Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 69 The invisible policeman

The night after Jiang Xia called the police.

Conan took the other three naughty children and followed the treasure map. Finally, I successfully found a building with "Oni Sakura" written on it.

At this time, let alone the three first-grade children.

Even Conan became excited when he thought about the gold coins that were enough to take a bath. After all, in the final analysis, he is just a 17-year-old plus-sized kid.

Several people cheered, Conan took the lead and ran into the building excitedly.

However, the moment he entered the door, Conan noticed something was wrong from the corner of his eye.

He turned his head suddenly and was shocked to find several tall and sneaky figures standing against the wall of the door.

Conan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately thought of the Italian robbers on the run.

He stopped and wanted to remind the students behind him to run away.

But before he could speak, the sneaky figure No. 1 stretched out his hand, fished Conan in, and covered his mouth.

It was already night and the environment was very dark.

The other three children didn't notice anything unusual and foolishly followed Conan in.

Then one by one they were ambushed and captured.

Conan stared at this scene with a pale face.

Those who will hide at the end of the treasure must be the group of robbers. Unexpectedly, the robbers had already targeted them.

However, the TV clearly stated that there were only three robbers, but now... there seem to be a lot of people?

... Damn it, the captured leader must have lied about the number of people, he was so cunning.

Thinking of this, Conan once again felt regret and decided again to act with caution next time.

He looked at the ferocious gangsters in front of him and thought desperately that according to the usual practice, the "robbers" should let out a burst of laughter at this time, then take out the pistol, click the load, put the muzzle of the gun on their heads, and interrogate them. Where is the treasure.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Conan saw the big man in a suit who had grabbed him give him a sinister expression with a smile on his face.

The big man put his rough hands into his pocket and took out...

A police card.

"Children." The police officer working overtime tried his best to smile at the naughty children with dark circles under his eyes, "Don't be afraid, we are the police."

Conan: "...?"

His first reaction was that these Italian robbers spoke pretty standard Japanese. And he was too vigilant. When faced with several children, he used both soft and hard tactics to deceive them.

However, upon closer inspection, Conan felt that the police card seemed genuine.

When his eyes got used to the darkness a little more, Conan discovered that these people who called themselves "police" were really the real deal - the one holding Ayumi in the back turned out to be a police officer whom he had met several times, Wataru Takagi.

Conan touched the cold sweat that had just shed and felt that his brain had stopped functioning: "Why do you..."

"Shh-" Sato Miwako emerged from the shadows and made a silent gesture towards them.

She asked the four children to be led to the side.

Then he continued to squat at the door, ambush the robbers who might follow the child into the building based on the information provided by "Anonymous".

The three robbers came as expected.

Although they are tall and powerful, and each has a gun, their force value is ridiculously low.

Sato kicked two of them away. Even Takagi knocked down the other one without much effort.

The robber was defeated instantly and was handcuffed and escorted to the police station.

Sato breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned to the four children and planned to take them back to the police station.

But the children refused to follow her.

Among them, the little boy wearing glasses made an even more shocking statement: "The stolen fifteen thousand gold coins should be hidden here!"

Sato looked a little surprised.

However, Conan felt that judging from the degree of surprise, she was not surprised because there was a treasure on the roof, but was confused about why the children knew this.

Sato bent down and touched the heads of the naughty children: "Thank you for the information, but the gold coins are no longer here. Come back to the police station with us first, and we will talk about other things later."

——After the police received the anonymous call, because the location described by the other party was very clear and the matter was related to an internationally wanted criminal, the police rushed to the building as soon as possible and searched inside and outside.

But they failed to find the stolen gold coins. They only found a few discarded empty bags on the top floor.

In addition, some shoe prints with strange distribution were also extracted.

Judging from the size and style, the owner of the shoes is probably a woman, who matches the "anonymous" person who called the police.

According to the footprints, the anonymous person entered the building with a clear goal and went straight to the top floor.

