Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 778: Collusion. Please vote for me (`)

Okiya Subaru: "!!"

Thinking about this unintentional comment from the media, and then thinking about the way Uzo completed the task, Okiya Subaru suddenly had some horrifying associations. He accidentally tripped over the curb stone under his feet and staggered two steps before regaining his balance.

Ahead, the little mixed-race girl next to Jiang Xia heard the movement and turned around to look at him in surprise.

When his eyes fell on Okiya Subaru's glasses, he seemed to think that for a short-sighted man who was driven crazy by the paper, this kind of thing was quite normal. Haibara Ai turned his head back without caring much and continued walking on his own. road.

"Well... I'm a little worried about the gentleman just now. I always feel that he will act impulsively." Subaru Okiya made a random excuse and said to Jiang Xia like an enthusiastic passerby, "I can't help much with the investigation. If you are busy, why not go to his place and have a look... If you need help with anything, you can always come to me."

Jiang Xia nodded, grabbed the three naughty children who wanted to sneak away with Okiya Subaru, and glanced at Okiya Subaru's leaving figure.

...Just now, the new subordinate's expression was a little strange, and there was a vague feeling of familiarity.

Jiang Xia recalled it carefully and found that Okiya Subaru's expression just now was similar to the expression he had when he suddenly discovered that "Usa is not a good person" before, as if he had discovered some great secret...


... This overthinking guy with glasses must be trying to take off his vest.

Jiang Xia touched his chin and thought about it from Okiya Subaru's perspective. He felt that this was not a simple matter.

——First of all, unless Subaru Okiya or Shuichi Akai are promoted to the status of Gin within a year, there will be no way to uncover the information about "Esuka = ​​Usa".

As for the connection between "Uzuo" and "Jiangxia"...

There are many coincidences in the world. It is not unreasonable for a crime-solving genius and a mastermind to exist in Tokyo at the same time. In the eyes of the world, it is quite reasonable. After all, where there is black, there is white, and where there is light, there is darkness - Jiang Xia can be a clueless detective who has vaguely noticed the clues left by Wu Zuo, but there is no concrete evidence yet, so he has to pursue it silently.

... Even if we dig deeper, "Uzo" will still be blamed for everything.

For example, in order to improve the efficiency of his tasks, Wu Zuo deliberately provided clues to involve the detectives... If he digs deeper, the most he can find is "Jiang Xia is Wu Zuo's subordinate. Usually the famous detectives find cases to solve on their own." Experience life, help Uzo solve a case at a critical moment, and experience work."

Even this most superficial layer is far from being as easy to dig as it seems.

Even if Subaru Okiya or Shuichi Akai really dig it out, the FBI is not the police of the island country. They only get tourist visas. If they are not careful, they will be deported back to the country - without conclusive evidence and only relying on speculation, " Jiangxia" and "Akai Shuichi + Okiya Subaru" are placed in front of the police at the same time. No matter what they think, the police here will arrest the latter first.

Jiang Xia meditated while walking.

The only thing that makes people curious now is how much Shuichi Akai knows about "Jiang Xia".

——The status of "Jiang Xia" as a "peripheral member" is indeed not a secret among some people.

But no matter how secretive it is, he is still a member of a mysterious organization, and no one has ever publicized it with a loudspeaker.

Moreover, when Jiang Xia and the Miyano sisters began to have contact, Akai Shuichi had already left the organization and gone to the United States. Normally, Shuichi Akai probably doesn't have time to pay attention to a peripheral paddling employee. Even if Akai Shuichi is a bit gossipy and learns this piece of information, he will at most suspect that Jiang Xia and Uzuo are slightly related, so he will return to his previous speculation... huh?

...Speaking of which, if Shuichi Akai felt that "Esuka" was also Usa's subordinate, would he take the initiative to come to him?

After all, when comparing "Esuka" and "Okiya Subaru", Subaru Okiya, who is "always a marginal member", and Jiang Xia, who is "a bit marginal, but still an ancestral member", no matter what, Jiang Xia has more information. , better promotion.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia couldn't help but feel a little moved:

If Shuichi Akai was really so considerate, then he wouldn't have to drive a cat so hard to follow Subaru Okiya all over the city - although the murderous energy consumed by the cat vest is very small, if it is too far away from the main body, it will still consume a Pen heart-wrenching rations.

However, the heartbeat is the heartbeat.

Jiang Xia recalled Okiya Subaru's cautious and overthinking character, and felt that he couldn't be too proactive. If you directly sell the weakness to Subaru Okiya, it will be like fishing with a straight hook, and it is easy to do bad things.

To be on the safe side, I have to be patient and take my time...

Regarding this matter, even if "Jiangxia" loses the vest of "Uzuo's subordinates" one day, it cannot stand on the same side as Uzuo. Instead, it should be a "just subordinate who was persecuted by Uzo but who was firmly opposed to Uzo in his heart."

——Since it is the true body, of course you still have to lean towards the good people.

After all, although Black has abundant murderous intent, Red can also pick up a lot of useful resources. The fact that the red side is not exchanging information now does not mean that they will never communicate with each other. No one wants to just do multiple-choice questions when they can "get it all" with a little more effort.

And although Shuichi Akai is good at Jeet Kune Do, in modern society, hot weapons are still preferred by the fans.

What Jiang Xia wants to see is Akai Shuichi who comes to him face to face, who can be drawn to murderous intent and easily stuffed into a sack and carried away. He didn't want to face the silver bullets of a sniper rifle at a distance of several hundred yards.

Although Conan and Haibara Ai also felt that Subaru Okiya was a little strange, he seemed to be under a lot of pressure after all, and so far, everything he said and did had reasonable explanations.

Therefore, as soon as Subaru Okiya left, the two of them turned their attention away from him and didn't think much about it for the time being.

"I don't think we can just listen to one side of the story - if there was conclusive evidence, the police would have searched Yiichi Watanuki's yard long ago. And the current situation shows that Masao Koda lacks the body buried in Yiichi Watanuki's yard." 'The corresponding evidence. Since there is no evidence..." Conan's heart was about to investigate the case, "Why don't we try to find it first?"

Haibara Ai recalled what Koda Masao said before they separated from them, and sighed: "His attitude just now probably meant that he wanted to cancel the commission. Do you want to continue doing it?"

Jiang Xia sighed after her: "I can't ignore it."

"...?" Hui Yuan Ai raised his head and looked at him suspiciously, remembering Jiang Xia's inner leisurely character who loved paddling, and suspected that there was something hidden behind the matter. However, if Jiang Xia doesn't want to talk, she'd better not ask random questions in front of Conan... If Kudo Shinichi's thirst for knowledge is aroused, it won't be able to stop it with just one or two words.

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