Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 671 Three for one

And among these two, no matter which one, it means that Shen Bao Daxiong has been exposed to information that he should not have been exposed to.

In layman's terms, he knows too much.

In short, Bellmode felt that according to the consistent principles of the organization, such people should not fall into the hands of the police.

It just so happens that Jiang Xia is taking notes now. As for the "mysterious man", he has an absolute alibi. Even if something happens to Shen Bao Nobita, as long as the police do not suspect Jiang Xia, the organization will not clean up Wu Zuo for reasons such as "the secret may be leaked after being arrested."

In addition, if the organization wants to investigate the "mysterious man", it will definitely find out that it was Bo Bon's manipulation - if Jiang Xia is really just an ordinary peripheral member, then he can only take the blame. But now he's actually Uzo. If things get serious, Bourbon will definitely be the culprit. Maybe Bourbon's cleverness was mistaken for his cleverness, and he was the one who got screwed in the end.

Belmode thought for a few seconds.

Then he used his reason to suppress his plan to make things worse.

...Although I want to see Bourbon suffer, after all, Uzo has flaws and is unlikely to stand up to organizational investigation.

And this time, cool guy and angel happened to be in the same hotel... let's end it as low-key as possible while maintaining efficiency.

When Jiang Xia finished writing the notes, she went out to leave.

They happened to see a figure wrapped in murderous intent, passing by in the corridor in front of them, walking calmly towards the corner.

——I don’t know when, Belmod’s attire has changed from a passerby’s outfit to a police uniform. Of course, her gender has also changed. She is now disguised as a slightly thinner male police officer.

As the figure passed by, a flash of white flashed across the corner of Jiang Xia's eyes.

He lowered his gaze with slight doubt and saw a fresh shikigami on Belmod's lap.

At first, Shikigami was still hanging on tightly.

However, as she moved around, the shikigami's grip on her became weaker and weaker... and finally fell to the ground like a drunk person who couldn't use any strength.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Is the divine treasure Nobita dead?

Is this the shikigami he transformed into?

Belmod's back quickly disappeared around the corner.

Going back to the room from the temporary recording room happens to be in this direction.

Jiang Xia calmly loosened her shoelaces, and then knelt down to tie them when she passed by the shikigami.

Toru Amuro glanced back, packed his luggage in a hurry, said "I'm going back first", and quickly walked away.

When Amuro Toru's back disappeared, Jiang Xia stretched out his hand, picked up the fresh shikigami on the ground and looked at it.

Then I was disappointed to find that although this shikigami didn't hold Belmode all the time, it still had the obsession to be killed, so it was impossible to sign the contract...

Just as he sighed, the auras of other wild shikigami suddenly approached from behind.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw Matsuda Jinping floating back carrying three shikigami.

——Although the Divine Treasure Nobita has not yet been convicted, others have died and been punished accordingly. Those shikigami who died at his hands naturally had their obsessions dissipated.

This means that the three shikigami that Jiang Xia had been thinking about for a day that were previously on the lap of the sacred treasure Nobita can now be picked up and collected.

Jiang Xia looked at Nobita's shikigami, the sacred treasure in his hand, and then at the three shikigami that Matsuda Ki had picked up. The regret of "I can pick it up but can't sign it" immediately disappeared. He decisively threw away the shikigami in his hand and took the other three and put them away.

Jiangxia achieved her goal and was in a good mood.

But next to him, Matsuda Jinpei looked thoughtful.

When Jiang Xia was about to go back to the room, it floated over and poked Jiang Xia: Now that the divine treasure Nobita is dead, the mysterious man "Kurosawa Zuo" seems to be responsible for the murder.

"..." Jiang Xia paused slightly.

Then he moved his vision to the ghost, let the ghost go through the wall, and observed the situation in the next room.

After that, he regained his sight and continued walking to his room, feeling that the problem was not big.

——In the room where Shenbao Nobita was temporarily guarded, Shenbao Nobita was leaning on a chair and had died peacefully "suddenly". The old policeman guarding him was yawning sleepily at this time and had not yet discovered this fact.

According to the usual police action pattern, this would probably be regarded as an ordinary sudden death.

Even if one of the policemen was smarter and figured out that this was a murder...Belmode didn't use his face in Matsuda's vest to enter the room. If the police suspect the "mysterious man", the relevant information they obtained about the mysterious man is also about Yuya Kazami who wore a fake beard.

As for Matsuda Jinpei's vest, his hairline is healthy, his hair is not hairy, and he is not nearsighted... What does his vest have to do with it?

Only on the police side, the mysterious man might be matched up with "Kurosawa Zuo", that is, Matsuda Jinping's vest.

But anyway, the police can't catch a puppet that can dissipate at any time. Moreover, even before they got this new puppet, it was already destined to bear countless blames. At this time, using an insignificant pot in exchange for three shikigami, how could it happen? It’s not a loss at all.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia glanced at Matsuda Jinpei calmly.

Then I discovered that this police ghost didn't seem to be used to taking the blame. Kurosawa Zuo's vest is built with it as the main body. In many cases, Matsuda Jinpei needs to be deployed in person... but the problem is also not big. Taking the blame is something you get used to, and there will be more blame to come in the future.

While there was no one in the corridor, Jiang Xia lovingly touched the new ghost's head.

Then he grabbed a part of the murderous spirit and circled the new shikigami he had just received a few times, and stuffed them together into Matsuda Oni's arms, acting like a plush toy - Matsuda Jinpei may be more humane... ahem, Oni's spirit . Other ghosts are only interested in picking up murderous energy, and shikigami are incidental. As for Matsuda Jinpei, in addition to the murderous smell of wine, he seems to also like to pick up shikigami.

The ghost fetus's thinking ability is not as strong as it was in life.

Matsuda Jinpei lowered his head to look at the shikigami in his arms, and then smelled the murderous smell of high-end wine close at hand, but was diverted by the cunning spiritual master master.

It tugged at the murderous aura and began to think instinctively about when it could get some more smoke-scented murderous aura, cigarettes and wine, everything it wanted...

The towing company I contacted arrived quickly.

Toru Amuro packed his luggage, left the hotel with Jiang Xia in a low-key manner, and got into the car. Then head all the way to the city. Prepare to transfer to the mission location.

After walking out for a while, his phone suddenly vibrated.

Toru Amuro took out her mobile phone, clicked on the mailbox, and read the message clearly, her pupils moved slightly.

The news came from his subordinates who stayed in the hotel:

[The divine treasure Nobita is dead. The cause of death cannot be determined, but I heard it was sudden death. The details will have to wait for forensic examination]

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