Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 698 you-know-who (additional update)

Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at the photo, and flashed through his mind the scene last night of Tatsuzo Watanuki being carried into the car by the peripheral members.

Then he decisively dismissed the picture and shook his head.

After thinking about it, he followed the habit of detectives and asked: "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Last night." The policeman put away the photo and sighed, "After Officer Yamamura asked the witnesses to go back to rest, we stopped monitoring them, but just now..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, apparently because he had some news that he was not comfortable telling the crowd.

But then I thought about it, what kind of onlookers are detectives?

The young police officer quickly finished hesitating, approached Jiang Xia, and in a tone of "I'm only telling you, please don't tell anyone else", lowered his voice and said mysteriously:

"Not long ago, someone made an anonymous call to the Yamamura police officer, telling him that Watanuki Tatsuzo was probably the murderer. The blood mark on the deceased's handbook with the date 'April 1st' was not accidentally touched, but It clearly refers to the surname 'わたぬき' - 'Watanuki Chenzo'.

"As a result, we hurriedly looked for the room, only to find that Watanuki Tatsuzo was missing. He had not checked out, and his luggage was there, but he seemed to have evaporated... The police officer sent some people to search nearby, and asked me and a few others Come and find out about the guests."

"That's it." Jiang Xia nodded, his eyes slowed slightly, thoughtfully, but in fact he was not thinking at all. He was just pretending to be thinking, pretending that he really hadn't seen Watanuki Tatsuzo after last night.

The police officer didn't think much and couldn't get any clues from Jiang Xia. He quickly turned the corner and went to ask the next customer.

After he left, a man came out from behind the flower pots and ornaments.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw that it was Conan.

Conan pressed his forehead, trying to cheer up, but his eyes were drowsy, as if he hadn't completely gotten rid of the effects of the medicine.

It seemed that Belmode was not hesitant at the critical moment, and he was very ruthless. I don't know what kind of medicine he used, but he actually let Conan sleep until now.

When Conan got up in the morning, he was confused for a while before he remembered what happened before he fainted, and he suddenly became frightened.

Last night, he roughly guessed who killed "Mr. August 1st".

But before he planned to go to the woods and start fishing reasoning, "Suzuki Sonoko" suddenly appeared and stunned him... Conan couldn't remember what happened after that.

After he woke up, his first thing was to see if anyone around him was still alive, and then he wanted to find the fake Suzuki Sonoko.

However, she was told by Mao Lilan that "Suzuki Sonoko" sent her a text message, saying that the handsome guy she met last time invited her to a concert. He seemed to live overseas all year round and rarely appeared in Japan. This is a rare opportunity. Anyway, I have finished watching Maple Leaf, so "Suzuki Sonoko" went to the venue overnight to pick up handsome guys.

Conan couldn't find the suspicious and mysterious man who could disguise himself, so he had to turn his attention back to the current case.

He inquired tactfully and found out that the case had not yet been solved. Originally, Conan thought that even if he fell asleep, Jiang Xia would solve the case as slowly and as violently as before.

Who knew it wasn't.

Although Conan was puzzled, he was also worried that if it dragged on any longer, Watanuki Tatsuzo would find a way to deal with possible incriminating evidence.

So he decisively made an anonymous call to Yamamura Cao, who was leading the team, to inform him of the known situation.

At first, Conan actually wanted to borrow Jiang Xia's voice.

But then I thought about it, maybe Jiang Xia had some serious reason for not solving the case directly. So in the end, Conan just used a bow-tie voice changer to randomly change the voice of an adult male and reported it to the police. Even if the physical evidence was incomplete, he had to at least find a way to control Ichiwata Kankan Chenzo first, so that he could seize the opportunity.

However, it was still too late. By the time the unreliable Yamamura Cao commanded his unreliable subordinates to take action, Watanuki Chenzo had already disappeared without knowing where he was.

At this time, Conan stood at the door of Jiang Xia's room, listening to the messy movements upstairs and downstairs, and looked up at Jiang Xia, who also looked like he had just woken up. After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but ask about what happened yesterday.

He lowered his voice: "Why didn't you solve the case?"

Jiang Xia crouched down to match Conan's height. Otherwise, due to the height difference between the two, there would be no whisper. He sighed:

"There is no convicting evidence. The bloody handprint of 'April 1st' left before his death cannot mean anything. Watanuki Tatsuzo can say that it was accidentally rubbed on by the deceased."

Conan nodded gloomily. Indeed, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed into the woods alone last night and tried to lure Watanuki Tatsuzo out.

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly realized something - in the past, Jiang Xia seemed to have carried out similar fishing behaviors on prisoners, such as deceiving this and that kind of prisoners into such and such dark corners, and then breaking them like a piece of pickled pork. Beat them evenly like that...

Although the two fishing methods are different, after ignoring some less legal details, they achieve the same goal - they can quickly bring the criminals to justice and let them receive the punishment they deserve.

But now, judging from the fact that Watanuki Tatsuzo is still on the run, Jiang Xia didn't do that?

This doesn't make sense...

Conan immediately thought of the biggest influencing factor - Toru Amuro.

"..." Speaking of which, this boss and the trip he planned are still a complete mystery.

There was no progress on Tatsuzo Watanuki's side for the time being, so Conan's attention was attracted by this more lasting mystery.

He stood on tiptoe and tried his best to take a glance into Jiang Xia's room, and then furtively glanced at the corridors on both sides. He lowered his voice and said, "Who isn't there?" As he said that, he remembered his usual methods, Conan simply stopped talking. He took out his mobile phone, typed a string of text, turned it over and showed it to Jiang Xia: "Do you have a bug on you?" ]

Jiang Xia: "..."

Although I guessed that "that who" refers to "that who"...but why did the boss become you-know-who in Conan?

... He doesn't look very bourbon lately. Instead, he looks like a police officer sometimes. Maybe he stays up late every day, sleeps too deeply, and switches states too frequently, making him a bit confused.

Jiang Xia thought as she subconsciously touched various places on her body.

Of course, there is no possibility of having a bug. Even if Toru Amuro did release it, the ghosts would have discovered it long ago. But other people don’t know that ghosts exist, so they have to act like there are no ghosts... huh? Wait a moment.

Jiang Xia was startled and suddenly realized that she didn't seem to be awake at all. Yesterday, knocking people all over the mountain exhausted my energy, so now I have some mistakes in my idea.

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