Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 751 cosplay plus update to the leader [Sun and Moon Gourd]

With Miwako Sato, the leading police officer, Jiang Xia quickly entered the yard.

Before that, Conan had sneaked in because his sense of presence was particularly low at certain times.

Hui Yuan Ai didn't come with him. She looked around, and finally followed Jiang Xia through the cordon and blended into the scene.

Without the obstruction of the courtyard wall, the scene in the courtyard is clearer.

This is a relatively typical Japanese-style courtyard, dotted with rocks and dwarf trees. In the corner of the courtyard, there is also a small but exquisite pool.

The three of them entered the yard and after looking around, instinctively looked towards the pool.

——The largest number of policemen gathered there.

After getting closer, the busy police officers no longer blocked his view, and he could see a stiff corpse lying on his back in the pond.

The upper body of the body was stained with large amounts of blood, and the heart was the darkest, as if someone had stabbed him. Judging from the blood-stained areas, his shirt turned out to be a yellow and pink plaid shirt.

Yellow and pink…

"..." Haiyuan Ai was startled and immediately thought of the dead cat he picked up just now. If I remember correctly, the clothing fibers hanging on the cat's paws happened to be these two colors.

There are relatively few clothes of this color... And if the deceased was among the people the cat met before his death, then is there some connection between this "cat beating incident" and the murder case?

This coincidence made Hui Yuan Ai a little surprised.

But she looked up at the detective next to her, and suddenly felt that this seemed very reasonable...

Haiyuan Ai touched his chin, and while observing the corpse, he quietly walked around, recalling the locations of several famous shrines, as well as temples that he didn’t visit often but whose names he had heard of: Maybe when he has time, he should look for them. An excuse to take Jiang Xia with him?

Although there is no such thing as "Kudo Shinichi's dead soul". But this kind of overly strong event physique always makes people think of weird things. It would be reassuring to go to an exorcism place and go through the process...

"No murder weapon has been found around. We are expanding the search area with this hotel as the center, but so far, we still have no results."

Sato Miwako flipped through her notebook and told Jiang Xia some situations that might be useful, so that Jiang Xia could integrate and process these fragmented information as before, and then quickly output the truth.

——Officer Sato is already very proficient in this process of filling in information. In other words, the police officers who have had contact with Jiang Xia are very skilled:

"Preliminary estimates indicate that the time of death was between midnight and two o'clock yesterday. The first person to discover the body was the store manager Zenichi Akazawa. He usually lives in this hotel. This morning, when it was about to open, he passed by the yard and accidentally His employees were seen floating in the pond.”

When saying this, Miwako Sato glanced aside deliberately.

Jiang Xia followed her guidance and saw a man with gray hair.

The man looks about sixty years old, has an old-style slicked back hair, and is wearing an elegant suit. Just looking at these words, he looks like a prim and serious old man. However, in fact, what he wore under his suit was a conspicuous pink shirt, which looked weird and a little funny.

This is the owner of this store and the first person to discover the body - Akazawa Zenichi.

Jiang Xia was looking at him. At this time, there was a faint sound of chaotic footsteps on the other side of the house, as well as the sound of whispering, as if many people were walking this way.

——The body fell in this hotel, and the deceased happened to be an employee of the hotel.

No matter which aspect you look at, the employees in this hotel are more suspicious than others.

So just now, Sato Miwako asked the police to find the employees scattered everywhere.

Conan was originally observing the corpse. Hearing the noisy movement, he raised his head and glanced at the "Young Master Workshop" employees who were walking next to him.

Originally, Conan just wanted to take a quick glance at the approximate number of people, and then continue to check the bodies while listening to Jiang Xia communicating with the employees and looking for clues.

However, once he passed by, Conan looked at the employees and froze in confusion.

Jiang Xia's eyes also fell on the people walking over, and he paused for a while.

The employees' clothes look out of place in a normal modern city - a mix of kimonos and old-fashioned dresses, but with many fancy and exaggerated elements added.

Originally, the pink shirt of the old store manager Akazawa Zenichi was very eye-catching.

But now when these people come, the store manager has blended in perfectly. Coupled with the ancient-style architecture here, the ones who are out of place have become outsiders like them.


The strange-looking employees stopped five or six meters away from the pond and were stopped by the police.

A few security-looking people holding steel forks looked past the police, looked into the blood-stained pool, and muttered: "Lao Yang was killed?"

Next to him, a passionate young man rolled up his sleeves in an exaggerated manner and said angrily in a dramatic tone: "Which bastard did it?! Even if God spares him, I will never forgive him lightly!"

The old woman next to him held a handkerchief and touched the corners of her eyes that had squeezed out tears. She seemed moved and agreed: "Young Master has such a strong sense of justice. Seeing your attitude, Lao Yang's soul in heaven will definitely be able to rest in peace."

"..." Hui Yuan Ai was also a little confused just now.

At this time, she suddenly heard a few familiar keywords and gradually understood: "..."Young Master"?"

Thinking again about the big characters "Shao Ye Fang" hanging on the door of the hotel, Haiyuan Ai suddenly understood it completely and whispered to Jiang Xia: "...that's what the name of the hotel means."

Jiang Xia nodded and pointed to a small wooden sign next to the pond: "This pond where corpses are found is also called 'Sanshirō Pond'."

"Sanshiro" and "The Young Master" are both novels by Natsume Soseki.

Combined with the "nonsense" of the employees just now, the situation in this hotel has become relatively clear.

——It should be a themed hotel related to Natsume Soseki. Judging from the name of the hotel "Bosatei", the main project is the book "Boss". The costumes of the store employees correspond to the characters in "The Young Master".

The protagonist of "Young Master" is of course "Young Master". He has a just and impulsive character. After graduation, the young master bid farewell to his kind grandmother Aqing at home and went to a school in Shikoku to work as a teacher.然而学校里乌烟瘴气,爱穿红衬衫的教导主任和他的狗腿,给了主角很多打击,小说最后,“少爷”和性格直爽的“豪猪”一起揍了一顿教导主任“红衬衫”和狗legs, resigned angrily and left.

As for the "Old Yang" played by the deceased... he is a hapless and honest man who accepts everything.

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