After reaching the top floor, she walked from the stairs to the corner of the floor, but on the way, the footprints suddenly disappeared.

...And the retraced footprints appeared a few meters away. Repeatedly.

Judging from these traces, it is as if Anonymous suddenly floated a few meters horizontally while walking halfway, and after landing, walked back to the stairs...

When they just remembered this scene, combined with the mysterious and ethereal voice of the unknown, a series of strange urban legends emerged in the minds of several police officers, such as "floating thighs" and "dead souls in ruins", which silently gave rise to goosebumps.

Fortunately, according to the analysis of the Forensic Bureau police officers, Anonymous seemed to have just walked to the corner of the building and then walked back again - the missing half of the footprints had been covered up by Anonymous with dust.

As for why only part of it was covered... we can only speculate that Anonymous had covered half of it and found it troublesome, so he simply gave up on the move.

This did leave some clues for the police.

They extracted shoe prints left by anonymous people. If it is later discovered that the gold coin theft case is related to her - for example, she is also a member of the robbery group, but she just had an internal conflict with her accomplices... then this shoe print may be a clue to find her.

Sato led four confused naughty children back to the police station. The criminals of the robbery gang were naturally taken to the other side.

The treatment on both sides was completely different. The children sat in a spacious and comfortable office and were fed biscuits and hot tea.

But Conan was not in the mood to eat cookies. He was more concerned about why the police were ambushing the building and knew that the gangsters were following them.

Conan looked around and found that what he thought came to him - Takagi Wataru just walked over.

Compared with his colleagues, Takagi looks honest and is of little use in the interrogation of the robbery gang, so he is sent to communicate with a few "frightened" children.

Takagi held his notebook and asked several children why they appeared in the abandoned building.

After carefully memorizing the treasure map, he hesitated and said, "By the way, have you ever seen a sister who calls herself 'Anonymous'...ah...emmm...?"

"No." Conan pondered Takagi's words and gradually understood, "Did 'Anonymous' tell you that the robbers would go to Onizakura Building? And that person mentioned us?"

Takagi glanced at him in surprise.

Originally, he was worried that the child would have a bad memory. Unexpectedly, he only asked one question and the child figured out the cause and effect.

...No, if you think about it carefully, it may be because these children have actually come into contact with Anonymous, so they immediately think of her!

Takagi felt refreshed and felt that he would gain a lot.

He took the voice recorder and played an anonymous alarm recording to the children:

"It's a sound like this, have you heard it before?"

However, unlike what Takagi thought, all four children shook their heads.

The voice in the recording is very nice, and has an indescribable rhythm. After listening to it too much, it even feels like being hypnotized, and it is very recognizable.

Conan has a good memory, so he can be sure that he has not heard such a sound in recent years, let alone the past few days.

——He has never seen Anonymous. At least, Anonymous didn't speak to him.

Judging from the police call that Takagi gave them, Conan guessed that Anonymous must know the inside story of the robbery.

The anonymous person may have happened to see the treasure map in the hands of the Youth Detective Team, and made the assumption that "the children were searching for treasure and found the building, and were followed by the robbers." Then he made the prophetic call to the police.

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly realized that he might be able to use this to determine the scope of Anonymous's actions today.

——Conan has a very strong sense of observation, and he always pays attention to time during the treasure hunt.

He can remember what time he was and roughly where he was.

In other words, by comparing the time when Anonymous called the police with the location when he was hunting for treasure, we can determine where and when Anonymous appeared.

Then look for nearby surveillance, or ask nearby stores, etc., to find relevant clues.

The more Conan thought about it, the more reliable this idea became.

He pushed up his glasses and asked eagerly: "What time did she call the police?"

"This...wait a moment."

Takagi glanced at the information and quickly replied: "Yesterday morning at 9:17."

The fighting spirit in Conan's eyes flickered and froze.

He stayed for two seconds, suspecting that he heard wrongly: "Yesterday??"

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