although I haven’t completely figured out the situation yet, but...

…Why did someone commit suicide in Uzo’s room?

...Who installed those candid cameras?

...and the most crucial thing - what is going on with the "killing game" and "mysterious man" mentioned by the murderer?

"..." Uzo is a genius in using cases to kill people, there is no doubt about this. Even if he occasionally made mistakes, the extent of his mistakes was probably just a failed assassination, and he would never reveal such an obvious flaw after the failure.

And now, a murderer is clamoring that a mysterious person instructs him to kill... This situation may occur because some despicable members of the organization, after hearing some rumors about "Uzo", want to carry out corresponding actions. Probing, obtaining information, and performing a poor imitation.

Although it looks nothing like what he learned, this matter may bring trouble to Uzo.

We need to figure out the specific situation as soon as possible, and then...

While she was thinking, she took the key tremblingly from the front desk and showed an elegant sneer.

When Divine Treasure Nobita opened his eyes again, he had been picked up by a passing policeman and taken back to the reception room where he was just now.

The two policemen he attacked also came back and were sitting nearby.

Compared with just now, the situation is completely reversed.

The first is the police's attitude towards Nobita.

——Just now, a group of people were still doubtful about "being threatened" by the tearful Divine Treasure Nobita. Now, because he attacked the police, the two police officers who woke up one after another have confirmed that this is by no means an honest and innocent citizen.

In addition, Jiang Xia actually had a new idea.

He looked at the disgraced Divine Treasure Nobita and fast forwarded:

"The man in red who 'hanged himself' in the Forest of Gods must be related to you - five years ago, the man in red told the hotel owner that he would come back soon to pick up the box, but he never showed up. The police found that the man in red When he found the body of the man in clothes, the date shown on the receipt he carried was four years ago... This time difference is really strange, but combined with some of the information I just heard, many things have reasonable explanations—— I heard that a year ago, you found a hanged body near here.

"So, it may be that you transferred the receipt and corresponding items from this strange suicide to the man in red, hoping to blur the latter's death time and make him 'die' in the time period when you have an alibi. Because of this, there were many irregularities in the physical evidence, which led the police to come here to investigate."

A group of police officers kept nodding and glanced at Shen Bao Nobita.

This bastard who attacked the police has already proven his harm to society with his actions. I don’t know what excuse he plans to use to exonerate himself this time...

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Shenbao Daxiong gritting his teeth and suddenly nodding: "Yes, I attacked the police, but I was just too scared at the time and instinctively wanted to run...and!"

He slapped his thigh and said angrily: "I didn't lie! That pervert really exists."

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