Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 786 The dark rules of the detective world

Having said this, Inoue Ryoko raised her chin to the side and motioned Jiang Xia to look at her office and her busy colleagues:

"——As you can see, we are very busy at work and work a lot of overtime. We don't have enough rest in the evening and have no time to care about other people's lives. The next day, we saw that Sanae never came to work, so we slowed down Something went wrong slowly, I didn’t expect that she has been missing until now..."

She sighed.

After Conan listened carefully to the clues, he was pinched in the face by Inoue Ryoko again.

When he came back to his senses, he realized belatedly that he seemed to have accidentally betrayed his appearance.

"..." However, it is adults' love for children anyway. How healthy and conducive to social development is to sell it.

Conan had no baggage at all and started acting cute. At the same time, he helped Jiang Xia ask: "By the way, sister, was there anything unusual about Sanae-san's appearance that day? For example, she was emotionally unstable, or she cried."

Inoue Ryoko usually has a lot of contact with customers. He is also a smart person and vaguely understands the meaning of their words.

"You want to ask, is it possible for Sanae to commit suicide or run away from home on her own initiative?" She looked at Jiang Xia, "I don't think so. The new variety of cosmos I purchased online arrived that day, and she asked for some seeds and said she would go back People who want to try breeding - commit suicide or run away, don't have time to do these things."

Hui Yuan Ai also had her face pinched slightly. She raised her hand and touched her cheek with mixed emotions: She always felt that after Inoue Ryoko took advantage of them, she became a lot easier to talk to.

She looked at the mini version of Kudo Shinichi next to her, and found that the former detective also looked well-adjusted.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Could it be that now, when detectives are looking for people to ask for information, they must, must...

She thought of the previous store manager of Erdao and Jiang Xia's large number of customers. She couldn't help but her pupils shook and she grabbed Jiang Xia's sleeve: What is going on in the world now? The detectives still want to...

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He lowered his head and glanced at Haiyuan Ai doubtfully.

This fake kid has been acting weird today. Doesn't he like being pinched?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia looked at Miyano Akemi, who had floated above Haihara Ai's head at some point and was stroking her sister skillfully.

Miyano Akemi sensed her master's question, raised her chin seriously, and thought for a while.

Then he shook his head, indicating that he had no impression. After all, after her sister grew up, she rarely ran over to pinch her face. But she thinks she can give it a try next time she drives the puppet. The resisting sister is also surprisingly cute...

A chill ran down Hui Yuan Ai's back, he turned his head away and sneezed, rubbing his nose in confusion.

Jiang Xia didn't start, pretending that he didn't agree to Miyano Akemi's proposal just now. No, pretend not to see Miyano Akemi...

Seeing that they were starting to lose focus, Okiya Subaru had no choice but to cancel the background board state and try to give a hint.

He looked at Inoue Ryoko and started chatting about the topic just now: "I also like this kind of flower. It is beautiful, has a beautiful flower language, and is easy to survive. It is a very sunny flower. Such a Miss Koda does not seem to be able to People who commit suicide... Speaking of which, when I was playing baseball with my children today, I saw a cosmos on the construction site. It was probably a seed blown from somewhere, and it took root. Such a tenacious vitality, often I think maybe Miss Koda suddenly wanted to see the outside world on her way to Watanukiyi's family, so she left."

"!" Jiang Xia grasped the key points from a lot of Okiya Subaru's words, and showed a face-saving "I see" expression.

"!" Conan obviously thought of something from Okiya Subaru's words and blurted out, "No wonder Giichi Watanuki was peeking on the roof when we were playing baseball, and he was still looking through binoculars!"

Okiya Subaru looked at him in surprise. This kid is quite smart. He is worthy of being Kudo Shinichi's distant cousin. Kudo Shinichi has been following Jiang Xia since his death... Detectives really need to be trained from an early age.

After getting one of the key clues, the group quickly returned to the excavation site of Watanuki Yi's family.

Police are still digging up the yard.

There was no flat area in the courtyard at this time. Koda Masao stared at the last piece of grass to be dug, his expression tense.

Jiang Xia was about to cross the cordon when a man suddenly emerged from the alley next to him.

Mochida poked his head and observed for a while, looked at Jiang Xia, and whispered to inquire about the situation: "What happened? They couldn't really dig up a body in the yard, right?"

Jiang Xia was startled: "Who are you?"

Mochida looked at him and recognized him as a detective who often appeared in Tokyo. He guessed that Jiang Xia was probably here to help the police solve the case: "I am the witness that Mr. Koda found before."

Maybe Mochida was a little excited because he was suddenly involved in a murder and burial case. He pointed to the alley behind him. This is exactly the place that separates Watanuki's family and the open space where they play baseball:

"Although I'm drunk, my memory is very good! That night, when I was walking through here, I heard the sound of shovels digging into the ground. At that time, I lit a cigarette and looked up to the right - look, It happens to be the yard of Mr. Watanuki's house. Well, there must be a corpse hidden in it, so I think I heard it right."

As he spoke, he walked into the alley, simulated the action of lighting a cigarette, and turned his head gracefully.

It is indeed in the direction of Watanuki Yiyi Yard.

Okiya Subaru: "..." No wonder Koda Masao is so sure that the body is hidden in Watanuki Yiichi's yard - when he was desperate, a witness suddenly appeared and insisted that on the night when Koda Sanae disappeared, he heard Watanuki Giichi is digging in his yard... Masao Koda's thoughts will of course be led to this.

Subaru Okiya looked at the actions of the enthusiastic passers-by and was speechless for a moment: "But it seems that the body has not been dug out yet, and the remaining land is unlikely to be dug out. Speaking of which, I remember the wind was very strong that day. All the copied materials were blown away..." He pressed the phone and checked the weather conditions that day.

After the page refreshed, Subaru Okiya said: "Sure enough... there was a strong east wind that day. In this case, people's judgment of the location of the sound source will also be affected."

Konichi Mochida waved his hand nonchalantly: "Ha, how could the sound be blown away? It's not the fire in a lighter...?" He was suddenly startled.

After a moment, the enthusiastic passerby punched his palm: "By the way, I remembered! I was..."

He walked into the alley again, lit a cigarette, and tried to remember something:

"I wanted to light a cigarette at the time, but the wind was so strong that I couldn't start the fire at all. So I had to turn around and face the direction of the wind. Then I heard the sound of digging and looked to the right..."

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