Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 717 The Risks of the Former Leader

The search was finally over, and the ghosts' regretful sighs came from the window.

Jiang Xia actually felt a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he should have prepared more scattered small weapons and armed the Matsuda brand puppets from head to toe. In this way, if he took out one, he would be frightened, and if he took out another one, he would be frightened again. One jump... Maybe the time has been delayed for a long time. Not only the amount of murderous energy in vodka has increased significantly, but there will also be additional output on the gin side.

After confirming that Xitu was unarmed, Ginjiu let people get into the car.

The vehicle left the open space by the river and headed for a factory a few kilometers away. It looked like a dilapidated chemical factory, where Gin often destroyed corpses.

After the car started running again.

Jiang Xia looked at the subordinate puppet sitting next to him and then at Gin in the front row, feeling a little hesitant.

At this time, Jiang Xia discovered that her interview experience was not very rich - for part-time jobs, she usually replaced Toru Amuro and went directly there. For variety shows, she was mostly introduced by Ms. Yoko. She just went to the place and went through the process... The only relatively successful interview case , it was Toru Amuro who had deceived him into sneaking into the Amuro Detective Agency.

But now, I'm afraid I can't refer to that experience...

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and poked Matsuda Jinpei: [How about following the procedure and introducing yourself? ]

Communication between ghosts and mediums can occur through something similar to telepathy.

Matsuda Jinpei looked away from Gin, feeling that the young psychic master was too concerned about the process and ignored a small problem: [They can't understand what I'm saying]

Jiang Xia actually planned to take advantage of the chaos to let the main body hang up, and he possessed him to introduce himself.

But after thinking about it, he, the middleman, couldn't hang up from beginning to end tonight. But it would be strange if the dummy Xitu sometimes speaks very fluently and sometimes does not say a word, switching states too quickly.

Before I could figure out how to conduct the interview, the interviewer spoke first.

Gin suddenly shook his phone towards the back seat.

Looking carefully, a piece of news was opened on the interface - it was a report about the former circus director who was involved in a vendetta and was unfortunately killed by a falling object from a height. But it wasn't the one Jiang Xia sent him, but other reports on the same case.

Although Gin is not a professional intelligence agent, he is good at everything as he wears many hats. When receiving this kind of information, I am also used to verify it by drawing inferences and looking for other information myself.

Then I stumbled upon a photo.

The reporters here have always had the habit of publishing the death certificate of the deceased in the newspaper. Of course it is in this report. Among the news that Gin found, there was a photo featuring the unlucky deceased with onlookers in the distance as the background.

After zooming in, you can see that Xitu is also among the onlookers - although he does not show his face, his naturally curly hair is quite distinctive, and with the frame of the same sunglasses, there is reason to guess that this is him.

Although there is no tangible evidence, organizations often do not need tangible evidence to do things.

Ginjiu sneered and put away her phone, but her words were not directed at the newly photographed couple, but turned to Jiang Xia:

"This new 'weapon' of yours must have also participated in the murder plan of the circus leader, such as luring people there at a specific time and place... Do you dare to use something that killed the master?"

Jiang Xia waved his hand indifferently: "It was the captain who was blind and held the knife on the edge. How can you blame the knife when his hand is broken? And he didn't use legitimate means to tame his subordinates. Just like that ancient story The mahout there tied the baby elephant with a thin iron chain, hoping that after trying to break away many times to no avail, the baby elephant would form a fixed mindset and still succumb to the thin iron chain when it grew up... Now the baby elephant is really As he grew up, the mahout's ability was still only enough to provide him with a thin iron chain. However, the adult elephant was not as obedient as he imagined. Instead, he broke free from the iron chain and trampled him to death—— Judging from its nature, this is not called regicide, but rather it is not forgetting the original intention and is worthy of praise."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia's tone suddenly stopped.

Then, as if he realized that he had let something slip, his eyes drifted out of the car window, he cleared his throat, and patched up as if nothing had happened:

"Of course, I was just making an analogy. In fact, the leader's death can only be blamed on his own bad luck, and killing the master is even more nonsense. Xitu was still his subordinate at the time, and it is reasonable to appear near the murder scene. Maybe they made an appointment to go out to play games together that day...right." He pushed his arm against Matsuda Jinpei next to him, as if he was dissatisfied with this subordinate's reticence, "Speak."

Matsuda Jinpei: "...?"

Do you really need him to talk? Do you want to whisper in a ghostly tone...

He glanced at Jiang Xia, then again, and hesitantly prepared to speak. Maybe Jiang Xia meant to let him express the situation like a mute with a few words...

But Jiang Xia seemed to see what he was thinking. Before he spoke, he suddenly raised his hand and put it on the side of his head, interrupting him.

Jiang Xia pressed the puppet's head, but there was no cool touch that was common on the puppet's skin. Instead, she touched something very plastic... No, to be precise, it was plastic.

——Maybe it’s because the stuffing took a long time. While the puppet keeps moving, the clay of the puppet flows slightly. A corner of the blood bag that was placed in the center of his head was actually exposed. Fortunately, it was covered by broken hair and not too conspicuous.

But just now, when Gin turned around to show them the photo, he seemed to notice something. It was just that the light in the car was dim, so Gin probably didn't realize it was a blood bag and thought it was the shadow of his hair, so he didn't say anything.

But later, when he got to a well-lit place, with Gin's strong desire to explore, once he remembered what happened just now, his attention would probably shift here again.

"..." Jiang Xia held down the blood bag, secretly pushed it back, and continued what she just said clearly, "I almost forgot, he doesn't seem to be in a time period where he can speak."

Vodka: "...?" Is there still time to speak? It's not like he just became mute... I asked you to pour medicine into my little brother at will. Such a pervert really doesn't deserve to have a loyal tool!

Gin also frowned, feeling slightly confused: What is the period of time when you cannot speak?

Jiang Xia noticed their doubts, tapped his finger on the side of the blood bag, and explained: "He was injured here - it seems that he went out with someone else before, and that person stepped on a landmine, and the leg bone fragments flew out and hit him. head of."

As he spoke, Jiang Xia used some force to push Matsuda Jinpei, who was sitting next to him, who was very confused, over and down. Then, as if commenting on the flaws of a weapon, he moved his hair away and pointed at his temple near his eyes: "Look, there are still There is a scar." At the same time, he clicked his tongue in a critical tone, "Fortunately, the hair can be covered, otherwise it would be a bit ugly."

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