Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 771 I know it

After taking care of her own affairs, Jiang Xia put on the cat vest again that night and drove the cat to the coffee shop.

He saw Subaru Okiya still in the corner on the second floor of the coffee shop. He had a laptop in front of him, managing his time carefully and switching back and forth between his thesis work.

Late at night, after the lights in Watanukiyi's house went out, Subaru Okiya didn't leave immediately. He continued to stare for a while and found that no one came out and there was no movement. Then he yawned, carefully saved the paper, and returned Hotel booked before.

Jiang Xia: "..."

When we first met, Subaru Okiya seemed to have some potential as a water monster, but why did he suddenly become so dedicated...

He was lying on the wall, resting his chin on his cat's paws in boredom, watching Subaru Okiya return to the hotel.

Suddenly I felt that maybe I was a surprisingly good boss - one who actually made the paddle monster change his ways and work hard.

The next day, Jiang Xia took the time to drive the cat over again.

Then it was discovered that before the mission was over, Subaru Okiya seemed to be taking root in this area and had no intention of leaving.

If you keep staring at it, your efficiency may be very low.

Jiang Xia then took advantage of Okiya Subaru's distraction and threw a transmitter at him, then returned to his body and started busying himself.

On the second day after Okiya Subaru received the "task teaching", after yesterday's accumulation, he already had a certain understanding of the surrounding terrain and general situation.

He thought back to Uzo's "teaching" process yesterday and found that although the skill of "planning cases" was very powerful, he did have a feeling of "sudden realization", "I see" and "I think I can do it too" when listening to it.

But now, after Usa left, Okiya Subaru thought about it again and found that it was a mess, and he had no idea how the other party did it.

"..." After realizing this serious problem, he fell into deep thought for a moment.

At the same time, I can't help but think, after this teaching task, what if Uzo lets himself plan alone next time, or the next time?

...I have no idea when I think about it, I just feel my brain hurts.

Okiya Subaru sighed and had no choice but to put this bleak future aside - it was useless to think about it too much. By then, he might have run away. Compared with this uncertain future, the most important thing now is indeed the current task.

Okiya Subaru thought, although he still cannot grasp the essence of the "manipulation case".

But just by guiding others to discover the corpse in the field, and proving that the corpse is related to the target Watanuki Yiichi, the task should be completed - of course, he did not forget Uzo's warning, knowing that in the process, he must not be People got the handle.

So on this day, Subaru Okiya took many actions, such as "creating roadblocks on other roads so that others could only pass by the burial ground" and "throwing a conspicuously colored leaflet near the burial ground from a blind spot that no one could see. Attracting others to accidentally discover corpses while 'cleaning the trash'" and the like.

At the end of the day, the body was still buried well, and no one noticed it at all.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

...It was only then that he truly realized the complexity of the matter.

The burial site was, after all, on private land, and normal people would never enter it.

Even if they go in, they won't dig around on the ground near the corpse.

Time flew by and soon it was Saturday, the third day.

There are only two days left before the task deadline - the board of directors.

With a pair of weak dark circles under his eyes, Subaru Okiya learned from the pain and came up with a new plan - since ordinary people wouldn't do that kind of thing, the only option is... to find some naughty kids to invade private property and then dig the soil. .

Of course, Okiya Subaru thought that in order to avoid leaving a psychological shadow on the children, when the body was about to be dug out, he would take the tool boy away in advance and dig out the remaining parts himself, trying not to hurt their young and fragile hearts.

When Subaru Okiya was thinking hard and conceiving a new plan under the dim light of early morning.

Jiang Xia took a leisurely nap and got up slowly.

After having breakfast at the neighbor's house next door, he went to the detective agency to sort out the commissions that had accumulated in the mailbox recently, and to see if his boss was there and if he had encountered any new cases.

Unfortunately, Toru Amuro is still not around the office.

However, while putting away the newspapers, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Jiang Xia was startled, turned to look at the door, and found that the person coming was a fierce-looking man.

The client, who had a villainous face, had a very direct personality. After ringing the doorbell, he pushed the door straight in.

Seeing Jiang Xia approaching, he looked at the detective and said straight to the point: "I want to ask you to help me find my sister."

"..." Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment and nodded.

...It's a coincidence that the client actually found him here.

He pointed to the sofa in the living room and motioned for the guests to sit down: "Please wait a moment."

Then go get the entrustment form and make tea for the guests.

When the water was boiling, Jiang Xia looked at the steaming pot and sighed quietly:

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but since the last time we went out together, the boss hasn’t come to the detective agency very often.

In the past, Toru Amuro would often stop by and take a look when passing by. If he meets a guest, he will instinctively help with the reception.

but now……

Without a skilled migrant worker, Jiang Xia could only do odd jobs on his own.

When the client filled out the registration form, the tea had already been brewed.

Jiang Xia brought tea and snacks. While putting down the tray, he sat down opposite the client, picked up the registration form, and scanned it quickly.

The fierce-looking client leaned on the sofa and calmed down a little.

He opened his mouth to add what was not written on the form:

“A month ago, my sister Koda Sanae suddenly disappeared.

"——We are not natives of Tokyo, but were born in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture. Six years ago, Sanae went to Beijing with several graduates of the same period and found a good job at Toto Securities Co., Ltd. She is A very good person with strong working ability...

At this point, Masao Koda realized that he was going off topic. He pressed his forehead tiredly and returned to business:

“But on the night of the 8th last month, Sanae suddenly disappeared.

"It was two days before I heard about it. After that, I booked a ticket overnight and came to Tokyo. I rushed to her company and asked her colleagues to find out her whereabouts.

"Colleagues said that at 8 o'clock that night, Sanae left the company after get off work. Before leaving, she said she was going to see a client - that was the last time those colleagues saw Sanae.

"And the 'client' they said Sanae wanted to meet——"

With a trace of irrepressible anger and a bit of murderous intent that surprised Jiang Xia, Masao Koda took out a photo from his bag and slapped it on the table:

"It's this guy, Watanuki Giichi!"

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