Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 81 Edogawa Fumiyo and her conscience

Kudo Yukiko is also a legendary figure who holds the template for the protagonist - she was once the island country's leading actress. She became popular all over the world when she was 19 years old. She got married and retired at the age of 20, becoming a legend in the island country's entertainment industry.

Now, more than ten years later, Kudo and his wife have already settled in the United States.

This time they came back suddenly because Dr. Ali said that their son had become a primary school student.

The couple realized the danger of the black organization and planned to take their son to the United States.

Of course, they also know that their son is very stubborn, so telling him directly may not work. So the two planned to join forces with Dr. A Li to put on a play - pretending to be members of the black organization, so that Conan could see the consequences of his identity being exposed.

Kudo Yukiko had learned the art of disguise before.

The fat woman Jiang Xia saw just now was the "Edogawa Fumiyo" she disguised as.

When Jiang Xia walked back to the closet, she found two ghosts still hanging on her arms, so she gave them a brief explanation.

Miyano Akemi breathed a sigh of relief, squirmed to the side with relief, and went to warm up the stove with squinted eyes.

Xiaobai continued to be excited.

——Kinoshita Yoko is a die-hard fan of Kudo Yukiko. In the past, Xiaobai followed her and watched all of Kudo Yukiko's works and even various interviews dozens of times.

Jiang Xia saw its QvQ expression and realized that this kid wanted his mother to get a chance to watch the idol. a filial ghost.

But now, Kudo Yukiko has carried Conan away. There is no murderous spirit or ghost in these two people, so it is difficult to track, and Jiang Xia will have something to do later.

Jiang Xia could only say: "I'll ask when I get back from recording the show."

Xiaobai was perfunctory, and he let go of his hand with satisfaction, and squeezed next to Miyano Akemi to warm up the stove together.

After nearly half an hour, Jiang Xia picked up the two ghosts by the stove, shook them to make them plump and juicy again, then changed into clothes and prepared to go to the recording location.

It snows heavily today and it will be very cold while riding a motorcycle.

Jiang Xia originally wanted to take a taxi, but when he took a look on the street, he found that there was a traffic jam outside.

After a little inquiry, Jiang Xia guessed that this was the fault of the Kudos. In order to escape from the clutches of the "woman in black", Conan stepped on the accelerator of Yukiko Kudo at a red light intersection, created chaos, and successfully escaped. The result was so much chaos that traffic order has not yet been restored.

Jiang Xia sighed and thought it was better to take the subway.

Although his home is a little far away from the subway station, it is definitely faster than squirming in a car.

When she was approaching the subway station, Jiang Xia turned her head and saw a woman in black walking out of the convenience store.

The familiar fat figure, the familiar weird short hair, the familiar sharp-rimmed glasses...

It turned out to be Kudo Yukiko in disguise.

...Fate is so wonderful.

Jiang Xia pressed Xiaobai, who was suddenly excited, and recalled the situation.

At this time, Kudo Yukiko should have tied Conan to a certain abandoned house.

As for now, why is Kudo Yukiko here... Maybe it's because the process of waiting for Conan to wake up is too boring, so this restless fun-loving aunt wants to buy some magazines and other things to take back to pass the time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia glanced at Xiaobai subconsciously.

I found that in order to look cute, its expression had changed into the shape of "QAQ".

Jiang Xia is highly resistant to cute attacks.

However, Kinoshita Yoko did help him a lot this time. If you can take Kinoshita Yoko's idol by the way, you can repay a favor by borrowing flowers to offer to the Buddha.

As for Kudo Yukiko who was abducted as a flower...she probably won't suffer any loss. Jiang Xia can save her son who is very good at committing suicide a few more times.

There is actually little hope in abducting people. After all, Kudo Yukiko has other business matters.

However, judging from the results, Conan will not follow them to the United States, so this "business" is in vain.

Besides, giving it a try won't waste much time, and Kudo Yukiko has a very out-of-the-box personality, and she always thinks of one thing at a time when doing things. What if she can't think about it for a moment and follows her...

Jiang Xia first secretly adjusted his aura.

Then he caught up from behind and said hello like Jiang Xia Tongzhi did when he was a child: "Yukiko..." Halfway through the words, Jiang Xia silently swallowed the word "aunt" and changed the title to "sister."

Kudo Yukiko paused in her steps, turned around in surprise, and recognized that this was a neighbor's child.

She was so excited when she was called "Sister" - there were not many good children with such discerning eyes, so she smiled and stretched out her hand, trying to touch her head like before.

However, when she raised her hand, Kudo Yukiko suddenly froze when she saw her chubby hand that she had disguised herself with.

...Yes, she is still dressed like Edogawa Fumiyo now.

Why does Jiang Xia...

Kudo Yukiko was stunned for a moment, and figured out the possible exposure points in her mind - everyone's walking posture is unique, and as long as you are familiar enough, you can recognize someone if you see a silhouette from a distance.

Kudo Yukiko noticed this detail when she kidnapped Conan before. But deliberately changing her walking posture was actually quite tiring, so just now, she thought there were no acquaintances around, so she resumed her accustomed walking posture.

Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Jiang Xia.

...Speaking of which, the last time I saw Jiang Xia was a long time ago. Jiang Xia could still recognize her through this. She was really very observant. No wonder Dr. A Li said that Jiang Xia had already become a somewhat famous detective in a short time.

Kudo Yukiko looked at Jiang Xia, lost in thought.

...In normal times, it would be okay to stop and chat.

But now, she dressed up like this to scare her son by pretending to be a member of the black organization.

If they start a conversation, Jiang Xia will definitely ask her why she is dressed like this. If she is honest... No, there is no way to tell the truth! The black organization is so dangerous, how can it casually involve the neighbor's children?

Thinking of this, Kudo Yukiko's hand reaching for Jiang Xia's head deflected, turned temporarily, and patted Jiang Xia's shoulder.

She laughed awkwardly in the voice of an aunt: "Hahaha, the young man has such a sweet mouth. Auntie hasn't been called sister in many years." I hope Jiang Xia can treat her as an ordinary aunt, thinking that she has recognized the wrong person...

However, Jiang Xia's reaction was different from what Kudo Yukiko expected.

——Although he was stunned for a moment, he did say the words that Kudo Yukiko expected, "Sorry, I got the wrong person."

But before that, Jiang Xia looked at her carefully for a while, then lowered his eyes and turned away looking a little sad.

That look didn't look like "accidentally saying hello to someone I didn't know", but rather "I'm so sad that the neighbor aunt I used to know doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

"..." Kudo Yukiko's conscience ached.

...If you think about it carefully, the neighbor's children have always been very cautious compared to their peers. Sometimes a group of children guess riddles together. Even if Jiang Xia sees it in advance, he won't say anything if there is any uncertainty. Compared with other normal children who have a little guess and immediately speak out loud, it is very different.

In other words, this time, Jiang Xia probably confirmed in her heart that she was Kudo Yukiko, and then came to say hello.

And after so many years, Jiang Xia still remembers that she corrected him not to call him "Aunt Yukiko" but "Sister Yukiko"... What a good child! I could actually scream at this Edogawa Auntie's outfit, but I...

Kudo Yukiko's conscience trembled.

She looked at Jiang Xia's lonely back, and felt that she was really a sinful woman - it was too much, how could a human being be so excessive!

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