Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 749 Suspicious Okiya Subaru

Jiang Xia thought of the murderous aura wrapped around the driver's body, the high-end murderous aura smelling of perfume.

"..." Theoretically speaking, if you want to kill a cat, you shouldn't have that level of murderous intent. Otherwise, psychics would have a much better future by staying in a slaughterhouse than by joining some black organization.

Speaking of which, this was somewhat similar to a murder case against a human that he had seen.

In my impression, many murderers can't help but return to the crime scene to check after committing a crime. If it was last night or even earlier, a murderer killed a person nearby, and then the murderer was covered tightly, returned to the scene to check and clean up, and during the cleaning process, the murderer was witnessed by the naughty kids who caught fish... something It just makes sense.

As for why there was an unlucky dead cat in this incident... maybe it was when he was committing the murder. The murderer saw a cat passing nearby and was glanced at by the cat. Feeling guilty, he couldn't help but get angry and beat the cat to death. . Or you are simply excited or panicked after killing someone, so you want to relieve the stress by beating innocent stray cats...

Just as he was thinking about it, his neck was suddenly tapped.

——Matsuda Jinpei wandered around somewhere and then floated back to his shoulder.

After attracting Jiang Xia's attention, the police ghost raised his hand and pointed to a park bench in the distance.

Between the bench and their current location was a row of trimmed dividing shrubbery. Given the height of the children, their line of sight was blocked and they couldn't see over there.

Jiang Xia could see it, but since there was a constant distance from the bench, he could only see an outline.

However, although he could not see the details clearly, he had a ghost broadcasting it live.

[There were wipe-like blood stains near the bench, and thin soil of the same color as the ground was sprinkled to cover it. In addition, there is a thick branch covered with cat hair hidden in the bushes. Judging from the amount of blood, the pool of blood on the ground didn't look like something a cat could shed. Maybe someone killed someone there with a sharp weapon, and then in a panic, picked up a branch and beat the cat... There was no body nearby, so it must have been moved away]

While listening, Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at Matsuda Jinpei: "..." These days, even ghosts have detective attributes.

He looked calm, not letting others or other ghosts see his mental activities, and nodded his head in a subtle way.

Then he casually took out his phone and took a look.

When the suspicious person who was covered up just passed by him in a car, Jiang Xia threw a transmitter into the car.

At this time, the location of the signal point has reached the urban area and has stopped moving. I don’t know if the finder was discarded after being discovered, or if the car was stopped.

…But in any case, it should be difficult for the car owner to notice the slight abnormality on the roof before the car owner gets out of the car. Therefore, until the car owner stops the car for the first time, the detected routes have value.

Jiangxia kept the red dot's moving route well.

Then he remembered something and opened his inbox to check, only to find that it was empty - after he sent a task to his new subordinate Subaru Okiya as "Usa", he still hasn't received a reply from him.

Jiang Xia: "..." The arc is quite long, and it's getting more and more suspicious.

However, on second thought, if the current "Okiya Subaru" core is really Shuichi Akai, then this may not happen. After all, as the "silver bullet" certified by the organization, Shuichi Akai has always wanted to destroy the organization. And this kind of person who has the ability to retaliate will definitely not resist contact from the new boss and will respond within a normal time.

"..." So now, the reason why I have been sidelined for so long may be because "Okiya Subaru" really doesn't have time to look at his phone. He may be doing other tasks or busy with other things - most of the peripheral members have" "Organization member", and Subaru Okiya is an engineering graduate student. Postgraduate studies in the island country are not considered mainstream, and there are not many graduate students. It is difficult to catch a strong man who is male, and the tutor will not let him go. It is indeed easy to disappear when he is busy.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia fell into deep thought: I don't know why Shuichi Akai's version of "Okiya Subaru" in the original world line is so idle, stewing potatoes next door to Dr. Agasa's house every day... Maybe this guy just got the identity of Subaru Okiya. , so he secretly dropped out of graduate school. Anyway, he did not look like a good and well-behaved student.

Jiang Xia curiously speculated on the composition of his new subordinates, then put the phone away again.

He lowered his head, looked at the cat held by Wutian Dog, and then looked at the cat corpse on the ground. He wasn't sure what the cat's last wish was... but since it could turn into a ghost, it meant that it had a certain ability to think. It's better to trick... and serve him like a normal ghost.

Jiang Xia: "We still don't know where the person who beat the cat is. Since the suspect has just arrived, he may not come again in a short time. Since there is a nameplate, let's return the cat's body to its owner first. .”

...After the cat's body is taken care of, he will follow the clues from the transmitter and find an excuse to see the suspicious person with his face covered.

If that was really the murderer who killed the cat and silenced him, then he would solve the case and throw him into jail... This should be enough to bring the cat home.

The children had no objection to this approach.

Conan also nodded. Although he always likes to think too much, at present, he only saw a cat with fibers in its claws. Conan has not fast forwarded to the point where "the cat witnessed the murder and was tragically silenced by the murderer", but is like other children. , I feel like someone is abusing the cat.

Jiang Xia called the phone number shown on the nameplate on the cat's neck.

But no one answered.

"There seems to be an address written here." Yoshida Ayumi squatted next to the cat's body and carefully pointed at the nameplate. It was indeed engraved with a string of address information in sesame-sized characters.

Jiang Xia took a closer look and found that this house was not far from the driver's route sent back by the transmitter.

He pondered for a moment: "I have nothing to do, so why not send it to her... There is a gift shop over there. I will find a box of similar size."

He soon returned with a box.

Although it is a gift box, Jiang Xia deliberately chose a darker color, which looks like a small coffin, to maintain preferential treatment for the available labor force that has not yet been signed.

Unfortunately, cats don’t seem to understand human funeral culture. After seeing the box, it did not show relief like other ghosts who were about to be abducted. Instead, it was very interested in trying to stick its head inside and fight for the box with its own body.

"..." Wutian Dog held down the cat that suddenly jumped out, carefully caught it, and silently prayed that the owner would deceive this new ghost as soon as possible. After signing the contract, even if the cat runs around, you can recall the imprinted space with one click. You don’t have to worry about losing the cat like you do now...

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