Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 682 It’s not a business trip, it’s a vacation

[——On the road just now, I saw an old red handkerchief tied to a branch next to me. This maple leaf mountain was not well-known before the broadcast of "Red Maple Leaf in Winter". Only locals would come to enjoy the scenery during the maple leaf season. At that time, the mountain was often covered with red leaves, and there was a handkerchief of the same color tied to the branch, which was inconspicuous.

[But the recent drama has made this mountain popular. Now tourists come here regardless of season, and there are more people on the mountain. Watanuki Tatsuzo, who hid the body here, may have discovered this, so he was panicked and worried that the matter would be exposed, so he brought some reliable men over to retrieve the bones and dispose of them separately.

[Epimetheus Slack may know this past incident, and therefore has a handle on Watanuki Tatsuzo. So this time, we got the transaction information between Nishenkai and us from Watanuki Tatsuzo - five years ago, around the time Omori Yuichi disappeared, there was an antique theft at the Gunma Museum not far away. What was lost was a gold-plated mask with a gem inlaid on its forehead. Epimetheus's group watched and stole the gem every day, and Slack was probably nearby at the time. ]

Jiang Xia: "..."

It can be seen that the boss is quite free to type so many words.

But at this time, he vaguely understood why Amuro Toru didn't go back to the room to talk about these important things later, but sent him a message face to face - I'm afraid he thought Jiang Xia was on the mountain before, so Amuro Toru typed these words out of boredom and planned to send them to him. He, as a result, Jiang Xia suddenly came back. Toru Amuro felt that typing so many words was not a waste, so he simply typed the last word and clicked send.

After studying the possible mental journey of the source of the coffee-flavored murderous aura, Jiang Xia focused on the right place again and began to think about this organizational task.

Although many details were different from what he remembered. But so far, Toru Amuro's speculation is indeed very close to the truth... The powerful detectives in this world seem to be able to instinctively deduce the one closest to the truth from countless possibilities as long as they have enough clues.

Jiang Xia thought as he typed a complimenting "I see" in the reply column.

After he finished knocking, he felt it was too weak. After hesitating for a moment, he added a question intentionally to show that he was listening carefully and thinking: [He wanted to dispose of the body, why didn't he fill it with cement and throw it into Tokyo Bay, or drag it and burn it directly? ? ]

Toru Amuro glanced at the screen and fell into silence.

The words he typed just now included another mysterious organization, the complex and intertwined relationships between the three organizations, the internal strife of the Mud Council, and so on.

After watching everything, Jiang Xia raised the question of "how to dispose of the body."

"..." It always feels like after teaching a new text, the teacher asked the students one by one to raise their thoughts and questions about the core of the text, and then a distracted fisherman randomly picked a sentence and asked why there was a period instead of a question mark. …

Jiang Xia seems to really not care about the organization's tasks, and he doesn't care about other organizations, or he doesn't want to contact them. Like a person who is tired of the dark side of society, he just wants to escape from those interferences and concentrate on his detective work.

This attitude is very real and natural, not staged. Toru Amuro remembered that before, he had suspected that Jiang Xia was Uzo, and then arranged such a torturous observation trip for himself...

He raised his hand and pressed his forehead, feeling vaguely regretful. I feel that dreams are too unreliable - if he hadn't dreamed of Usa being Eka before, after Eka went to Tottori Prefecture, Toru Amuro might not have made this decision.

Fortunately, the issue of whether Jiang Xia is Wu Zuo has been concluded for the time being, so there is no need to go through any more experiences.

Toru Amuro quickly returned his attention to the present.

Although the employees are good, Toru Amuro himself is not a real dedicated employee of the organization, and he does not really expect Jiang Xia to help in the task.

He pretended not to notice Jiang Xia's perfunctory attitude, and answered the question seriously to make up the numbers. Jiang Xia raised his head and glanced across the dining table, and found that Toru Amuro seemed to have learned not only the bomb disposal technique from Matsuda Jinpei, but also the hand speed of typing, and his fingertips moved very fast:

[Quanma is not close to the sea, so it is not safe to sink into lakes and rivers. Transporting horses across counties to the sea is prone to problems. Besides, trying to burn someone down makes too much noise. The crematorium is strictly managed and it is easy for the wind to leak out. If the crematorium is burned in other places, the smoke and smell will be observed. Omori Yuichi, who was suspected of being killed by the target, was actually a very cautious person. He was so cautious that when buying real estate, he would buy the surrounding areas together, house his bodyguards, and then let them take shifts and be on duty throughout the day. With Watanuki Tatsuzo's ability at the time, it was surprising that he could trick Omori Yuichi out and kill him. This is one of the reasons why I think this matter is related to Epimetheus. Maybe the people there helped him at the time. , so this time Mian Guanchen reciprocated the favor, or was threatened by that side, so he leaked the news of our transaction. ]

Jiang Xia slowly read it and nodded.

Then I remembered that I was here for a task: [What do you need me to do? ]

After a while, the phone vibrated: [I took turns staring at Watanuki Tatsuzo - what I just said are just speculations, and certain evidence is needed before we can communicate. I have asked the person in charge of this matter at the Mud Council to find the film taken by Omori Yuichi after his car accident to compare it with the bones on the mountain. Then just capture Watanuki Tatsuzo while he is digging up his bones and write a report together. ]

Jiang Xia: "..." It sounds quite casual. He probably doesn't need to write the report. He can just copy and paste the information just now. Toru Amuro seems to be very good at this kind of thing, probably because he has to write two or even three reports by himself all year round. Practice makes perfect, and he has developed it through practice.

There were footsteps nearby.

Jiang Xia turned around, and a waiter in quaint uniforms approached and placed several freshly baked desserts on the table in front of him, along with a cup of hot chocolate. The entire table was overly sweet.

Looking at the heat rising above the chocolate, Jiang Xia was startled and realized that the ones on the table before were actually ordered by the boss for him, and now these are his.

"..." Jiang Xia silently stretched out his hand, held down the Strawberry Buffy that he had just dragged to his eyes, and pushed it back to Toru Amuro.

Then he selected a plate of delicious desserts from the newly served desserts, pulled it closer and picked up a forkful, and while eating, he occasionally looked into the hall, carrying out this easy stalking.

"I have found the tree you are looking for... Please meet under the tree at the filming location... I will take you there..."

At the same time, Mao Lilan and "Suzuki Sonoko" found the guestbook in the hotel lobby.


Thanks to Vampire, the leader of Eternal Boss

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