Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 799 FBI’s reasoning

"Esuka?" Subaru Okiya was confused at first as to why the topic jumped to this, but after thinking about Akai Shuichi's words, he quickly understood the reason, "You want to say that Usa may be Jiangsu in disguise?"

Akai Shuichi did not nod: "What do you think?"

"It's impossible." Subaru Okiya happened to be in contact with both of them and shook his head firmly, "They are different in age, body shape and temperament, especially in temperament. The difference is huge - speaking of it, I I had previously suspected that Jiang Xia might also be a subordinate of Wu Zuo, because Wu Zuo seemed to be writing a script when committing crimes, while Jiang Xia seemed to be reading a script when solving crimes. But after my subsequent investigation, this should be just a simple coincidence..."

He recounted his previous investigations and speculations.

After hesitating for a moment, he added: "But I always feel that Jiang Xia seems to have been vaguely aware of Wu Zuo's scripts... If this continues, according to the organization's usual way of doing things, Jiang Xia's situation may be very dangerous. Of course, I The situation is also very dangerous, I suspect that Uzo is trying to push me out as a substitute..."

Akai Shuichi listened carefully, nodded, and said nothing.

He didn't think that Jiang Xia was Usa, but he did have some doubts that there was a connection between Jiang Xia and Usa - in some ways, the results of Subaru Okiya's observations actually matched his speculation.

However, in Akai Shuichi's view, Jiang Xia's situation is not as dangerous as Okiya Subaru said.

When detectives work, they need evidence. At present, according to the rumored way of committing crimes, it is difficult to convict Uzo of his behavior. I am afraid that such a person will not be easily recorded with evidence of abetting crimes. And if there is no evidence, even if Jiang Xia discovers something is wrong behind the case, it will be difficult to arrest people.

In this case, there is certainly no need for Uzo to keep silent. Because someone has to solve the case, and his purpose of "using the murder case to complete the mission" can be realized. If Jiang Xia is gone, Wu Zuo will have to find another detective. Although there are many famous detectives, there are not that many who can volunteer to help the police solve cases every day and can see through the murder tactics every time. Uzo's habitual methods destined him to maintain a strange relationship with the detectives. balance.

Of course, another possibility cannot be ruled out.

For example, Jiang Xia is really Wu Zuo's subordinate.

However, this situation cannot be justified in some respects.

Just as Okiya Subaru said, Jiang Xia solved the case too fast. If he is really Wu Zuo's subordinate and "memorizes the script" under the instructions of his superiors every time he solves a case, then Jiang Xia will at least pretend to be another detective and spend more time in meditation and thinking to make himself look like Not so abrupt... From this point of view, the two people do not have a superior-subordinate relationship. Jiang Xia may really be just a keen detective.

...In short, although the issue in this area has not yet been clarified, one thing is certain - no matter what, Jiangxia is still relatively safe at the moment.

On the other hand, Okiya Subaru... If he continues to "do tasks" like this, he may be suddenly arrested by the police one day, and then the organization will arrange to silence him, and his life will be in danger.

However, Akai Shuichi thought about it carefully and felt that Subaru Okiya could still be saved.

After all, according to the plan, it won’t be long before that terrible “Usa” is no longer Subaru Okiya’s boss, but the boss of his fake “Subaru Okiya”.

At that time, with Uzo's observation skills, it will be really stressful not to reveal any flaws... But Uzo is a mysterious cadre after all, and "accidents" like the witness who listened in the opposite direction in this mission, It doesn't happen every time. In other words, Uzo's chances of meeting "Okiya Subaru" may not be as great as he thought, and there is still room for maneuver.

After getting the most concerning information about the mysterious new cadre "Uzo".

Akai Shuichi's attention gradually focused on another thing.

He glanced at the cat litter box, cat climbing frame, water bowl and various cat toys in the corner, and was silent for a moment: "Do you want to raise a cat?"

... There is nothing wrong with raising a cat.

But now, Subaru Okiya is eager to leave here and stay away from the organization. He should have subconsciously streamlined his luggage to make it easier to escape at any time, but on the contrary, Subaru Okiya actually raised a pet...

As an ace agent with keen observation and rich association skills.

It was impossible for Akai Shuichi to ignore such an obvious anomaly.

Across the way, Okiya Subaru didn't show any panic when he heard this question.

He just sighed and suddenly became a little sad: "I did have this plan. But... alas, but the cat ran away."

Akai Shuichi: "...?"

Although Subaru Okiya had only known the black cat for a few days, he had bought all the things needed to keep the cat. Now that the cat abandoned him, he would always feel as sad as if the domestic cat had disappeared.

After feeling sad for a while, Subaru Okiya came back to his senses and vaguely felt that Shuichi Akai didn't ask this question, so he walked to the computer, clicked the mouse a few times, and explained:

"Actually, I didn't want to raise it at first. After all, my situation is not suitable for adding extra 'baggage' to myself.

"But we are really destined - we met several times in a neighborhood, and it jumped on my car when I opened the car door. It is not afraid of people at all. This is really a rare and good cat... Look, I was worried at first that I wouldn’t be able to get potted plants after raising a cat, but that’s not the case, he is very considerate and takes good care of things.”

Shuichi Akai's eyes fell on the screen and found that Subaru Okiya had opened several videos, and the content of the videos were all from his own home.

All the surveillance cameras at home were installed by Subaru himself. He usually leaves home often, and the safety factor of this apartment is only within the normal range, so it cannot prevent people who are interested in exploring. And he himself is a peripheral member of the black organization who cannot withstand investigation, and is also the second and fifth son who is preparing to betray. In other words, neither the red nor the black will please anyone, and his life is very scary.

So this time, Subaru Okiya not only started using the detector, but also installed surveillance cameras at home.

Every time he came back, he would take a quick glance at it. In the past, this action was just to confirm that no one broke into the empty door. After reading it, he would delete it immediately.

But later, this operation evolved into observing the life of the cat every day - the new black cat with white claws seemed to yearn for freedom. He didn't spend much time in the house every day, and even less time appeared in the camera. Okiya Subaru simply cut out all the video clips of cats and happily saved them.

Akai Shuichi looked at the surveillance images on the screen and the naming of each video file, feeling slightly speechless. Although the reason "the cat slave was jumped into the car by the cat, so she couldn't refuse and started raising cats" may sound irrational, it is indeed very likely to happen...

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