Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 766 Stalker

And the current situation...

Apart from "Usa's weird personality", Subaru Okiya could only think of two possibilities.

First, he was going to die soon. Of course, dead people don't tell secrets.

Second, like many other cadres, Wu Zuo accidentally exposed his identity in previous actions and was targeted by some troublesome organizations, so he gave up his public identity in society and hid behind the scenes, only in the shadows. Activity. Such a person is already in a state of leaking secrets, so telling one more subordinate is not a big problem.

Okiya Subaru: "..." No matter how he thought about it, the former was more likely, but he prayed desperately in his heart that it must be the latter.

...Wait a minute, there seems to be a third compromise situation.

For example, Uzo thought he was suspicious, but not that suspicious, so he sent a trustworthy subordinate to pretend to be "Uzo" instead of the real one and come to observe him... But in this case, there is another problem: Uzo is really Will he find a young man who doesn't look like a cadre at all to be his substitute? Doesn't he have subordinates who look more intimidating?

When Okiya Subaru secretly guessed, cold sweat slid down his cheeks.

Opposite him, Jiang Xia was also sizing up the new boy sent by the organization.

Pulling the face hard is the most direct and effective way to break Ke Xue's disguise.

However, it seems that the Okiya Subaru in front of him is actually the real thing.

In addition, judging from the feedback from the ghosts, they were unable to sense any murderous aura around them.

And if Shuichi Akai is nearby and is with Subaru Okiya, then the red side should be more or less murderous when they see their companions suddenly attacked by suspicious men in black.

...In other words, Subaru Okiya may not know Shuichi Akai.

Or we know each other, but Shuichi Akai didn't come today.

In addition, there is a third bad possibility - Shuichi Akai knows Subaru Okiya and is peeping nearby, but he is too red and does not risk murder...

The last assumption slightly lowered Jiang Xia's mood value.

...But overall, he is still an optimistic person. He quickly put aside these useless assumptions and focused on the present.

Speaking of which, Jiang Xia looked at the person opposite and suddenly discovered that Okiya Subaru's true form was a squinting eye. Before, he thought that in the original world line, Shuichi Akai's version of Subaru Okiya squinted all year round just to cover his distinctive green eyes and family eye lines.

Both of them thought a lot, but their reactions were not too slow, and the time did not pass too long.

Soon, Subaru Okiya decided to be on the safe side - regardless of whether the opponent was really Usa, he would still treat him as Usa first.

...Usa may have come to kill him, or maybe he simply wanted to come over and see his new subordinates... In short, thinking of the reprimand of "not saying hello", Subaru Okiya knew very well what to do when he was scolded by his superiors. .

He spoke quickly, his voice a little slurred because he was embarrassed:

"I'm very sorry that I didn't recognize you in time. Well... I'm meeting you for the first time. I'm Subaru Okiya. I'm a graduate student at the Faculty of Engineering at Toto University. I'm good at computers and am also involved in materials and chemical engineering. If you have any tasks in this area, you can always contact me. Me. But I’m ashamed, my level is actually average, maybe I can’t handle too difficult tasks..."

He apologized proficiently, introduced himself, and used the most troublesome and lengthy set of honorifics to make himself look sincere. By the way, he politely said that he is not very good at assassination work...

Subaru Okiya thought about the information he expressed in panic, and felt that except for the last sentence, which might reduce his boss' favor, the rest was passable.

It would be best if Uzo could change him to a more professional task...

Both parties paid great attention to controlling the volume. Except for the sound of Okiya Subaru hitting the table when he was pulled up, no other sounds spread too far.

The guests in the other corner of the cafe glanced here, maybe thinking that someone was fighting. They lowered their heads nervously, shook off the newspaper to cover their faces, pretended not to see anything, and planned to find an opportunity to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. .

In the other corner, Okiya Subaru finished speaking and looked at his new boss slightly nervously.

The curly-haired young man opposite looked at him for a while, then let go of his hand, still with that kind of smile on his face that couldn't tell whether it was friendly or malicious.

Okiya Subaru's face was finally free again. He slowly sat back down, wanting to raise his hands and rub it to see if his face was swollen. But under the watchful eye of my boss, I didn't dare. In the end, I had to sit quietly and do nothing.

Although Shuichi Akai planned to disguise himself as Subaru Okiya, and he had a certain amount of trust in the person involved.

But the contact time between the two was still short after all, and Akai Shuichi was very good at hiding things and did not reveal his disguise plan.

Therefore, Subaru Okiya didn't have much association with the act of "pinch-in-the-face". He simply thought that his new boss might be a pervert with a bad taste, and he actually used this tactic to deal with naughty children to deal with an innocent person who was obviously older than him. Subordinates... But there are many people with bad intentions in the organization. As long as they don't shoot each other when they meet, Subaru can still accept it.

Across the coffee table, Jiang Xia thought of these things.

However, if Subaru Okiya and Shuichi Akai are not in the same group at present, then the two people do not communicate with each other. Of course, Shuichi Akai will not feel any problem based on his "face-grabbing" behavior.

And if these two people are together... that would be even better. Maybe Subaru Okiya will go to Akai Shuichi soon to report the news, and then he can follow him and find the green light all the way to Akai Shuichi. Even if Subaru Okiya has a strong sense of anti-tracking, and after seeing him today, he resists doing nothing, then he can follow him first, find Subaru Okiya's den, and then drive his cat over to visit him from time to time, and then randomly Go out with him and watch Akai Shuichi comfortably.

Jiang Xia remembered that in the original world line, Shuichi Akai dressed up as "Okiya Subaru" and lived in an apartment called "Tokuma-so" in the 2-chome 23 area of ​​Yoneka Town.

But in this world, after Jiang Xia came up with the idea of ​​"seeing Shuichi Akai's murderous intent", he once took the time to look around, but couldn't find anyone - Subaru Okiya seemed to have another residence.

...But think about it, "Muma Village" is not close to Dongdu University, and it is not close to the station or business district. No matter how you look at it, it should not be the first choice for renting a house for a graduate student of Dongdu University.

As for what is unique about Mima Village, it is that it is located on the way from Didan Elementary School to Dr. A Li's house, relatively speaking, it is closer to Dr. A Li's house.

Haibara Ai would pass by there whether he was going to or after school. It is very reasonable for Akai Shuichi's version of "Okiya Subaru" to fall in love with this position - although from a behavioral point of view, he is completely a perverted voyeur, but in this way, Akai Shuichi can confirm whether Miyano Akemi's sister is on time Going to and from school makes it easier to rescue someone if something goes wrong.

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