Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 764 You don’t know how to be a shark? What a coincidence, neither can I

Subaru Okiya thought about the scene described by Shuichi Akai. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he couldn't help but sigh: "I'm just an average hacker. This kind of battle is too exaggerated..."

"I'm sorry for involving you." Shuichi Akai sounded a little apologetic, but he had no intention of changing his actions. His reason and emotions have always been very separate. Otherwise, he would not have been able to climb up the organization to the point where he could be teammates with Gin in just three years despite being an outsider with unknown origins. "That organization is where I have to be." The target of elimination.”

"...Forget it, our family owes your father, let's think of it as repaying the debt from another generation." After Okiya Subaru said resignedly, he still didn't want to die after thinking about it, and then thought, "I don't know what kind of person the new boss is. , I have never heard of the code name 'Uzo', which at least shows that he is not a high-profile cruel thug. It would be better if he was an undercover like you before..."

Akai Shuichi recalled it, but he also had no clue. Judging from the intelligence he had before withdrawing from the organization, "Uzo" should not be a veteran employee, at least not from Tokyo. It's more like he was promoted after he left, or was transferred from other places.

Thinking of this, Akai Shuichi felt secretly regretful.

Recently, he has been looking for people with the skill of disguise, intending to use this to replace Subaru Okiya as a peripheral member, and slowly start to contact people in the organization again - since Belmod has such a magical disguise skill , which shows that this level of disguise is completely achievable, and it is very likely that there are other people with similar abilities. It's a pity that he doesn't have a clue yet.

And if he had found a helper in disguise before that, Akai Shuichi thought, then now he could disguise himself as Subaru Okiya and contact the unseen cadre "Usa". This is much faster than his plan of "starting from a peripheral member again", and it can also prevent Subaru Okiya from being too panicked and being killed.

But no matter how regretful it is, people have to look forward.

so now……

"You'd better think about the current mission first." Shuichi Akai closed the curtains and looked at Subaru Okiya, "Also, if you kill someone during this mission, it may have an impact when you apply for witness protection."

"...Yes, I am worried about this too. For some peripheral members, this is indeed a simple task - 'just kill someone', and it is easy to complete independently." Subaru Okiya sighed until he was tired:

"But you may not believe it, but I have actually never killed anyone. In other words, even if I really want to kill this time, I probably lack the appropriate skills. Maybe I will be caught by the passing police as soon as I finish the killing. Then someone from the organization came to 'clean up' - giving me this kind of task was completely unprofessional, and he didn't even send it to a teammate... I hope that Mr. Uzzo didn't have any other deep meaning, it was just pure I’m too lazy to look at my subordinates’ information.”

Akai Shuichi thought for a while: "The ultimate purpose of organizing this task is to prevent Watanuki Yiichi from interfering in company affairs for a certain period of time in the future. You might as well follow your usual task style and steal some of his personal information. , used to threaten. Or create an accident, causing him to be seriously injured for a period of time and 'disappear' from the company's affairs.

"As long as it doesn't delay what the organization has to do, the higher ups won't scrutinize your methods - since you're usually not good at killing people, it won't be out of the ordinary this time to follow your own habits and give priority to other methods."

"Stealing privacy is okay, but seriously injuring people is really not my area of ​​expertise." Subaru Okiya covered his forehead with a worried expression, and peeked at the FBI thigh in front of him through his fingers.

"I can help you." He held a cigarette in his thigh and agreed happily. "However, before that, we must first confirm that Uzo gave you this task by chance and not as a deliberate test."

"..." In other words, he still has to do it himself...

Okiya Subaru looked at the time and stood up sadly: "There are still three days before the deadline, so we can't delay it any longer. I'll go and wait and see near the target first. You..."

He thought for a while and carefully suggested: "You'd better not follow me around today - new subordinates and new students are all easy to be observed... and you are really conspicuous in the organization. We almost all have a piece of information, except for photos." , as well as your height, body shape and various characteristics. The clerk may be hoping that one day we will suddenly carry your head back..."

All in all, if the task cannot be completed, as long as it is reported in advance and does not delay the organization's business, there is still a way to survive.

But if it is discovered that he colluded with the former undercover agent, that undercover agent will still be Akai Shuichi...

Akai Hide nodded: "I have a sense of proportion."

"...That's good." Okiya Subaru secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that he was really measured.

Although Akai Shuichi is an FBI, when he sits face to face, he gives the impression that he is no different from the cold-blooded cadres in the organization. He seems to be an extremely strong person. Such people tend to have their own way of doing things. Subaru Okiya was really afraid that Mr. Akai would be stunned and would sit next to Usa and observe in a high-profile manner, and then be discovered by someone from the organization.

If the two sides confront each other, it may not be difficult for Mr. Akai to evacuate, but it will be difficult for him, a graduate student majoring in academic research... He is still young and wants to live a few more years.

Before Shuichi Akai came to visit, Subaru Okiya had always been a low-key peripheral member. He is not good at killing, and his methods are not cold-blooded enough, but this is actually normal - there are indeed some such people among the peripheral members. As long as they have expertise and do not delay their tasks, the organization will not say anything. After all, if you don't do anything out of the ordinary, it means you won't be easily spotted by the police, which will make you worry less.

"..." Let's bite the bullet and finish the task first. Hope things will go well.

Okiya Subaru simply packed his luggage and looked at today's busy schedule. Without further delay, he got up and went out.

Watanuki Yiichi lives in a three-story villa with a garden in the north of Cupido Town.

The magnificent house stands in the center of the courtyard, with a wide stone road leading directly from the courtyard gate to the house door. The rest of the courtyard is covered with flat lawns. It looks like the residence of some old-fashioned old cadre, without much aesthetic appeal.

However, there are no trees or other plants in the courtyard, which makes it easier for criminals to peek from a distance.

——Two streets away, a slightly outdated cafe.

Okiya Subaru walked up the narrow steps to the second floor and sat down in an inconspicuous corner.

Then he took out his laptop from his bag and tapped it, searching for information about Watanuki Yiichi. He occasionally looked at Watanuki Yiichi's home through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

After more than half an hour, Subaru Okiya looked at the computer interface and sighed silently.

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