Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 74 The Martyrs’ Order

Most of the time, Conan trusted his own judgment.

As far as he knew, the bomb would explode ten seconds after the button was pressed. In other words, if he does nothing, everyone here will die in ten seconds!

Conan turned on the switch of his sneakers, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the briefcase, preparing to kick it out of the window.

Although Gin said that the bomb would be detonated by violent vibrations. For example, getting kicked, or hitting the window... But now there is no time to do other things, I can only take a gamble.

However, Conan kicked out and missed.

——A figure passed by the corridor. When passing by a briefcase, she leaned over, picked up the bag and left as if nothing had happened.

That series of movements was so natural, so elegant, and so confident that the crowd subconsciously gave way to her.

After two seconds, the flight attendant realized that someone seemed to be stealing in front of him just now.

They jumped up and chased Anonymous: "Please put down your bag!"

The location of the briefcase is not far from the car door.

When the flight attendant caught up with him, Jiang Xia had already driven the puppet and walked to the car door.

He held the bag in one hand and opened the door with the other hand. The strong wind rushed in, blowing the puppet's long black dress in all directions.

Fortunately, Miyano Akemi, as a criminal who robbed a bank, did not forget to consider practicality even when she was looking pretty. Her skirt has some added designs. No matter how it flies, it won't be higher than her knees. It's even crazier than safety pants.

In this era, the automatic doors on the Shinkansen all had emergency stopcocks. When the device is activated, it opens the door's air or electrical circuit, allowing the door to be opened manually.

Jiang Xia also remembered the setting that the bomb would explode within 10 seconds.

So he had already walked over there before the short-haired woman finished dialing the number.

As of now, when the puppet is standing by the door and others are surrounding him, there are still seven or eight tricks left in the countdown to the explosion.

Jiang Xia looked at the expressions of a group of people who wanted to step forward but didn't dare, and was very satisfied with the situation.

In this way, if anyone is arrested in the future and asked about today's events, what they will remember is snatching bags and jumping from the car... No, it is the anonymous person who snatched the bomb and sacrificed himself for others, not some innocent passengers passing by in the car.

And "jump something with a bomb", just like "never look back when it explodes", is a romantic achievement that must be earned if you have the opportunity.

Different from Jiang Xia's good mood, in the crowd, the short-haired woman who lost her briefcase was very anxious - in her opinion, the bag contained precious information that she had spent a huge sum of money to buy.

She yelled out of control: "Give me the bag, everything else can be discussed. If you have any requirements, you can just tell me!"

Conan also climbed onto the back of the chair and reminded loudly: "Throw away the bag quickly, the bomb is about to explode!"

In Jiang Xia's script, Anonymous needs a high-level line here.

But unfortunately, there is no time - if the above two people did not talk, then Jiang Xia would still have time to talk, but now, how can Anonymous talk to others, it is too out of style...

Jiang Xia could only say nothing and let go quietly when the car door turned the corner.

He adjusted the actual weight of the puppet and secretly adjusted its direction with the hem of his skirt, making the puppet fly out of the bridge erratically and gracefully like a kite and fall downwards.

The people in the car watched blankly as Anonymous fell out of sight. Immediately afterwards, a large ball of fire exploded from under the bridge.

The Shinkansen was stopped due to an unexpected explosion.

During this period of time, Jiang Xia reviewed what had just happened and felt a little regretful.

...I always feel like my dancing is not perfect enough.

If only I could say the lines before the short-haired woman spoke.

Or, if Conan is locked in the toilet earlier, there will be one less person grabbing the lines... Tsk, pay attention next time.

Jiang Xia sighed silently.

Lingmu Yuanzi and Mao Lilan immediately looked at him worriedly.

After a moment, the two girls looked at each other and lowered their heads in frustration.

They originally came to Jiang Xia to relax. Unexpectedly, before we even got there, we encountered this kind of incident again.

Although they were not present at the time, they heard that a man jumped out of the car with a bomb without protection. The police were unable to find the body because the crash site happened to be a river. It seemed that the person had been blown to pieces and the body was washed away by the running water.

Mao Lilan was even more frustrated.

——There were not many passengers who witnessed the scene of jumping off the train. This incident was quickly spread in the car with added aggravation, accompanied by all kinds of regretful laments.

Therefore, not long after the incident occurred, Mao Lilan heard that the deceased was a man in a black dress and a sunhat of the same color, caring for the world, covered with holy light, looking like the most perfect marble sculpture when not smiling, and like an angel when smiling. A very kind woman who came into the world.

Although the last few items are a bit abstract...but when it comes to the black skirt and the same-color sunhat, Mao Lilan immediately thought of the beautiful sister who helped her stop the naughty child.

Such a good person was gone just like that... When Mao Lilan thought of this, her nose felt sore and she picked up a handkerchief and covered her face.

Everyone else in the car was also silently remembering the stranger who saved them.

Although the question "Why didn't you just throw the bomb down and leave it in the car" occasionally came up, but after thinking about it for a moment, it felt like a blasphemy to the victims, so no one mentioned it in the end. People just concentrate on mourning.

The police arrived quickly and the short-haired woman was taken away.

Before leaving, she tearfully asked the police to continue to fish people out of the river, even if there was only a body, so that people could rest in peace. She also said that if the person who jumped from the car had no family, she could pay for the burial.


[Update time: 8:30 am]

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