Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 691 Offline

For a moment, in Conan's mind, a group of unknown figures lined up and passed by, holding anesthetic needles, sleeping pills, ether and other things in their hands... The one among them always likes to wear a scarf and looks well-behaved, but he likes to use... The little boy stuck with a needle stands out the most.

Conan remembered that the child called himself "Tanaka Shiro". The surname "Tanaka" that often appeared in textbook examples was probably fake, but "Shiro" might be real... Speaking of which, the entire Anonymous Organization seemed to love Ma. People, even Haihara Ai who has come into contact with them, have become fond of carrying anesthesia needles with them. Conan also accidentally saw Haiyuan Ai wiping a needle alone when no one was around. His movements were gentle, and a strange sense of happiness flashed in his eyes, as if he felt at ease after being integrated into a strong group, so this time... who is there again? Damn him?

Conan used his remaining thoughts to instinctively reason, and from the perspective of height, Xiaobai was first excluded. In addition, the hand covering his mouth was obviously not a child's hand, but a woman's hand. The skin was very white, slender and soft.

The dark ornaments opposite reflected light. As Conan struggled, his eyes inadvertently passed over it and vaguely saw a long skirt with a familiar style... Sonoko? !

Conan was confused at first, and then realized: No, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for Sonoko to join the Anonymous Organization. Even her own attempt to join was rejected ruthlessly, how could she... No, no, that's not the point.

The point is, this is a fake Suzuki Sonoko. She is someone else's disguise.

Conan has seen very few people who can disguise themselves. Including his mother and Kidd. And...the mysterious woman who pretended to be the school's English teacher and abducted Jiang Xia into the hotel!

Among these three people, if Kudo Yukiko wants to go with them, there is no need to put on any extra disguise.

As for Kidd... there are no gems, no magic exhibitions, and no one pretending to be Kidd to commit crimes, so let's rule them out first.

Coupled with other factors, no matter how you think about it, the woman who has shown interest in Jiang Xia is the most suspicious... What does she want to do? ! Boss Amuro's problems haven't even been solved yet, but the number of dangerous guys has increased again. What's going on with Jiang Xia's scumbag-attracting physique...

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Conan's mind.

Then, as the anesthetic took full effect, an unwilling silence fell.

"Suzuki Sonoko" didn't know how many thoughts ran through this child's mind when he was struggling.

She looked at Conan who finally became motionless in her hands and breathed a silent sigh of relief.

A little doubt followed.

...Cool guy obviously doesn't smoke or drink, but he didn't expect that he was still very resistant to anesthetics. It took him so long to completely faint. Is it because he was born?

It almost seemed like the dose was missing.

She put away the handkerchief she committed, and tucked her hanging hair behind her ears in confusion. She thought for a moment, but she didn't come up with the result.

Finally he shook his head, thought no more, and took Conan away.

And secretly decided that before the end of the mission, the cool guy would never appear in front of the dangerous Bourbon again.

The way the cool guy looked next to the corpse just now made people sweat. Bourbon was still there at that time. Conan apparently ignored his surroundings when he encountered a case. He is not afraid at all when seeing corpses, and his thinking is not like a child at all... Fortunately, Jiang Xia is beside him, so at least he can use "Conan, this kid has seen too many corpses with Jiang Xia, so he has resistance" and the like An excuse to put an end to the anomaly just now.

...Thinking about it this way, Jiang Xia deliberately picked up the physical evidence on the ground just now. Could it be because he discovered that the cool guy was too serious when observing the body, and out of sympathy between the detectives, he didn't want to interrupt, so he planned to use the bloody handbook. , draw Bourbon’s attention away in advance?

It's really not easy for Jiang Xia to raise a "child"... He is obviously only one year older than Xin, and he is still a child.

Belmod thought as he bypassed the hall with the bourbon and walked from the path to the stairs, preparing to put Conan down.

The partition walls used to divide the space are inlaid with long and narrow glass. When passing by, Belmode turned his head, glanced at Jiang Xia, who was standing next to Bourbon in the hall, and sighed inwardly.

If possible, she hoped that Jiang Xia would just be an ordinary high school student, living a peaceful but happy life... But unfortunately not.

Unless Jiang Xia always hides his talents completely and becomes a mediocre person like he did before, otherwise he will have no choice but to step onto the stage of the organization. This is the tragedy of falling into the organizational camp at birth. She understands.

Separated by a wall, Jiang Xia didn't quite understand Belmod's sorrow, but he found that the apple-flavored murderous aura next door seemed a little strange, and the clear fruity aroma gave off a hint of adult alcohol... huh? Will the taste change?

Jiang Xia glanced at the source of cider's murderous aura with slight surprise, but Belmode did not stay for long. When Jiang Xia looked over, he could only see the dim lights in the corridor through the glass on the wall.

"..." Jiang Xia looked away and turned to the mermaid who was happily drifting toward him.

The mermaid had just gotten back a new ray of murderous aura from Belmode, and was wrapping it around her body like a ribbon, dangling in the air to imitate the mural flying.

When passing by Jiang Xia, Jiang Xia used the action of adjusting her collar, raised her hand, skillfully pulled the murderous aura away from her, and took a closer look.

The murderous aura clinging to his body was suddenly taken away, and the mermaid turned several times in the air like a top. After stopping in a daze, she was stunned for a moment, and an angry " # " seemed to pop up above her head, baring a pair of sharp tiger teeth, and lunged back.

Jiang Xia let go and stopped fighting with her. That would be too big a move and would be easily seen.

And he has already made the observations he wanted to make - when he gets closer, he can find that the nature of Belmod's murderous aura has not changed, but the density has become larger and richer, so the alcohol smell that was too light before has begun to accumulate... …But that’s not important. Apples and wine can be eaten anyway, as long as they don’t smell like formalin-flavored disinfectant.

At this time, Mao Lilan's cell phone started ringing next to her, and there was a call.

Xiaobai skillfully leaned over, sat on her shoulders, and listened with her.

The call was from "Suzuki Sonoko".

Belmod pretended to be Suzuki Sonoko's voice and said that she had picked up the sleeping Conan on the seat next to the vending machine. She also said that she had now carried the little devil back to the room and asked Mao Lilan to come back and watch her. Can't take care of children.

Mao Lilan was startled and looked around with her cell phone, only to realize that Conan was indeed missing, and she didn't know when he slipped away.

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