Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 710 Let’s see the new weapons. Please vote o(〃▽〃)o

Chapter 710 Let’s see the new weapons. Please vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

A chill ran down Vodka's back, feeling that Uzo's words meant something.

If I remember correctly, a few days ago, when he was on vacation, he unfortunately broke into Uzo's small serial murder set, and even had a gun confrontation with Bourbon. As a result, the confrontation didn't even last a second before he was killed by Bourbon. Knocked the gun away.

Vodka: "..." Hiss, looking back now, I realize that I walked by the River Styx - I almost got fooled, but luckily I'm good enough. Otherwise, if the two sides fight inextricably and are evenly matched... By then, even if Bourbon is concerned that Vodka is a cadre and does not want to kill him directly, the situation will be difficult to hold on to.

At that time, if Bourbon dies, Uzo's small goal of "killing Bourbon" will be achieved. But if Bourbon does not die, he will also be involved in a lot of trouble for shooting Vodka, and may even be involved in a lot of trouble. Facing arrest, but being shot and silenced by someone sent by the organization... Vodka remembered the scene of his body wrapped in white cloth, and shuddered quietly. At the same time, he instinctively moved forward silently, moving away from Uzo.

As soon as he secretly moved a centimeter, he heard someone in the back row briefly synchronized with his thoughts.

Uzo continued what he just said and sighed regretfully: "Bourbon does have some strength. But in those days, whenever I have someone on hand who can match him in terms of force value..."

As Jiang Xia said this, his eyes instinctively fell on the co-pilot, where the long-lost murderous aura of the liquor license lingered.

Although there is a lot of murderous aura of hoarding gin in the pattern space, the appeal of hoarding goods is somewhat different from that of freshly picked goods. For a moment, Jiang Xia suddenly understood those people who were eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.

Gin was listening to him review his experience. As he listened, he felt that something was wrong.

He glanced up at the rearview mirror and saw Uzo in the back row, staring at his back with a vague look of longing.


Ginjiu recalled Jiang Xia's wish just now - "I want an evenly matched person to use as a prop to kill Bourbon". His forehead twitched and the muzzle of his gun faintly pointed back: "Stop your thoughts."

...While warning, Gin subconsciously looked into his heart.

He really didn't want to see Bourbon, but he would never take the initiative to kill still useful organizational cadres, unless Bourbon's identity was exposed, he was about to be arrested, or he betrayed the organization.

Well, my thinking is clear, no different from before.

It seems that Uzo did not use his tricks to play with people's hearts... at least not in the case of Bourbon.

Jiang Xia looked at the familiar muzzle of the gun, admiring the hard work of the ghosts in harvesting murderous intent. At the same time, facing Gin's request, his tone was slightly surprised: "I didn't think about anything just now."

Gin stared at him for a while, but couldn't see any flaws. He snorted coldly and slowly put away the gun: "You better be."

Jiang Xia was quiet for a while.

Then he quickly came over again and brought the topic to the main business in a roundabout way:

"By the way, I picked up another 100 million in Gunma County. It's still the same. Two robbers had a fight with each other. One of them killed the other. Unfortunately, the surviving one died suddenly - but the serial numbers of the money seemed to have been tracked by the police. .”

Gin glanced at him and her mood improved. It seems that when Uzo went out this time, he wasn't just playing boring tests and counter-tests with Bourbon. He actually remembered something serious.

He nodded: "The number doesn't matter, the finance department will handle those issues..." So where is the money?

Vodka originally wanted to continue pretending to be dead, pretending to be a shadow that could only drive.

But he noticed that Gin glanced this way. Nowadays, such a down-to-earth thing cannot make the boss lose face...

Vodka cleared his throat and spoke proactively, with a calm and slightly oppressive tone: "Where is the money."

"It's not convenient for me to take away the 100 million from Qunma County, so I buried it in the ground. I will draw a treasure map for you then. As for the 100 million that I picked up a week ago..." Jiang Xia moved to the window and looked out. Looking around, "We're almost there. Stop for a moment."

Vodka instinctively slowed down and stopped the car.

After stopping, he remembered that he was not Uzo's driver, so why should he listen to him.

"..." However, it stopped...

Vodka's foot on the accelerator was about to move. After much thought, he didn't dare to drive away again.

He glanced furtively at Gin.

Seeing that his elder brother didn't seem to have any objection, Vodka and the other two people in the car looked out the window as if nothing had happened, pretending that he had not had any mental activity just now.

"There, 100 million yen."

Jiang Xia tapped her fingertips twice on the window, pointing to a coffee shop in the distance.

In a demolished building, its presence is very obvious: "At the southernmost window, the black natural roll - have you seen it? It should be easy to find."

Vodka: "..."

Gin: "..."

If I read correctly, that is a person...

Oh, look carefully, there is indeed a bulging briefcase on the window seat next to the man in black.

Gin hesitated for a moment, suspecting that Uzo had tricked a passerby into helping him deliver the goods.

According to past experience, maybe that "passerby" happens to be a mission target of the organization... But recently, he has not given Uzo an assassination list. Could someone take advantage of it?

Gin's heart moved, and Rum's scheming face flashed in his mind. Although the second-in-command of this organization does not have many interactions with Uzo, Rum's subordinate Bourbon definitely has a lot of interactions with Uzo. This group of intelligence agents always acted with a hint of weirdness, and Gin couldn't help but think too much about it.

At this time, their car had just circled a bridge.

Looking down from here, as Jiang Xia said, the "natural curls in black" by the window are very easy to find. The cool-toned lights of the cafe shine on the man in black, like a standing light shining on the treasures in the center of the display cabinet, protruding and eye-catching.

But seeing a person doesn't mean that you can see their face clearly because they are a bit far away.

Gin raised his hand.

Vodka understood instantly and respectfully handed over the binoculars.

Gin looked at the coffee shop and identified it carefully. Then I discovered that it was a completely unfamiliar face. Not on any recent hit lists.

While he was thinking about the various information in his mind, the people in the cafe suddenly turned their heads and glanced at the bridge through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and happened to meet Gin's eyes.

It stands to reason that one party is sitting in a bright cafe, and the other party is sitting in a dark car in the suburbs. The man in black barely saw a car, let alone a person.

But now...

It was hard to tell if they were actually looking at each other or if it was just a coincidence. But Gin's whole body tensed up reflexively, and Beretta, who never left her body, was lifted to the window, silently aiming there, with murderous intent on her body.

The brief air contact was fleeting.

The next second, the man in black in the cafe lowered his head and continued to stir the drink of unknown ingredients in his hand, as if he just casually looked out the window and saw nothing.

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