Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 801: Talk like a shark

Jiang Xia drank the tea comfortably, put down the tea cup, and prepared to go around the bank to show off.

However, just as he walked out of the office door, his cell phone suddenly rang.

——A call came in.

He took out his cell phone, looked at the caller ID, and found that the caller was Officer Sato.

When I pressed the answer button, the first thing that came into my ears was a slightly noisy background sound - it seemed like someone was crying and babbling, but I couldn't hear it clearly.

Soon, Sato Miwako seemed to find that the call was connected. She strode to the side, lowered her voice and said straight to the point: "Where are you now? Someone has accused you of kidnapping."

Jiang Xia: "...Kidnapping? Me?"

He looked at the cell phone he was talking on, a little confused.

Although it is undeniable that he did have similar thoughts...

But isn’t it true that no one has been tied up yet?

Moreover, the targets he planned to pack away seemed to be the type who would not call the police in case of trouble.

"There may be some misunderstanding. The parties concerned are quite excited. To be honest, we haven't understood what they want to express." Sato Miwako sighed. She still trusted Jiang Xia in this aspect. In addition to this young detective, He often gets too involved when beating prisoners...but is quite law-abiding in other respects. No matter how he looks at it, he can't do anything like kidnapping:

"Anyway, you should come over here as soon as possible - reporters from all walks of life are stationed at the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department all year round. If you don't make it clear to the reporter before he leaves, there may be false reports the next day."

"Okay." Jiang Xia responded, "I'm at the detective agency now, not far from the Metropolitan Police Department. I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, he set out in the direction of the Metropolitan Police Department while looking for ghosts. To be cautious, he confirmed: "I haven't sleepwalked before." After a pause, he asked again, "Didn't you sneak out and do strange things in the middle of the night? Bar."

The ghosts looked back at him innocently, muttering and trying to reason: drifting far away consumes more murderous energy, and if you want to gather into a puppet, you need Jiang Xia's permission, and most of the targets are elusive and difficult to find, even Bellmore De, often leave the doctor's clinic and don't spend the night there... If they had really done something, the psychic master would have discovered it long ago.


"Maybe someone made a mistake, or someone pretended to be my name... Anyway, let's go take a look first." Jiang Xia sighed.

After spending a lot of time with Subaru Okiya these past few days, life has become a stagnant mess, as if he has returned to the terrifying time before Kudo Shinichi became Conan.

Now an unexpected incident suddenly occurred. Although the specific situation was not clear yet, for him, it should be a good thing no matter how he thought about it.

Jiang Xia came to the Metropolitan Police Department and entered the office he often visited by familiar routes.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw an elderly couple with gray hair sitting opposite Sato Miwako, banging the table and angrily yelling at something.

Officer Sato was obviously not very good at dealing with these scenes, and his head was pounding from the noise.

Seeing Jiang Xia enter the door, her eyes lit up and she waved towards the door: "Jiang Xia, this way!"

When the couple saw this, they turned around and looked over: "Are you Jiang Xia?!"

Jiang Xia looked at them for a moment, but found no murderous intent. I looked at the two people's calves again and saw that there was nothing on them that could be squeezed. I was a little disappointed.

He said nothing, just nodded politely and distantly.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, two people rushed towards him, grabbed him, and even showed a hint of murderous intent: "Give me my daughter back!"

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He was startled for a moment, and his attitude became a little more friendly. He patted the man in the old couple and comforted him while suppressing a little of his murderous aura. He checked the quality and said warmly: "Don't be impatient. Speak slowly... Well, I What happened to your daughter?"

Next to her, Miwako Sato just breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing this scene, I became angry again.

I almost forgot that she is not good at dealing with this, and Jiang Xia is definitely not good at it. In the eyes of the two parties, Jiang Xia is now the kidnapper they consider. The "kidnapper" suddenly greets the kidnapped person, which seems to be easily understood as a kind of kidnapping. Contempt and threats...

Seeing that the couple had no intention of letting go, Sato Miwako had no choice but to bravely go up to them and try to smooth things over:

"There must be some misunderstanding. And as soon as we contacted Jiang Xia, he came over immediately. The kidnapper will not be so cooperative... Anyway, calm down and explain the matter clearly first."

As she spoke, she raised her calves and kicked the door secretly, seeming to have kicked the door of the office inadvertently.

... Paparazzi are always very concerned about murder cases, and they are even more fanatical about things related to famous detectives. The more powerful ones can even sneak into the corridor in front of the office... In order to prevent news like "Famous detective suspected of embarking on a criminal path!" from appearing on the headlines of tomorrow's newspapers, it is necessary to take some precautions.

The other police officers nearby did not watch and stepped forward to separate the couple from Jiang Xia.

Although Jiang Xia has recently gotten into the habit of defaulting on records, in other respects, he is still a good detective who is considerate to the police. He solves cases quickly and saves them a lot of overtime. A group of police officers are very friendly to him. .

The couple suddenly saw the "kidnapper" and were excited. They took out a handkerchief from nowhere and shed tears: "My Eri..."

Officer Takagi quickly took them back to the sofa to sit down, refilled the tea, and consoled them:

"The most important thing now is to find the missing Miss Eri. Please calm down and explain the cause and effect carefully so that we can catch the criminal as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, he found that the couple's eyes were drifting towards Jiang Xia. Takagi Sheba remembered that they didn't seem to pay much attention to the news and had never seen Jiang Xia, so he added:

"Jiang Xia is a detective. Although I don't know why you are convinced that he kidnapped your daughter. But there may be some misunderstanding...that, so why do you think he is the kidnapper?"

As Takagi Sheba asked, he couldn't help but speculate:

Could it be that this couple happened to see Jiang Xia acting bravely against certain people at the scene where their daughter was kidnapped?

"..." Jiang Xia's appearance when he beats people is indeed a bit scary. If someone who doesn't know the truth sees Jiang Xia, he will indeed regard Jiang Xia as some kind of terrible villain... Alas, but in fact Jiang Xia is really just a righteous detective. Because of this, it is easy to lose control of the perpetrator when you hit him.

Gradually, the "criminal" who may have been identified appeared in front of him, and the name "detective" was a little more convincing, and Jiang Xia really didn't look like a gangster...

The couple gradually calmed down.

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