Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 813 There are no witnesses. Please vote for me ()

The second in command did not stay in this cramped room.

He asked his younger brother to keep an eye on people, and then he went to the cleanest room facing the sun. While counting the weapons, he searched the Internet for information about Jiang Xia, thinking about the correct way to use the new hostage.

There was also a man in black who was not in the house. He had gone to a convenience store to buy food.

Jiang Xia went out with light steps, passed two messy empty rooms, walked silently against the wall, and came to the door of Yamabe Koichi's room.

During the day, the doors to each room were unlocked. After all, the hostages seemed to have lost the ability to move, which made it easier for the robbers to move around and observe the situation, and also ventilated the room full of mold.

At the same time, it is also convenient for Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia sensed the location of the murderous aura in the room where Yamabe Koichi was imprisoned. At the same time, let the ghost float to the door and observe openly.

The man in black in this room is also bored with waiting.

When he walked to the window, with his back to the door, he wanted to peek out from the gap in the black cloth.

Jiang Xia ducked in, skillfully raised his hand to cover his mouth, and then punched the man in black in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground silently.

Yamabe Koichi, who was tied into a rice dumpling, leaned against the wall and stared at him in shock.

Soon, Yamabe Koichi was surprised to find that the young man who suddenly broke into the gangster's den was actually the famous high school detective. Although Yamabe Koichi worked in the Fourth Investigation Section and did not usually have much contact with Jiang Xia, he After all, he is a policeman. He often watches the news and has heard about Jiang Xia. Therefore, Yamabe Koichi quickly defined Jiang Xia as a righteous teammate - he heard the noisy movement in the corridor just now, but didn't know what was going on. Now looking at the dust on Jiang Xia's clothes, Yamabe Koichi realized that the robbers might have brought the detective in just now.

Knowing each other saves a lot of explanation time.

Jiang Xia first closed the door to facilitate sound insulation, then skillfully untied the rope from Yamabe Koichi and used it to tie up the gangster.

Yamabe Koichi was obviously a little confused. Although this unexpected situation made him happy, he didn't know how Jiang Xia escaped from the control of the robbers. In addition, the people in black are a gang. If you put down the one in front of you, there may be others.

So he instinctively thanked him first.

Then he lowered his voice and said worriedly: "Eri is still in their hands..."

Jiang Xia: "..." Why do you two even have the same lines...

He also lowered his voice and said in the same worried tone: "I asked her to leave from the east. But just now I looked through the reflection and found that there was only one man in black in the room facing the sun. The room where we were imprisoned There is only one person here. Now you also have only one person..."

Yamabe Koichi's expression changed - although it was difficult to get useful information during the past few days of being imprisoned, he remembered that there were at least four men in black. But now...

This means that there is a man in black who is not here but somewhere else.

If that person comes back, he happens to meet Masao Eri who has escaped...

"Come over and have a look." Jiang Xia obviously thought of the same possibility and looked worried, "Don't worry about this - there are not many of them now. When they find that the hostages have disappeared, they will easily get confused and won't search the surroundings carefully. . I hide nearby, observe the direction they leave, and then catch them all - otherwise if I miss this time, I will be in trouble if I try to catch them again."

"..." Yamabe Koichi sighed. The young man is really brave... In comparison, he had no intention of subduing the gangsters alone. He just wanted to call the police as soon as possible and then lead his colleagues to round him up.

He tried to persuade her a few times, but Jiang Xia made up her mind and refused to leave. Yamabe Hiroshi assessed the situation rationally - judging from the situation when Jiang Xia came in and knocked down the man in black, he was probably not the kind of ordinary citizen who could directly knock out the resisting citizen. If the argument continues, the second-in-command holding a rifle and grenades will easily find out the clues, and no one will be able to escape by then.

In comparison, the building's terrain is complex. The remaining two robbers probably didn't expect that there would be someone like Jiang Xia who refused to leave after escaping danger and insisted on hiding near them to observe their whereabouts... As long as he called the police quickly enough, Jiang Xia would not be easily exposed.

Thinking again about his newlywed wife who was running outside alone and might encounter the man in black at any time, Yamabe Koichi still did not dare to waste time. Anxiously and guiltily, he left in the direction Jiang Xia pointed out and chased Masuo Eri.

Jiang Xia looked at his retreating back and breathed out a sigh of relief.

Clearance successful.

Now, except for the man in black, he is the only one here, and no one will see what he wants to do... wonderful.

Jiang Xia returned to the house, closed the door silently, and covered the mouth of the man in black who had been knocked unconscious and shook him awake. While he was still dazed, he quickly knocked out his murderous aura.

Then he tied the person tightly, gagged the person and threw him away. He took the swinging stick and walked happily to the last room filled with the aroma of chicken rolls.

Haven't had lunch today. When you get Murderous Qi later, rub a stick of ghost mint to try it first. Although there is still a lot of high-end murderous aura stored in the pattern space, there is really not much that smells very hungry...

A little further in time.

The three children who had sneaked into the abandoned building were searching floor by floor, trying to confirm where the men in black were hiding.

On the way, they heard deliberately soft footsteps approaching on the stairs.

The three of them hid and took a peek, and saw a woman running downstairs in a hurry, her figure disappearing around the corner of the stairs.

"She is a big sister." Yoshida Ayumi reported in a low voice to the other two companions of the Youth Detective Team, "She is very beautiful and dressed very quietly. She must be a good person!"

"She should be the victim who was kidnapped by people in black. There was a lot of dust on her clothes and there were rope marks on her wrists." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya remembered what he had just seen and imitated Jiang Xia and touched his chin. He whispered, "Including the man who was sniping on the roof, there are two victims in total. This must be a gang of human traffickers!"

After reaching a consensus, the three children originally wanted to find the victim and ask about the specific situation here to facilitate their subsequent operations.

However, by the time they caught up to the stairs, no one could be seen - Masuo Eri was an adult with long legs after all, and with her explosive speed when escaping, even a weak woman could run very fast.

The three children sighed. I had to look back at the corridor and then at the steps.

The hostage just ran down from above, indicating that the robber's den is probably not on the current level.

They originally wanted to go up the stairs. But then I thought: What should I do if the robbers chase me down?

So he retreated into the corridor again, planning to go up from the other side.

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