Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 7 I am such a good person

Many details of this world are actually different from the "Detective Conan" Jiang Xia has watched - such as Yoko Kinoshita and her attractive female agent.

But there's more that's the same.

For example, there is a classmate in Jiangxia named "Kudo Shinichi". This classmate claims to be the "Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era" and has actually solved many cases...

Another example is that Kudo Shinichi has a beautiful and cute childhood sweetheart who can punch through steel plates. This is also Jiang Xia's classmate, named Mao Lilan.

The day before yesterday, Mao Lilan won the championship in the Tokyo Karate Competition.

According to Jiang Xia's "prophecy", in a few days, the two people will have a sweet date at the amusement park. After the date, Kudo Shinichi will be extremely happy and sad. He will be beaten by Gin and given drugs, and he will become Conan.

Then Conan will move into Mao Lilan's father's detective agency, live with Mao Lilan, and help solve cases.

Among those cases, one was "Miss Yoko"'s request for a stalker.

Although there is a difference in time, the last names are also different.

But Jiang Xia still intuitively felt that Kinoshita Yoko might have also encountered what happened to "Miss Yoko".

The time the agent left for them to talk was not generous.

Jiang Xia didn't let Kinoshita Yoko continue to struggle. He took the initiative and said, "You want to ask about the stalker?"

Kinoshita Yoko was startled.

...Jiang Xia knew it before he said anything. Could it be that...the stalker is really him? !

Although Jiang Xia didn't have the ability to read minds, she could guess what she was thinking when she saw the horrified expression on her neighbor's seat.

He waved his hand before Kinoshita Yoko could think too much and interrupted: "It's not me."

Kinoshita Yoko: "..." Huh?

Jiang Xia made up nonsense: "But when I was filming you, I did see suspicious people." He suggested, "I can help you solve this matter as a thank you gift for saving me just now."

Kinoshita Yoko looked at him and thought, is this young man planning to change his career from paparazzi to detective?

As a permanent resident of the science world, she felt that detective could indeed be the right path.

Although there are some doubts about Jiang Xia's ability, the minor opposite looks very motivated, and Kinoshita Yoko does not want to discourage him.

She nodded: "Okay."

Anyway, she originally planned to find a detective to solve the problem. Now, with the help of Jiang Xia, a person who has seen the "stalker" with her own eyes, she might be able to handle it faster.

Kinoshita Yoko left Jiang Xia a private mobile phone number and address.

Jiang Xia memorized it carefully, and then naturally stretched out his hand to her to shake hands.

This was his original purpose.

Kinoshita Yoko didn't think much, raised her hand and shook his hand.

Originally, according to the position of the little ghost baby, Jiang Xia could just touch it with such a hold.

But the ghost baby seemed to dislike Jiang Xia. When Kinoshita Yoko raised his hand, it silently crawled back a little.

Suddenly it was out of reach.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He froze for a second, then stretched out his hand across the border and poked the ghost.

The stinging pain hit me instantly, and my fingertips seemed to be rolling around in a pile of needles.

Jiang Xia's eyes twitched and she quickly retracted her hand.

...More powerful than he thought.

Plan A: Take it away by force first, then take it home and slowly transform it. You can put an "X" in the back.

The choice to leave Kinoshita Yoko’s contact information just now was indeed the right thing to do...

Kinoshita Yoko was also startled.

She couldn't see the ghost fetus, so in her eyes, Jiang Xia's actions... looked like he was playing hooligan.

It's normal to shake hands and hold someone else's wrist.

However, she also saw Jiang Xia's expression of resistance when he retracted his hand - he didn't seem to like it either.

Yoko Kinoshita has been reading too many literary scripts recently. After being stunned, her mind filled with strange thoughts.

Seeing Jiang Xia was about to leave at this time, she reached out her hand and pulled him back without thinking.

In order to successfully catch the person, Yoko Kinoshita stretched his hands very far out.

Jiang Xia was pulled by her and turned around. The ghost baby that had not crawled far happened to cover the back of his hand.

The touch felt like a pot of boiling water had been poured on it. Jiang Xia's ears buzzed in pain, and he suppressed his expression.

Fortunately, the ghost baby didn't like this kind of contact either, so he quickly crawled away cursing.

The pain suddenly subsided.

Yoko Kinoshita had no idea what was happening in front of her.

She grabbed a handful of candy and put it in Jiang Xia's hand.

Then he patted him on the arm as if coaxing a child, poured a bowl of chicken soup, and said warmly: "Go, don't force yourself to be a bad guy again, detective is a good job, you will definitely succeed."

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He was confused for several seconds before he vaguely guessed Kinoshita Yoko's brain circuit.

...I took my hand back very quickly just now. Although it was actually because of pain, Kinoshita Yoko didn't know.

Therefore, from her perspective, she may be deliberately imitating a bad boy and teasing a good idol, but at the same time she dislikes this kind of behavior, so she quickly withdraws her hand...

All in all, he is a delinquent young man who is on the verge of depravity.

So in order to prevent him from giving up on himself, Kinoshita Yoko took the initiative to express her kindness to show that she didn't mind what happened just now, and Jiang Xia still had time to change her ways.

...a good man.

Jiang Xia felt quite emotional and put a good person card on Kinoshita Yoko, and took back the candy.

When he left, the agent originally wanted to stop him.

But she saw that the CD containing the "evidence" was left on the car seat, and after a moment's hesitation, she allowed Jiang Xia to leave without any hindrance.

...Of course, the more important reason is that the agent's mobile phone signal has been poor since just now, and the text message used to summon the bodyguard has never been sent.

Because I couldn't call the bodyguard as planned. She knew clearly that if a young man like Jiang Xia really wanted to leave, she would definitely not be able to stop him. So it’s better to pretend to be friendly first and let him lower his guard...

After Jiang Xia left, the manager returned to the car, locked the door again, and turned to look at Kinoshita Yoko.

Yoko Kinoshita smiled at her with a relaxed expression: "He admitted that he made it up before and just wanted to get a ride - the CD contained the study materials he had carved."

The agent's hand shook and he almost crushed the CD.

But...that's nonsense.

This means that Yoko has never had an abortion.

The agent breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s fine if there’s no dirty stuff.

She returned to the driver's seat, turned on the ignition and left. At the same time, she complained tiredly to Kinoshita Yoko about Jiang Xia: "He really loves to cause trouble for others, but he wants to involve us in the gangsters he has provoked."

"People's desire to survive is very strong." Yoko Kinoshita's calm voice came from the back seat, "Just like some people say, 'When you are kidnapped, you should smash the things of passers-by, so that passers-by who suffer financial losses will not Standing idly by' - doing things that damage the interests of innocent people, but also trying to survive, it's hard to blame."

"...We've only known each other for a few minutes, and you're already excusing him." The agent's temples were beating again, and he was mumbling.

Yoko Kinoshita listened carefully for a while, and vaguely heard the agent angrily scolding "vixen".

She couldn't help but laugh, didn't say anything anymore, and picked up the half-read novel that was lying next to her.

The novel was given to her by the old director, "Youth Never Returned", a passionate and passionate novel about literary youth.

I just read it and I thought this book was silly.

After seeing it too much, I became assimilated by it and felt that it was a masterpiece.

At this moment, Kinoshita Yoko was thinking with emotion, seventeen or eighteen years old is the right age to dare to do anything, and it is never too late to do anything. It only happens once in a lifetime.

If Jiang Xia really takes the right path in the future, then she can be regarded as a witness to this miraculous transformation.

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