Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 773 The Disappeared Toru Amuro

Koda Masao frowned and thought for a while, feeling that what Jiang Xia said made sense.

But at the same time, I was very doubtful: "What if Watanuki Yiichi doesn't let me in? Moreover, what if I am alerted..."

"Since you firmly believe that the body is buried in his yard, you should have negotiated with him."

Seeing his client nod, Jiang Xia continued: "So, if you want to 'snatch the snake', you have already done it. And this is actually just an attempt - in case he really lets go in order to prove that he has no evil intentions." Let's go in, isn't it great?

"Even if you fail, there will still be next Saturday, and the next Saturday... Although it is not a good thing to say, but the body has been buried for a month, and many valuable clues have actually been lost over time. One week earlier and one week later. , in terms of results, there may not be much difference.”

Masao Koda pressed his forehead in thought and hesitated for a while.

Finally, he nodded: "Just do it like this."

Judging from past patterns, it was still more than an hour before Watuguanyi went to the hospital for a routine check-up.

Koda Masao urged Jiang Xia to leave as soon as possible.

——There are indeed many Saturdays ahead, but Masao Koda doesn’t want to waste this one.

Therefore, he planned to follow Jiang Xia's instructions and visit Mian Guanyi's family first, and try to get in by relying on the other party's face-saving habits. If it doesn't work this time... Masao Koda actually has other plans.

So in order to avoid wasting time, he wanted to try the "visit" Jiang Xia mentioned before Mian Guanyi went out. If it fails, there is still time to follow your own plan.

Jiang Xia didn't intend to delay.

He stood up and was about to invite Boss Amuro to go with him as if nothing had happened. It would be best if he could pick up a case on the way there and another one when he came back.

But when I turned around, there was nothing behind me.

——Toru Amuro left a reminder just now, and then, he disappeared.


Jiang Xia was startled for a moment and looked at the ghosts floating nearby.

Since Toru Amuro was not in a murderous state just now, he was almost transparent in the eyes of ghosts.

Only Matsuda Jinpei paid a little attention out of affection for his old classmates. But soon, it couldn't help but look at Koda Masao, who was showing a slight murderous intent.

At this time, seeing Jiang Xia looking over, Matsuda Jinping tried his best to remember and pointed to the door hesitantly.

——It remembered that just now, Toru Amuro walked in that direction very lightly. At that time, it thought that its old classmate had gone to something outside, but it didn't expect that he would never come back after he left. Judging from this posture, he probably ran away.

Jiang Xia: "..."


On the other side, in the park.

Conan originally wanted to go to the bookstore to pick up the ordered "Detective Zuo Moji" series.

However, as soon as he went out, he was surrounded by the young detective team who came for him, dragged him away, and dragged him to play baseball.

The children originally wanted to go find Haihara Ai, but they remembered a certain handsome humanoid creature who lived next door to Haihara Ai and did not dare to go there.

Fortunately, communication is gradually developing now. The naughty children gratefully took out their mobile phones and sent an email to Haiyuan Ai, asking her to come out.

Hui Yuan Ai spends all day in front of the computer and replies quickly.

In the end, the five people met at the station smoothly.

However, playing baseball requires a large open space, which is not easy to find.

The five people rushed here and there, and finally set their sights on a remote park, and started fighting happily.

However, just after a few hits, something happened.

——The strong Kojima Motoda swung the bat hard, and the ball flew high into the air with a "bang" sound and landed on the other side of the bushes in the distance.

Conan, who was in charge of the outfield, twitched from the corner of his eye and could only accept his fate and ran over to pick up the ball.

After walking around the bushes, Conan looked at where the baseball had fallen and was stunned.

——There was a bench there, and sitting on the bench was a man with light hair.

The man wore a pair of academic-looking metal-rimmed glasses and had an unfolded laptop on his lap, as if he was planning to work overtime.

However, at this moment, he stopped typing on the keyboard and was gasping for breath, rubbing his head as if in pain, and straightening his glasses as if they had been knocked crooked by something. Next to him, a familiar baseball fell.


Conan looked at the scene, and everything seemed very obvious - it must have been that the baseball that Yuanta had just hit fell here and hit the man in front of him who was working overtime with a notebook.

...Although it is a bit of a coincidence, the balls played by those unlucky children often hit various unlucky passers-by. This is not the first time Conan has encountered this kind of thing.

You should not run away from errors.

Conan trotted forward skillfully and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect there was someone here... We didn't mean it."

The "unfortunate passerby" on the bench turned his head and glanced at him, shook his head helplessly, picked up the ball that hit him and handed it over: "The park is not a place to play baseball."

Conan reached out and took it.

At this time, other children also heard the noise and came over.

Realizing that they had gotten into trouble again, the three of them couldn't help but shrink back in anger and apologized: "I'm sorry."

"It's nothing." Okiya Subaru looked at them and suddenly sighed, showing a nostalgic expression, "It's better to be a child, without any worries. When you grow up..."

When Conan heard this, he subconsciously glanced at his screen.

Then I was stung by a series of formulas and modeling that made me narrow my eyes, and I felt a bit of homework pressure coming towards me.

Several other people did not have similar feelings - Haibara Ai was not that curious and did not look at Subaru Okiya's computer.

The other three kids couldn't understand that.

However, upon hearing Okiya Subaru's words, they subconsciously retorted:

"We also have a lot of worries! For example, today we ran around for a long time to find a place to play baseball..." The three of them looked at Subaru Okiya with envy, "I heard that when you were young, uncle, there were a lot of open spaces, and you could find them in any neighborhood. There was a field for playing baseball. But when we arrived, buildings were built on every piece of land..."

This trouble is half true and half false, secretly mixed with a little selfishness - they want to describe their behavior of finding a venue with a little bit of misery, hoping that in this way, the good-tempered uncle in front of them will turn a blind eye. Close one eye, ignore their behavior of playing baseball in a public place, and let them continue to play.

Okiya Subaru smiled when he heard them say that there used to be "a lot of open space":

"There are indeed more than now, but not as exaggerated as you think. At least since I was a child, Tokyo has been very prosperous. Except in the suburbs, it is difficult to find so many vacant fields. However, if you really want to play baseball …”

He seemed to suddenly remember something: "I know a place where you can play baseball. Do you want to check it out?"

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