Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 840 Belmode: Please drive well and please give me a monthly pass o(〃▽

Chapter 840 Belmod: Drive well and please give me a monthly pass o(〃'▽'〃)o

Nakamura Yusuke said solemnly: "This band is my life. I originally thought that the other members also loved it... But just now, after the concert, when I passed the stairs, I happened to see Yukiko at the corner of the stairs, talking to Ma Mr. Bear separated.

"Actually, I have heard some rumors about job-hopping before, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought it was false. I didn't expect..."

At that time, Watanabe Yukiko finished her answer and went to take the elevator nearby.

Nakamura Yusuke stopped her in anger and shock and asked her if she was really going to leave the band as rumored.

Watanabe Yukiko suddenly saw the captain and was startled: just now she specifically asked to leave separately from Ma Kuma Atsushi in order to prevent others from seeing the poaching matter. I didn't expect it to be exposed so quickly, and it happened to be seen by the captain.

She felt a little guilty at first, but then became confident and responded with a sneer: "Yeah, can't you?"

When Nakamura Yusuke heard her tone, he was filled with anger: "You were constantly fired because you just grabbed every opportunity to be in the limelight, let the record company notice you, and ignored teamwork... You joined us at that time. How can we guarantee it!"

"Captain, how old are you now? You are so naive. Can what you said during the interview count?" Yukiko Watanabe snorted coldly and brushed her hair that hung down to her waist.

The past of her embarrassing job-hopping was suddenly exposed, and she felt a fire in her heart: "Besides, if it weren't for me, would this rubbish band like you have been able to survive until now? - You should be honored to be the stepping stone for my debut!"


These words became her last words.

In front of everyone.

When Yusuke Nakamura finished speaking, he knelt down and covered his face in pain: "I always thought that they all loved this band as much as I did. Who knew she actually..."

He punched the ground angrily.

Following the clues they just heard, the police officers went to various places to collect evidence and clean up the mess.

Mao Lilan looked at Yusuke Nakamura who looked haggard after his ruse was exposed, and remembered the very friendly man he looked like before, and sighed.

She briefly took notes at the scene, and then planned to go home with a few companions.

But after looking around, I only found Conan who was hiding in the corner, talking to someone on the phone, and looking quite happy.

Jiang Xia and "Miss Zhuzhong" disappeared.

Mao Lilan: "...?"

Next to her, Miwako Sato saw her looking around and guessed what Mao Lilan was looking for: "The lady just took Jiang Xia and said she wanted to relax. They made an appointment to take notes and then left."

After a pause, I thought of Jiang Xia's bad hobbies such as knocking people off and racing, and then I thought about the young woman just now who was wearing a torn midriff-baring outfit, fishnet stockings, a strange hair color, and a faint smell of alcohol...

Officer Sato was silent for a moment and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Is Miss Takenaka your friend? I've never seen her before."

... Could it be that Jiang Xia not only likes "bad hobbies" but also prefers "bad" styles when it comes to people?

Mao Lilan was startled, smiled and waved her hand: "She's Jiang Xia's friend. It's the first time I've met her today - although I forgot to ask, I guess she is Jiang Xia's assistant! Just like Watson next to Sherlock Holmes. "

...This is an answer that Officer Sato never imagined.

It took her several seconds, but she couldn't match the number between "Miss Takenaka" and "Watson" who looked pretty, tall and wearing ripped fishnet stockings.

In the end, he could only blink in confusion: "...Huh?"

At this time, the fake Holmes and the bad Watson are already on the road to racing.

"Where are you going?" Belmode was sitting in the passenger seat - this was her car, but Jiang Xia was driving it now.

At the scene just now, Jiang Xia suddenly whispered that he was going for a ride, and then asked Belmod to invite him to go with him... Of course Belmode did not refuse. She thought of Kogoro Mouri who was unknown where he was at this time, and she always felt that the two things were probably related - Usa probably had finished directing one case and was not very happy, so he took her to the next one. That's the scene with Mouri Kogoro.

Plus, even if it’s not…

Belmod thought that he would definitely follow and observe Uzo's situation.

——There are not many opportunities to be alone like this. Besides, it's not even ten o'clock yet, and the night is still very long. At least for her, a night owl, the nightlife had just begun.

But speaking of going for a ride…

Belmode took a look at Uzo, who was no better than a motorcycle when driving a car. He was even ready to drive the car up the wall when passing the bridge a few times. He was silent for a moment, feeling a little confused:

In the latest information given by Gin, didn't it say that Uzo didn't like driving, so he hasn't bought a car yet?

Why now...

Is this also intermittent?

"..." Of course, you can't just listen to Gin's words. Belmode always felt that this was just because Gin was suspicious by nature, so he exaggerated and misinterpreted some details that were originally meaningless - maybe Uzo didn't buy a car simply because he preferred motorcycles and public transportation, after all, the former was Personal hobby, and the latter allows him to meet more "interesting" people.

Next to him, Jiang Xia was holding the steering wheel, his eyes occasionally scanning the scenery passing by on both sides.

When Belmod asked about the destination, he casually said: "Go to a good place with beautiful scenery."

"..." Belmode glanced at the dark sky outside the window. The scenery he could see at this time, plus the direction Uzo was driving...

She remembered a scenic spot: "Dongdu Beach Bridge?"

It is a bridge several hundred meters long, with an upper and lower structure. In addition to its function as a "bridge", it was also given the function of an "attraction" at the beginning of its design. At night, the lights change with the seasons. Many people like to pass by there while driving, stop to enjoy the scenery and chat before continuing their journey.

Belmode has also been there several times for various reasons.

"That's right." Jiang Xia nodded, with a hint of expectation hidden in his tone, "Look at the bridge, but also look at other things."

after a while.

Belmode finally saw the so-called "something else".

Before arriving at the viewing point, Jiang Xia reduced the speed of the car.

In the night, this originally eye-catching sports car became extremely low-key, quietly blending into the crowd of people watching the scenery.

Belmode glanced around, and his eyes quickly froze in front of him.

——A car was parked more than ten meters away.

A man and a woman were leaning against the car, laughing and chatting.

Illuminated by car lights and street lights, it was not difficult to see the faces of the two people clearly. The woman was very strange, and Belmode had never seen her before.

But she recognized the man who was laughing loudly.

——It was Kogoro Mouri who had been stared at by Uzo for a while.

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